Should I Send Him A Message Asking How He

Can I send a message to him that I tell him how much I miss him?

If this would be a one word answer then I would clearly say that you should message him.But before you send him a message I would suggest you to message him only once if you get a satisfactory answer or reply then you must start the conversation again but if you don't receive a satisfactory or I can say no reply then I think there is no need to message him again. Because he is giving you a clear signal that he is not interested in you as if he doesn't reply or message you. And he is also giving you a hint to not message him again.But I know it's very hard to not message the person whom you are missing. You always feel depressed when he didn't give you a reply. You always want to receive message from him, you keep checking his profile to see his last seen and every time when you receive any message or notification you always check your mobile as soon as possible hoping it's a message from him.Please ignore grammatical errors as I am in a learning mode. Tnxs for reading my answer. Please comment or message me if you have any suggestions for me.

Should I send him another message asking how he is because I haven't heard from him, wait for him to say something or just move on?

Honestly, I feel you can text the guy. You did say you would text him next week. There's no harm in that. But like Mr. Jeff Fields said, “Respect the man studying law, and he may not have that much time for anything”.And who knows, next week might or could be that week for you both to hang out. But just don't be aggressive. What I'm saying is “ Don't push him over the edge with wanting to hang”. I've done that with a guy, and wondered why he would always say certain things. He eventually said to me “I think your a nice guy, but you were so aggressive with you always wanting to hangout”. What he was saying is that “Even though I gave him space to think and/or breathe…I remained to still text him without giving him the opportunity to text me back”.Now I understand that everyone has their own life, and have things to do. But if you text someone the day you said you say you would then give yourself credit. It shows your a honest human being and showing interest with care. And if the person your texting is not even trying to reply back, or just short coming you with the okays, great, sure, and so on then I would just go on and continue to move forward. Because think about it….your time is just a fragile as anyone else.And if this guy want to hang he'll come around. You already said you'll text him next week. Continue to do so by texting him next week, and if he is still unavailable for some reason just say “I understand” and move forward with your life.He is studying law and his time may be short for a little leisure, but that don't mean yours have to. So go have fun, hang with your friends, or simply just continue to have time to yourself. Eventually he'll come around. He's got your number, and he knows how to reach you, or he should.

SHY GUYS, should I send him this message?

2 days ago I sent this guy that I have a crush on a message thru facebook asking how his summer is going. We both had a class together last fall semester, so its been a while. At the time I didn't want to date and when I like a guy, I tend to avoid them lol so he probably thought it was unexpected. He was really shy in class but I'm pretty sure that he liked me because he would act a little nervous around me, avoid eye contact, but he would wait for me after we had tests so we could talk about it and he also was the one that added me on facebook.
I know that he has read my message because facebook tells us now lol (God, I feel like a stalker!) but I'm not sure why he wouldn't reply to a simple message asking how his summer is going... Should I explain myself? I was thinking about sending him this:
I’m sorry this probably sounds so out of the blue lol it really is I guess, but we never really got a chance to talk that much when we had math class together and I would really like to get to know you more! If you feel the same way, think about texting me sometime, my number is 1234567891 :)
I really do like him and I'm tired of obnoxious arrogant guys asking me out! He seems really nice and we both have a lot in common, I just really don't want to screw it up or scare him off... help? lol THANK YOU :)

Should I message my ex and ask him what's up?

The short answer: NO! Do NOT "message" your "ex".When you "miss him sometimes" that is natural. You've had some common history together: Good times and bad times. You'll remember that for quite some time and there will always be times -especially when you're feeling lonely- when you miss him very much. But these are the times when you must stand firm and look forward. There is stuff that doesn't taste so well if you recook it. YOU told him "Stop stalking me." And he complied and sticks to it. He's probably already moved on...So, do yourself a favour: Move on too. There are plenty of nice guys out there. One of them is for you. He just doesn't know it yet. Make sure he finds out... Good luck! ;)

I asked a guy out about a month ago by sending him a video in Facebook message but he still hasn't seen the message. Should I ask him out again?

Well, they say (or used to), "Faint heart ne'er won fair maid." Turnabout is fair in love and war. Go for it. Don't worry about the old message. If things work out, it won't matter if there are a few moments of awkwardness, Although I don't really see why his finally seeing the old message would be awkward. If he doesn't want to go out with you, he won't; if he does , he will.

