Should I Stay At My Academic College Even Though I Don

I am 18 and in college. I have a poor academic status. I don't have any goals, but I don't want to stay with my parents after college. What should I do?

"I am 18 and in college. I have a poor academic status. I don't have any goals, but I don't want to stay with my parents after college. What should I do?"What is your major/minor?  Why did you choose them?  Identify your reasons and you'll identify the goals you unknowingly had.Why are your grades low?  Likely because you set goals to achieve something for the wrong reasons.Why do you not want to stay with your parents?  This could help achieve your goals faster or prevent you from achieving them.  If so, why would want to do that?Set a vision of how you want your life to be remembered based on your most important values.  Some of the richest people ever discovered this late in life and gave their fortunes away.  Discover it now and you can surpass them.  Your vision sets ambition for the future and is a source for inspiration to others.Support your life's vision with a mid-life mission.  You don't want a mid-life crisis do you?  Your mission identifies the purpose for what you're doing.A GIANT vision and mission is:Grand,Inspiring,Awesome,Noble andTerrificA GIANT mission needs GIANT goals for adequate support.  GIANT goals are:Genuine,Immediate,Aligned,Non Negotiable andThrillingGIANT goals require strategic objectives that are SMART:Specific,Measurable,Achievable,Realistic andTimelyStrategic objectives should employ tactical actions to use or gain the following:TimeResourcesToolsKnowledgeExperienceQualificationsCompetence ReputationContactsRelationshipsCommitmentsPrioritizationSupportRisk ReductionI find the most common goal in life is to help people.  If you can find things you enjoy doing and combine them with a way to solve problems, you'll be enthusiastic about what your're doing and it will require less effort.  80% of results will come from 20% of your efforts.  You'll find yourself improving without the need to find motivation and it will become attractive to other people who will join you in your efforts.  It can become viral, so don't be surprised when it does.

Should I stay in college even though I'm not happy or passionate about being there?

Think long term. Maybe it needs to change what you study. Maybe look at vocational training instead. Any education is still a good foundation in case you go back.I am a professional job hopper. I was never happy with college. I would be happy with a class here and there. I habe had several certificates in things before I ever got a degree in what got me in the careers. Most jobs I had, had nothing to do with my college degree but I had to have a degree to get those jobs. LoOK at what makes you happy long term. If having a big budget taste, you may feel better staying in school for a higher paying job. If you can be happy on a modest income, then maybe look at starting to volunteer in fields while you finish you term and network for jobs, or if you like doing things on your own, maybe consider more of a vocational or job training education.Look at the lifestyle you want 1 year, 5 year or 20 years… if you decide to quit, maybe put a few dollars aside for job training or education in the years ahead.

Should you go to college even if you don't know what you want to do?

It depends. If you got into a good school and received a good financial aid package, I would say yes definitely go for it. Pick a marketable major like CS and start. If you don’t like the major change, you’ll have a solid foundation in math, science, and writing. You’ll have a structured learning around to continue to push you even if you feel lost. You’ll meet plenty of people who are also looking for their path in life, and it will make your path seem less scary, which will allow you to try new things and experiment, ultimately figure yourself out. You can continue to explore who you are and what you want your whole life, but spending a few years working at department store/ coffee shop etc. while you figure things out is a waste of time. Going to college doesn’t stop you from doing things that you want to do you, you’ll just have to be more frugal with you time.When I hear this question, it usually comes with a undertone some money issues. If you’re wondering if it is a waste of money, it is not if it’s a marketable major like STEM majors.If you can’t get into a good school and get financial aid, I would say resort to more creative methods. Ex: teach yourself to code, how to make YouTube videos, start a business, fail, learn, repeat. I would say the lack of structure in this option makes this harder than just working hard because it is very easy to just sit back and not do anything without the sense of urgency like exams.Whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Have a plan, execute, learn.

Should I go to school, even though I'm sick?

What kind of question is this? Seriously? You have to ask others if you should stay home from school? Do you feel like you can handle going? Do you feel like getting others just as sick as you are? In the end, it’s your choice, but for the health of others, I advise staying home.

What can I do about my parents forcing me to stay in college?

So I’m 20, I’ve been in college for a year and a half (I finish college completely in May) and honestly, I don’t want to stay in college. I just don’t like it and what I want to do doesn’t even require anything but a high school diploma. I asked my dad if I could drop out and this is what he said: “If you don’t have go to college, you’ll get NOWHERE in life. High school is not enough! You HAVE to finish your program!” and my mom says the exact same thing. Which is ironic since what I want requires only high school education. I have to stay here and pretty much waste four more months of my life, and honestly I’m so sick of college. I’m an adult my parents shouldn’t dictate my life, but here they are doing it. And unfortunately, dropping out is not something I can do. Even if I do drop out, they're not going to kick me out because they're not those kind of parents, but worst case, they won't pay another cent for college costs.

I want to go to college but how can I when my family and friends don't even believe in me?

Its your life and you can decide better, parents and friends can suggest good or bad but you should follow what you want. Initially people don't believe on things but happens. You must keep decision power.stay blessed and best wishes