Should I Take My Prescription Meds If

Can my Wife bring My Prescription meds in her carry on?

Yes you can take them on no problem, I've taken on medicine before, they don't even check my inhaler. My mum took her insulin on with needles, they didn't bother her for that. The worst that would happen is that they put it in a machine to test that its not explosives or drugs. You should keep all your medicines together to make it easier.
And since its a carry on bag they don't mind you sharing.

What will happen if i take two of my prescription meds at the same time?

First of all, get a professional opinion by calling your pharmacist. Ask them if you can take the medications together. The pharmacist will not drill you. It is a simple phone call.

If you are looking for another way to get high, Now is the time to start thinking about the decisions you are making in your life. There might be something you want to live for in your future. Life is precious, start making better life choices. Take care.

Can I take my prescribed meds in jail?

I missed a court date (while in treatment..huh) and my bond (200$ total) has been revoked (by the D.A) and probation violated. I have been taking Subutex for pain and Xanax for severe anxiety on and off for over 5 years. There are some serious side effects when I am denied these meds especially seizures and death from the Xanax. Does anyone know how situations are handled for this? I live in Tennessee.

If prescription says take three times a day. does it mean 3 times in 12 or 24 hrs?

That is over 24 hours so close to 8. If the timing of the med is very important the doctor would write it as q8h and the pharmacist would put on the label to take EVERY 8 hours. Always feel free to call your pharmacist with questions; if he’s not in, you can call a 24 hour pharmacy even if it were not filled there to ask about what the instructions mean. So long as they know the med and dose and such they can guide you. Pharmacists ARE health care professionals and will help even if you did not buy it at their branch or from the company cutting their paycheck. There is a limit to what they can say legally, such as if it’s a good choice for YOU, but they most certainly can tell you: This medication should be taken on an empty stomach, with food, avoid grapefruit products, stay out of the sun, etc. as those as STANDARDS for which there are labels that they put on your prescription and they are well within their education to comment. In the US to be a dispensing pharmacist now you have a doctorate in pharmacy. Just make sure you are addressing a pharmacist and not the tech (who may well be pre-med and might be very useful, but still for those kinds of questions, ask the pharmacist.)

Will the army let you take prescription meds during basic training?

To clarify: I am well aware that RA is listed as an automatic DQ in the manual or whatnot. But it does say that a waiver is a possibility, which is what I am hoping for, since my ASVAB, DLAB, etc. are high and I have a college degree. Mostly I'm just asking, has anyone had an experience or known anyone who has had an experience where they have been allowed to take a prescription during basic training? Thanks.