Should I . Stop Talking To This Guy

How do you stop talking to a guy?

I'd say tell him you don't want to talk
For all you know he might never get the message and I found that with one of my ex's, after I broke up with him he kept calling and texting me, I finally told him I didn't want to speak to him again, ever and he got the message, it took a couple of days but he got it
I know a confrontation is horrible but it's unavoidable, just take the high road with it and don't get angry or cry and he'll cave and he'll leave you alone :]

How do I stop talking to the guy I love?

Love yourself more. Be selfish. Remind yourself that you have to achieve your goals and dreams all by yourself only. And please, pamper yourself. Congratulate yourself. It's finally you for yourself.

When should I stop talking to other guys?

I recently met this guy through Tinder. Ever since we matched, we've talked almost non-stop, including talking every day on the phone. We've had one date in person which went incredibly well, and we have a second date planned. I really enjoy his company and can see this developing into a serious relationship based off our interactions together.

However, I still have Tinder downloaded on my phone, and remain in contact with some other matches. I talk to three or four on a regular basis. One I went on a date with and didn't feel much of a romantic connection, and others are simply guys I've enjoyed snapchatting, texting, and have thought about hooking up with before I met the guy in question.

Since we have no defined relationship, I don't want to cut off communication with the other guys, but I'm not sure when I need to stop talking to them. I don't plan on pursuing any of them romantically but I do like snapchatting and texting them occasionally. Please help!

Should I stop talking to him?

I read your long backstory and I can only say that you are doing what so many girls and women do when it comes to guys. You are overanalyzing and overthinking.When you interact with guys a lot you will realize that they do and behave a certain way because they simply do. There usually isn’t a heading meaning and agenda behind their responses and reactions.But we women tend to draw up this picture of a doomsday scenario. We may often ask ourselves, “Oh why did he not say hello to me” or “Why did he just drink his coffee this morning and not wish me a good day?”You will realize that in that scenario he may just be tired, or late for work, or stressed and hurrying on getting to work in time. But women often think that their relationship to the guy is at significant jeopardy and in significant danger.So my advice to you is that you don’t read into his reactions too much. Two weeks of interaction is a very short period of time. Don’t look for instances of reactions. You need to put them in a context and see if it happens consistently over a longer period of time.

This guy just stopped talking to me?

Ok, so I went out on a couple dates with this one guy, and I've liked him for a really long time. He ignored me for the longest time, and we went out in like september of last year. Then, he started talking to me again one day when I called him, and he told me he liked me and stuff. Then I went on vacation, and when I came back I called him and we talked all night, and asked him if he really did like me, and he said he did, but then he just stopped talking to me! What the heck does this mean? Does he really like me? Or WHAT!? I've tried to call him, and message him on facebook, but he wont talk to me! I had my friend talk to him over facebook and she told him to talk to me but kajgklajk blah! HELP!

Should I stop talking to the guy who rejected me?

One word: NO. By the way you describe him, he seems like a nice person. It would be unfair TO YOU to have to let him go. I'd say you try to forget you ever asked him out, and start finding reasons for why he'd make a better friend then a boyfriend. Over time, you'll convince yourself. Believe me.I know it's a tough ask, but it's NOT impossible. Cause this is what I did, and this is what I'd do again if you were to take me back in time somehow.

Should I stop talking to the guy if am not interested in him as a boyfriend but can be with him as a friend?

You can (and should) do as you see fit. (This is simply my own opinion, so take it for what it’s worth!) You should be able to talk to your ex-boyfriend, but be sure that you’re not sending him mixed signals - never “lead a guy on”, thus making him Think that you’re interested in him, when actually, you are not! Be sure he is not left wondering. Tell him that you wish to be nothing more than friends. If he won’t accept that, then you’d best be breaking off contact, one on one. I’d speak to him with other friends present - that way it’s less likely for him to think that you still like him in any way other than as a friend. Also, be sure that you don’t speak to him more than you speak to others. Speak to him, but not to him only - that would say to him, “Hey, she likes me more than anyone else! Why else would she be talking to me more than everyone else?”! Depending on the guy, of course. If he’s the jealous type, it’s probably best to avoid speaking to him, unless it cannot be avoided. Best of luck!

The guy I'm talking to has a girlfriend. Should I stop talking to him?

Probably. If you don't, you're quite possibly solidifying a reputation for yourself, getting involved with someone who isn't available. There's also the risk that drama ensues if she finds out. There's even the possibility he breaks it off with her only to regret it later. Then you have the common him breaking it off for you, truly not wanting to be with her any longer, yet not giving himself enough time between serious relationships, hence rendering you a rebound. Believe little that anyone tells you when they're angry and possibly vulnerable to impulsive mistakes.

Should I stop talking to him since he has a girlfriend?

I have been talking to this guy on and off for 3 years now. He is from where Im from but currently lives out of state, and we met for the first time last weekend at a bar when he was back visiting. Now he texts me every day and I feel like we have a connection...except for the fact that he has a girlfriend.
Why is he talking to me so much? When he was home last weekend he wanted to hang out and kept asking but I made up excuses because I don't really see a point when he is in a relationship...even though we did meet and hangout at a bar with a bunch of friends one night.
I can't tell what his intentions are with talking to me or why he is in the first place. I need some advice because I feel like Im starting to like him more now that we have met in person and how much we have been talking...I don't really get it. Any advice???
Should I just stop talking to him?
What should I do?