Should I Send This Text

Should I send her a goodnight text?

Hey all. So I have been talking to this girl who's about three years older than I am; I'm 22. At first I thought I had absolutely no shot but after some time talking to her she's been texting me and messaging me frequently asking how I'm doing/what I'm up to/etc.. Today she invited me out to hang with her and her friends but I unfortunately had a lot of work with my clinicals and practicals for the hospital. We usually stay up until anywhere between 2-3 am talking to one another but tonight she's out with her girlfriends so I wanted to give her all the space possible. I usually play the waiting game and have girls text me but since I'm actually into her I'm thinking of texting her a simple "Hope you had fun today, I just wanted to say good night" text. Would this make me look dumb? I think I may be over-thinking things (ha-ha) Thanks for any input.

Should I send her this text? yes or no?

So their is this girl I like we text and talk all of the time. Recently she has been texting me in the morning and we have short conversations before we both go to work. So one day while we were texting I sent her a text asking her can I see her soon and she replied with sure. Then I sent another text saying that I'll call you to make plans and she responded with okay. I was thinking of sending her text asking her what would you like to do. Should I send the text or just come up with something myself. What do you guys think and does she seem interested in me because I really like her.

Should I send this risky text?

So ive known this guy since kindergarten and in fifth grade we became really close and we talked all the time since then. We were best friends and we pretty much fell in love but i always missed my chance and said that i dont wanna lose our friendship..but i wish i had just said yes. Now were freshmen in high school and we drifted apart to the point of not even answering each others messages. now it just seems like he's sort of annoyed with me but he says hes just tired... a few months ago i wrote something and i wanna tell him about it. should i send him this message so he knows how i feel? "Alright well i dont care if you respond or not anymore but i want to get this off my shoulders then i wont bother you anymore. I know im probably embarassing myself and your just gonna laugh at this and tell your friends about it but if youre still the same guy you were before, you would do the right thing and respect it. Anyways i wrote this is January and i just found it.. This probably isnt gonna change anything, but here is is. 'So here i am, i guess, thinking about, how once again, i missed my chance just like i do every single time. Its January 2nd and you have a girlfriend and I feel like an idiot. It happens like this way too much. I always screw it up when i have a chance. If you ever let me back into your life, i wont waste it ever again. Youre the greatest guy ive ever met and this is corny but i havent stopped liking you for a minute since 5th grade. You were always there when i needed you and even though we dont talk much anymore I just hope we can get along like we used t, when we were best friends and we loved each other like siblings, and we were so happy. I miss my chance everytime and im such a screwup for that. Remember when we used to text every day, with smiley faces? and tell eachother how much we loved talking to eachother? i never forgot that and i never will. you never failed to make me feel good about myself. I know im a *****, you might hate me and you think i hate you, but just know that i would never be able to hate you...I would give anything for those talks that lasted the whole day...take me back ..and i promise ill try not to screw it up.' Sorry that was so long.. I just need some advice..should i send it? P.S. hes single now.

When should I send a New Year Text to this guy?

at 12:00 AM Dec31st intoJan 1st.. and something flirty would be: Happy New Year, lots of cheer, come see me and have a beer. Had you on my text message list, come see me for your New Years 2007 KISS! :-)

Should I send him " goodbye " text or just let him go?

1 year ago I was in a similar situation.We both were in love and been together for two years.We had been through everything a couple has to go through and I believed he was going to take it one step further by asking me to marry him.I gave him lots of hints what i wanted from him.He kept avoiding the topic.I became very impatient and moody.He wanted to talk about everything except marriage.I did everything to keep him happy.I cooked for him, did his laundry, i even shopped for his clothes.I so desperately wanted him to put a ring on it.At the end I just could not bear his silence on the topic.I felt it was going no where.You give so much and get nothing in return you know you have to move on from that relationship.I decided to end it and damn it was so hard.I spent evenings crying and thinking how to let go of him and tell him the things I wanted from him that he never gave me.I sat and wrote him an email writing everything i felt.I told him how much I loved him but staying together has become difficult because we both want different things.I waited very long and would have loved to be his wife but i guess he wasn't mentally prepared for it.I poured my heart out in that email.After I finished writing I felt so calm as though the burden on my chest was lifted that I had been carrying along from so long.I packed my bags and left his home.Although he was hurt by all that he accepted eventually that he wasn't ready to give me what i wanted.I have started dating another man and he isn't all that commitment phobic.My ex and I still talk.He still claims that he loves me and misses me but I guess its in the past now.So, I would suggest you tell him all that you feel very honestly.Atleast you both deserve a proper closure.I think having a proper closure really helps to free the mind.You can carry on with less burden,guilt and frustration.Either tell him personally or write to him and tell all your disappointments and what all you expected from him and the relationship.A proper communication and mutual break up is better than running away or ending it abruptly.End it maturely and wish eachother good luck for future and move on with your lives. I hope I helped in someway.

