Should I Steal On Giving

What would Jesus think of Robin Hood, stealing from the rich, giving to the poor?

Well, he took a donkey, so I guess he'd have to be OK with it, huh?

To have and not to give is often worse than to steal.?

6-5 sentences
6-5 sentences

But to answer your question in five sentences.

I totally disagree with that statement. No to have and not give is not worse than stealing. I don't expect someone living in a mansion to run out & give me $1000, but I would hope some thug on the street won't come up & steal my purse. Not offering to give is nowhere near as wrong as deliberately stealing from someone. That statement is illogical & absurd!!!!

Is it a sin to steal from the rich to give to the poor?

Yeah, I guess I can't really make an argument for it not being a sin.

On the other hand the Bible says God can use all things for good. And it says "He gives and He takes away" so you could argue that stealing is just being used by God to do good. But it's still a sin.

Should I give an employee a second chance after caught stealing petty cash?

My gut reaction says “no.” But this is really a root issue of future trust — in other words, the “Employee X did Bad Thing X” is much less important than “Employee X might do Other Bad Thing Y next week, next month, next year.”You have to determine, from the available circumstances and character-motivations, what the risk(s) might be going forward. In other words, was the employee truly remorseful after theft, was there some one-time desperation (drug habit, groceries for kids, rent overdue) which might not surface later, are other things (continued employment, friendship with coworkers/boss, integrity, reputation, good reference for next job) more important to the employee than skimming a few (hundred) dollars from the till, etc.I strongly suspect the answer is “No, no higher-priority or past-desperation will mitigate the future risk of employee theft, so there is a greater-than-1% chance of it recurring.” But only you can decide that for certain, using your own personal knowledge. It speaks well to your character that you are even considering clemency; I commend you for same.

Can someone steal my money if I give them my account name, account number, routing number, and online access?

If you gave your online access, then YES they can rob you blind. Most banks offer transfers between other banks as part of their service and because you gave up your online access to your accounts the bank thinks it is you. Next, are you able to recover the lost funds as a fraud? Most likely not. You gave up the information freely so it is not the banks fault and the DA in your area would be hard pressed to prosecute since you did this to yourself. It is up to you to protect your information not anyone else’s.

Is it safe giving debit card numbers to porn sites?

You should always be wary of giving out debit or credit numbers on the internet because of scams and keyloggers and whatnot. Before you give anyone that kind of sensitive information, especially porn sites, you should research the site's reputation to see if there are any red flags with their financial responsibility, such as people reporting fraudulent charges or scams or any general customer dissatisfaction regarding payment.

It's good practice to routinely check your debit or credit accounts anyway, but when it comes to subscriptions, you should regularly make sure they are taking out the correct amount and aren't adding any extra fees. If you cancel a subscription, check your accounts for a couple months after cancellation to make sure they stopped charging you for the service. If for any reason they keep charging you after termination of subscription, or if they make fraudulent charges to your account, report it to your bank and have your cards canceled. Should those type of problems occur, the bank will most likely not hold you accountable and will cover your losses. If you're unsure about your bank's policies regarding fraud, it's a good idea to check and see what, if anything, for which you'd be liable.

If at all possible, use something like PayPal, as it is a safe way to transfer money and protect your financial information.