Yesterday I sent a message to a guy who proposed to me before but suddenly called it off. Since that day I never contacted him again. Is it okay to ask about how is he doing casually, as a friend?

The presence of those last two words... "as a friend".  That kills me.How exactly does one casually ask questions as a friend?  What other options are there?  Asking as a lover?  Asking as an enemy?  Or... did you use that little phrase "as a friend" to indicate that you were wondering how to contact this person and show concern (so he would think well of you) without encouraging him to think that you want to be more than a friend?  Because honestly, your use of those little three words comes across more like you are asking about how to modify how he think of you... instead of using those three words to describe how you would act.There is a massive difference between doing something as a friend... and doing something that would make someone treat you like a friend.  One involves actually being a friend.  The other involves manipulating someone so they get the impression you want.So... let's be clear... if you want to be a friend, you be a friend.  If you are more concerned with him thinking you are a friend, you need to re-examine your motives.With all that out of the way... I'm still trying to understand the rest of this.Yesterday you sent a message to a guy.He proposed to you at some point but called it off.Since that day he called it off, you never contacted him again.Wait... I thought you said you sent him a message yesterday?  What did the message you sent say?  Did you already ask him how he is doing, and you are here now asking this question because you are wondering why he hasn't replied yet?  Are you really looking to establish communication with him to find out why he called off the engagement?If he doesn't reply to the message you sent yesterday, the question is moot, since you won't be able to ask him anything, let alone how he is.  Rather, you can message him all you like, but there isn't anything you can do to make him respond with the information you want in the manner you want... if he doesn't want to.

Why do guys always ask me to send picture messages of my vagina?

.That one causes me to wonder also. I can see why they'd ask for nude photos, but up close pics of a cooch just aren't pretty...and they'd never know if what you sent was yours or someone elses (plenty of porn out there to hijack).

No accounting for taste I guess. I dig the nude male form as a whole, and yet guys like to send pics of just their "johnson" as if that's their only selling point. Kinda sad.

My boyfriend doesn't respond to my messages, but he has read them. Should I be worried?

I feel you. My boyfriend is like your guy. He's a bad texter. Hehehe.. I used to be bothered by it before and we would fight over it but not anymore. I think what resolved it was communicating my feelings to him.Before, I would just sulk in the corner and feel sorry for myself. Over think things and get mad at him. Of course, he would be defensive every time I would confront him and civil war starts. And I got tired of it - - so one time, I asked him if he still wants to continue what we have coz I am tired of fighting over small things. He said I was being silly and of course he wants us to be together still. But in my mind, I was so hurt and I just shut down. I didn't text him or call him for days. He would initiate the conversations and sometimes, I would ignore him because I was still hurting and in my mind, I knew that it was just temporary - - that he would do it again. I think he felt it and he thought he was losing me already (which was true). So he asked me what's wrong, and that's when I told him how I felt. I knew this issue is small thing but we're in a long distance relationship and I get crammy when I don't hear anything from him. Every now and then, he would go back to being a bad texter but I try to understand and give him the space he needs. When I feel upset, I made sure that I did not attack him or blame him for how I was feeling. I owned my emotions and expressed myself. And that's when he understood where I was coming from. We are still together and when he is too busy, he tells me that he is snowed under with work, or he's in a meeting or what not.. That way, I know what's keeping him occupied and I would give him the space he needs to focus on them. As soon as he's done, (no matter what time it is) he would send me sweet nothings and I would do the same.Communication is the key. Don't be afraid to tell him about your feelings. Own your emotions and never blame him for feeling that way. Include him in searching for solutions on how to resolve your differences. Say something like, "what do you think we can do to resolve this? Or what do you think we can do so I won't feel this way?"Take care

Should I wait for my ex to message me after being unblocked, or should I message him?

If he is doing the blocking and unblocking game, you need to go NO CONTACT with him. This is a game that my last Narc liked to play. I would catch him in a lie or bring up something horrible he did, and boom, I was blocked. It is their way of being a CHILD. How dare you call them out on their bullshit, you are getting blocked for even suggesting that they are not God! This will go on for as long as you allow it. And just for the record, when he unblocks you, he is waiting to see how fast you will notice you are unblocked and how fast you will send him a message. If it is fast, he knows he still has you under his spell. It is a form of power and control. By playing his game, you are informing him that he holds the power over you. He likes this. He can do whatever he wants to you and you will still come crawling back. Stop feeding his ego and playing his childish games. Go No contact and find someone that doesn’t play childish, five year old games.