I haven't heard from him. Should I send him a text?

No, don’t do it!If you want him, go get busy doing something else meaningful to your life. I have read quality research from Men’s Health magazine that lays it all out — men are not stupid, they know you are there. If they want to be with you, they will be in touch. If they aren’t calling then they are not wanting to be with you. It is as simple as that.I am a progressive and a feminist and everything in me aches to tell you to make contact with him. But it simply does not work. It kills his attraction towards the woman in virtually every case. You will make him feel guilty perhaps, you have a small chance he will re-evaluate you — but chances are almost certain it isn’t going to win you the man.The thing you can do is show that you respect him by giving the guy his space. And the reason you do that is because you have your own excellent life to be getting on with. So —go make yourself an excellent life. Distract yourself with every good thing you can think of. Out with friends, to the cinema, with a good book, distracted with a television programme. If you aren’t busy then make yourself be. One day soon you will be in a relationship and your ability to give your guy his space will enhance his contentedness with you.If you can’t stop thinking of him then think up something you don’t like about him (no matter how tiny it might be) and exaggerate it in your mind. (He’s 5′8″ so make him 5′2″ and ridicule it). Every time you wish to contact him, think of that negative thing and ramp it up even higher (envision a party where all the men are 6′3″ and he’s even shorter than all the women). Doing this is a proven way of getting over someone because it breaks the idealisation of him that holds you in his thrall. Obviously, you don’t need to keep this image going forever, but for right now make him into a nerd/jerk/fool/pathetic human being — just in your mind, just for now. It works —I’ve done it myself.He may call you back. That’s his decision. Your goal in this moment is to keep your self-esteem intact and build strong emotional resilience.

What kind of text should I send to the boy I like when we have just met and had a really good time in a group? We had a kind of connection but he acts a little cold on texts.

I don't know. But you actually might.Here's the thing: you know him. I don't.But my best suggestion: keep it light. Get to know him. Take your time.I'm not a big texter myself. I talk. Talk to me and I'm over the moon. I love it. I like knowing someone wants to talk to me, and especially hear me.Find out what he likes, especially if he's cold over text. I think that will be important. Communication is crucial, but everyone has a different style. Learn his. Hope he's willing to learn yours.Make sure he puts in a reasonable effort, so that you don't feel like you're carrying the new relationship.But above all, have fun, take your time, and get to know him.

Should I send this text to my ex boyfriend for closure?

I want to text my ex boyfriend who's been ignoring me for 2 months of no contact after the breakup. I know there's no way we'll ever get back together and I'm happy he's moved on to someone new despite the way he's avoiding me right now, I still care about him and will continue to care for him always, even if he doesn't reciprocate.

Anyways, I can tell from the flirting between him and this girl on facebook (all over my news feed, unfortunately) that he is seeing someone new.

I would like, hopefully, for us to remain friends in the future, because we did share some great times and got along great. I suppose he's avoiding me for his own personal reasons and ignoring my calls, but I would still like to try to be the mature one here and try to establish a civil and friendly relationship with my ex.

So, I plan on texting him this message:

"Hey. So its clear that you've moved on to someone new and I'm happy for you and hope everything works out for you =] "

How soon should I send a text to a girl who gave me her number on Tinder?

A young lady gave me her number on Tinder and told me she wouldn't mind if I texted her at some point, how soon? Two days? I just don't want to do it too soon.