Should I Let My Sine Smoke Cannabis

Why does smoking weed make my friend throw up?

I answered a similar question regarding stomach discomfort and marijuana here if you would like to take a look.When THC enters into your system, it goes into your blood and makes its way throughout the body. Eventually, it will reach your brain where it hijacks the areas associated with movement, memory, emotion, sensory info, and hunger. Remember that the effects of THC on every individual is different and so while some may find the new sensations as relaxing and euphoric, others may find it as alarming and nauseating. This is typically due to the effects on your movement, heightened senses, and hunger(increased blood flow to the stomach due to the hijacking of the hypothalmus, the area responsible for hunger).The best way to prevent nausea while smoking marijuana is to get good sleep, eat well, be sufficiently hydrated prior to smoking, and to pace oneself while smoking. By taking small tokes, you can gradually work your way to the high you are comfortable with. My gauge has always been that the “on-set” or come-up is 40% of what I should expect to feel. Further more, go into smoking with a clear and undistracted mind. Keep water around at all times and if the high is intense, allow yourself to go through it and let yourself trip. Once you are in the rabbit hole, the only thing you can do is keep going. It doesn’t last forever and these intense trips are typically associated with epiphanies and moments of self-realization. You would be amazed what you can find out.Also your friend could just be allergic to cannabis, either by the THC, CBD, or any other compounds present in your bud. If this is the case, sorry to your friend.Hope this answer helped!

Why am I such an inconsistent person?

It was almost scarey reading your question because it reminded me so much of me. I really feel like a can really read people, and it almost seems that some people feel uncomfortable around me- not sure why when I am a very friendly person! I have always kind of felt like I have never fit in properly, and at times I have gotten pretty sad over it. A couple of years ago I dealt with social anxiety so bad that I finally went to a doctor for it- I was prescribed medicine and it helped a lot!!! It helped more with getting me to feel comfortable to leave my house, but I still lack the ability to spark conversation with people I don't know (or even know.) I totally understand where you said that one day you could feel on top of things and the next day not..... I have mentioned this to my doctor because I thought that I might have ADHD, but she didn't think so nor did she really think it was an issue???
I'm sorry that I do not have a solution for you, but I just wanted to respond to let you know that you are not alone:)


Why does my toilet randomly run for 3 seconds and stop every 15-30 minutes"?

We replaced our old blue toilet (whatever year that was a color choice) with a brand new one last spring. Within the last 6 months or so it will randomly run for a few seconds and stop on and off all day and all night. Why would it be doing this? It is an Eljer from Menards, one of thr energy effient kind. Sine replacing the old blue toilet our water bill has dropped at least $30. But it still does not explain the random running. Suggestions?

Why are bags of weed called a 10 bag or a 20 bag??????

10 bag(aka the "dime" sack) = 10 bucks worth or a gram.
20 bag(or a 20 sac) = 20 bucks worth or 2 grams.

"eighth" = 3.5 grams for 25 bucks.
"quarter"= 7 grams goes for 45 bucks.

I accidentally left a big pot of turkey meatballs and red sauce out overnight. Is it safe to eat?

First my credentials - I am a National Restaurant Association Serve Safe (R) certified instructor, and am a FSMA and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) and Quality Control consultant on an international level.Now let's analyze the risk: Not all foods are potentially hazardous. We leave butter, oil, fruit, vegetables, dry foods, canned foods, cooked bacon, etc at room temperature. There are milks that are shelf stable, hams that don't need to be refrigerated, all because either the pH/water activity isn't suitable for bacterial growth. So the fact of being at room temperature isn't sufficient to determine the risk.Turkey is poultry and is a pre-cooked item so is potentially hazardous due to salmonella (poultry) and Listeria (cooked Meats). Presuming the meatballs were heated last night to at least 165 degrees for at least 5 seconds at or above that temperature, the bacteria that would have existed on the meatballs or sauce would have been killed. That is IF it reached that temperature to the center of the meatball (salmonella is ON THE SURFACE of raw turkey, but becomes mixed to the core when ground).If you are unsure if it reached that temp, the risk is that there could be contamination, and, at between 43 degrees and 140 degrees F, bacteria grows (temperature danger zone). The longer it is in that zone, the greater the growth. If you killed 98% of the bacteria last night, and it sat out for 8 hours in the danger zone, then that 2% would definitely grow.If you bought the meatballs pre-cooked from the grocer, then it is a good presumption that they killed all bacteria in the plant before freezing. Unless anyone in your house handled the meatballs without washing hands, introducing cross-contamination, there is very little risk that the meatballs are unsafe to eat.But, unless they're so amazing and you can't bear the thought of tossing them, I'd dump them. But if you choose not to, the chances are very slim they'll make you sick.

Does Marijuana use get you closer to God?

After reading many opinions on the internet regarding Marijuana use and God, I'm disturbed by many people's belief on how the use of Marijuana can help them get closer to God. I really feel I have to share my thoughts on this subject. For over two thousand years, Jesus has been showing us how to get close to God. Without going into too much theology, the key to getting closer to God is living a life by Jesus' example and prayer. God has given us hundreds of saints that live their lives by Jesus' example. I can't think of any saint in history that has used a mind altering substance before they prayed to God. The most holiest people I can think of won't use a mind altering substance to get connected to God. The most spiritual people of today never publish the use of Marijuana to get closer to God.

I'm aware that the high from Marijuana gives a euphoric affect where someone would think they are aware of the universe and feel they can connect to God this way. Well to me, they are sadly mistaken. Getting close to God and altering your mind with a chemical substance, in my opinion are complete opposites.

Yes, God allowed this plant to exists. Yes, people have the choice to use this plant to alter their minds. Yes, this is a rhetorical question, does God really want people to use drugs?