Should I Stay Home From School

When should I stay home from school?

Valid reasons for not attending school are as follows:If you have a contagious illness, even if you are not feeling unwell, you may still be able to infect others.If there is a weather forcast that would make going to school dangerous. In such instances, schools will be closed.If you are being bullied and no action is being taken to prevent this.If you feel threatened by anyone. There are some teachers and coaches that behave inappropriately towards students. You need to tell your parents if this is happening to you.School needs to be a place of safety for all.

At what point should I stay home from school if I am sick?

I had to answer this question on a weekly basis.If you are running a fever, if you are having chills and your tempurature is rising or falling, if you feel achy all over, stay home.If you have thrown up more than once, despite eating something soothing like, say, oatmeal, consider staying home.If you have pain in a limb that makes it difficult for you to use that limb, stay home, or better yet, go to the doctor and have it xrayed.If you are having abdominal cramps and loose bowel movements, or if you are 'on your period', consider staying home.If you don't feel well, tell your parent(s).  Perhaps they will be able to take your temp, take you to the doctor, or otherwise help you assess your health.

Should I stay home from school because I have a UTI?

Its painful to sit and I have to use the restroom like 5 times an hour (not an exaggeration) my stomach and back hurt and I just don't feel well but I cannot go to the doctor tomorrow.. Should I stay home from school? I have a history of frequent UTIs but this is the worst one I've had

What are the best excuses to stay home from school?

I hated school when I was a child. I had learning disabilities and struggled every day of school. I regularly faked sickness to avoid going to school.Sometimes I would just tell my mother I was not feeling wellI had heard that putting a bar of soap in your armpit would make you have a fever, it doesn’t, but I was still able to convince my mother that I was not feeling goodOne time I ate an entire box of prunes, hoping it would give my diarrhea. It didn’t, but made fill sick, so in a way, it workedI shined a table lamp in my forehead for a while, then went to my mother telling I had a feverI have has low blood pressure, so I have fainted on a number of times. I could get away with telling my mother I was feeling faintOne time I told my parents I could not see out of one of my eyes. Boy, did that backfire. I was taken to the eye doctor for a full exam. The doctor reported that there was nothing wrong with my eyesI am not sure I actually fooled my mother most of the time, But she never made me go to school if I complained that I was not feeling good

Should you stay home from school if you have a sore throat and feel sick?

Hey Jack. If you are feeling sick, to the point that you will not be able to focus in class, you should stay at home and recouperate. If you are concerned about exposing your classmates to a communicable illness like strep throat, (in the event that you have it)…that exposure has, most likely, ALREADY occurred. Communicable illnesses can usually be spread from person-to-person, days BEFORE any symptoms appear! Strep can also be spread until 24-48 hours after antibiotics have been started. If you do continue to have throat pain and develop other symptoms of strep throat such as: fever, white patches on the tonsils and/or headache/earache, it's important to see your Primary Care Provider for testing and treatment. Strep can progress to other, more serious illnesses and/or organ damage without treatment with the appropriate antibiotics. Of course, you may just have a “sore throat” and will not require prescription medication. Because a lot of illnesses can be spread unknowingly, before a person is symptomatic, the best ways to reduce the risk of contracting them are frequent hand washing and by using hand sanitizer when soap+water are not available…done every day and not just when you know that someone is sick. Keep an eye on your symptoms and take good care of yourself. I hope that you feel better soon!

How do you fake sickness to stay home from school?

Make fake vomit then run a thermometer under really hot water then put it in your mouth then poor the vomit in the toilet and neal down by the toilet. After that make your head warm then call for your parents and then they will let you stay jome from school but i would not do this because i have been home from school for a week

Should I stay home from school for period cramps?

I think you should stay home, you are obviously not going to be able to learn anything.

In my experience, ibuprofen (Advil is one brand name) will work better than aspirin or Tylenol, and if you take the ibuprofen with some caffeine, that can help even more. This still might not be enough pain relief to allow you to attend school, though. Also, try walking briskly for at least half an hour every day. This strengthens the abdominal muscles and generally tones you up, and it has been proven to mitigate period pain in most women. Again, it might not be enough pain relief, but at this point, ANYTHING is worth trying...and the worst that will happen is that you're in better shape. Even if you can't walk briskly right now, you'll work up to it.

If you haven't talked to a doctor about this, try to do so. Some doctors are not sympathetic to period pain, but these days, most are. Back when I was a teen, the prevailing idea was that cramps were "all in her head" and dismissed by most doctors. Fortunately, the pain has been recognized as real now.

Should I stay home schooled or go to high school?

Definitely keep homeschooling:Homeschool is Better Academically: The evidence suggests homeschoolers who homeschool all the way through do better academically than school students. While due respect is given to the school teacher at the bottom, she is projecting her opinion and has obviously not looked at the evidence. Studies by the NHERI show many school teachers are a bit biased like this. (Conversely many teachers are homeschooling parents themselves, so teachers are polarized on this issue).Less Homework: At home you’ll be doing 3–5 hours of homework…doing INTERESTING subjects you like at your pace. At school, you have to do work in which you get a restricted choice and it’s boring at the pace of the slowest one in the class. At school you can look at 6–7 hours plus 1–3 hours homework a night.Bullying: Yes, if you’re an ex-homeschooler you can almost guarantee on being bullied (unless you compromise a lot of your values as I’ve seen happen).Family Relationships are not as good with your family as when you homeschoolLess Help: You have less help when you need it and have to wait for help when you need itNo flexibility: forget spontaneity. You’re going to school now. It’s nine to five now.Wife of the HSLDA president writes a good article on this if you’re interested. Hope this helps and you make a good choice.

Should i stay home from school cuz of acne problem?

No, it takes way too long for a breakout to heal. You'll be too far behind in class.