Should I Stay Friend With Her

Should I stay friends with my coworker?

I've never kept in touch with former coworkers from past jobs. This girl who's getting fired is the only one there who has my phone number and we've worked together for a year and a half probably. Her last day is Saturday and we work together both days. The truth is though that the more I think about it, the more I'm realizing why she's getting fired for having an attitude. In the past month, she has said a lot of stuff to our boss that she shouldn't have, even if what she said is true. Our boss is a douche and it's best to just not even acknowledge him. I mean it's worked for me because in order to get me to stay once this girl leaves, they've offered me a raise and they even offered me my own store, which I turned down because it's too far of a drive.

Honestly the more I think about it, I'm pissed that she got herself fired.
I'm tired of people leaving me and there she goes. After all the times she begged me not to quit, now she's the one leaving me.
It was more of a one way friendship, where I gave her tons of stuff, loaned her money she didn't pay back, etc.
I don't know how to, or if I should, just cut contact after Saturday.

Should I stay friends with my ex Sister in Law?

I have been best friends with my sister-in-law pretty much all my life and it was through me that she met and married my brother. They were married for 15 years and split up last year (infidelity on her part). My brother is totally incensed with rage that I still keep in touch with her.

Our friendship is, and never will be, the same as it was. We don't talk regularly, maybe once a month and haven't been out together since the split.

I think we should try to keep things as 'normal' as possible as there are children involved. She took my daughter to see a movie last week and my brother is really angry with me, he said a lot of terrible things. He has been so hurt by what happened and he wants me to hate her as much as he does. But I don't.

Should I try and stay friends with her or not?

It doesn't matter who is at "fault."What matters, is that she wasn't responding to you even before the unfortunate pub story.Mourn the loss of her, and move on.  She's made her position clear.  The idea that she could believe you would send such a thing tells you everything about how little she thinks of you.Sorry for harsh.  But you deserve better.  She is a fantasy.  The real her, is not good for you.

What do I do if my crush wants to stay friends?

I think you should stay friends. It’s better than nothing, right? I was in almost the same exact situation just recently, the only difference is our age. I had a crush on him for a month or so, until I couldn’t hold it in and I told him how I felt despite knowing he had feelings for someone else. He was nice about it, but apologized said that it would be better if we were just friends. It was the response I expected, so I told him that it was okay, and that I’d rather be friends than nothing.We kept talking and I was just myself. The unique thing with him was that although I’d only known him for months, we were immediately comfortable with each other. This was even more apparent when we eventually went out on a ‘date’, which I thought of as a friend date because up until that point he was still telling me that we were only friends. There was no awkwardness — it was truly like we had been friends for the longest time.After a while and spending quality time together, things came together and he admitted to his feelings for me. Though there’s still a bit of an issue making it so that we can’t quite be official yet, I know he feels the same way and it’ll happen one day.So my advice to you is to remain friends and just act naturally, as your friend said. Ask her to hang out, as friends. Talk, text, etc. If nothing happens, then let it be. It’s not something that should be forced. At least you got to know her, right? If something does develop, then that’s great!

Should I stay friends with my ex-girlfriend?

I went through this same situation back in August with my boyfriend of 3 years! I was always the one needing "space", although, I never really went out with anyone else, I just talked to guys. I know it hurt my boyfriend very much, but sometimes couples need space from each other in order to miss each other and realize what they have. My boyfriend ended up taking a "break" from me and talking to some skank from his work that was going through a divorce. I could barely eat or sleep with the situation. I didn't know what to do because I wanted to give him space, but yet I didn't want that skank getting too close to him and him forgetting about me since they worked together! He and I had sex 2 times during the breakup and it only made it harder because I guess I thought that would get him to come back and plus it made me feel good knowing he was having sex with me and not her. We got back together the end of October and we are better than ever! I had to be in his shoes to see what it felt like for him each time. Thats my story. For you I would say do what you feel like doing and don't listen to anything else. This is a tough situation and the only way you won't regret it, is to do it your way. I personally wouldn't keep having sex and being there for her 24/7. Sounds like she is just keeping you around until she finds something better. I mean look at it this way, she still has you as a "back-up plan" pretty much. She's getting her cake and eating it too! I would listen to your heart as lame as that sounds. I would do whats best for you and tell her how you feel. Don't play nasty either because ya'll will both end up hurt. Sorry you are going through this! I hope it helps. Good luck and I'll be praying for you!

Should I remain friends or stay away from her?

I have a friend whom I have known since 7th grade and I am now in College. She has been giving me fake vibes recently and I found out that she has been saying bad things about me behind my back. We are roommates and looking for a new apartment, while I was searching for a place for the both of us, she was looking for a place for herself. Also, she is an attention seeking and acts like we are in a relationship. She is always quick to end our friendship over something petty like an argument. She claims to be such a caring and good friend yet she talks about me behind my back with both my friends and her friends. She tells her family members my business and call it not lying to them when they ask a question. She degraded my character.I wrote her a letter telling her she was two-faced and I think it is best that we live alone even though she was already doing so behind my back. Should I talk to her when I see her in public, or should I leave her alone and act like we don't know each other?

Should I stay friends with a girl who has a boyfriend? Would I be marked in the friend zone forever if I stayed as her friend even when she becomes single?

Good grief, I wish this ‘friendzone’ epidemic would end!Being friends with a girl does not mean you are undateable for her. If she finds you attractive, she finds you attractive and there may be potential. However, if she is not attracted to you, it doesn’t matter if you are friends with her or not, you are not on her dateable list. Being friends with her does not change that basic fact.The ONLY thing that being friends might do is let her get to know you better, and eventually she may think, “hey, he’s actually kind of cute” and consider dating you when she never thought about it before.If she is going to lose her attraction to you when she gets to know you, then it’s your personality that she doesn’t find attractive. If that is the case, she’d dump you after a few dates anyways. So you never had a shot, friends or not.An interesting example of this is in a certain Netflix show. In the first episode they show this supremely hot movie star guy showing up at a red carpet event. He’s dripping sex appeal. I was thinking, hey, this show’s worth watching just for that! Yet as the show progresses his character is developed, and that initial “wow” appeal went away. He’s still totally hot, but not in the, “I’d jump him” kind of way. Of course the character is also gay, but that’s not why he lost the attractiveness. It was the fact that his character’s personality just wasn’t sexy.If your personality isn’t sexy to a girl, then a relationship with her is not going to work. It does not matter whether or not you are friends first. If you like her enough to want to date her, then why would you not want to be friends with her? Makes me think you are just attracted to her looks, which is no way to choose a partner.

Should I stay friends with someone who annoys me?

I'm friends with this girl (internet only, we live in different states) and we've been friends for a couple months. We met through and we kinda added each other on Facebook and have been talking a lot since then.

She's done some things that have really made me upset and disappointed, i.e. she added all my friends and kinda stole them from me, I've also noticed that she kinda lies to people she doesn't like (calling them her best friend when she hates them), she's very moody and vents her anger to me a lot and such. It's also very frustrating to talk to her because she never holds a subject, we'll be talking about something we both like, then she'll drift onto something she knows I don't like talking about and won't let me change the subject. A lot of the time I have to lie and say I have to go just because I'm getting annoyed by her.

I haven't stopped being friends with her because she always says things like, "you mean a lot to me" or "you've helped me a lot when I was feeling suicidal" and things like that, so it makes me feel really bad about being annoyed with her. I mean, if she isn't lying to me like she does other people.

Should I end the friendship? I feel really hypocritical still being friends with her even though she annoys me, but I hate having to break off friendships. Some days I like talking to her, but other days I just can't tolerate all the moodiness and lies.