Should I Tell My Friend That Her Ex Dated Her To Make Someone Jealous

Should I tell my girlfriend that I'm jealous?

Expressing jealousy has one goal: making your girlfriend act in a way that makes you feel safe and loved. While it sounds like a good thing, it really isn't.Saying it differently, expressing jealousy is trying to change your girlfriend's behaviour. I've been there so many times. You're thinking: "Damn, this girl is so awesome. If only she could change these few things, she'd be perfect". Unfortunatly, it always ends in a constant struggle. You'll find yourself in a situation where sometimes she acts the way you like, and some other times, for some reasons, she doesn't. Now, not only are you jealous again, but you're wondering why she stopped acting the way you like. As a result, you're expressing your jealousy again, and that you already told her you felt that way. This is a vicious circle that'll make any relationship so toxic, it's only a matter of time before it breaks.I learnt it the hard way: Don't tell people what to do, especially if your motivations come from your insecurities. There's nothing more repulsive than that.The important thing is to know why you are jealous: Is it because you're insecure, or because your girlfriend broke a boundary of yours?Let's say she's talking to a guy friend and you feel jealousy. This is insecurity. You can't possibly expect from your girlfriend to not talk to the opposite sex.Let's imagine that she's going on vacation with her ex-boyfriend. They'll be only the two of them, and booked only one room. Now, that might be a boundary of yours  she just violated (that would definitely be the case for me).Ask yourself what your boundaries are. Once you know, the situation becomes so much easier. If you're dealing with insecurities, then you need to work on them. If you're dealing with a boundary that has been violated, you need to find another relationship.Don't try to change people. It doesn't work. It only brings sufferings to you and your loved one.Know what you want and don't want, and observe whether or not the other person fits. Don't lie to yourself with the usual "but she's so great, there are just these few things!". If these few things bother you so much, then she's either not that great, or you need to work on yourself.

I think my ex is dating my friend to make me jealous. Should I say something?

We dated 3 years ago. The break up was my fault. I admit that. She was my first real love. Not first girlfriend but first love. People in their 20s know what I mean. Because of that I could never get over her. The feeling of having someone who got away is horrible. I met her again 2 1/2 years later and certain events made me open my eyes. I realized I was a fool. I had spent so many sleepless nights over this girl for nothing. I realized that I never meant half as much to her as she meant to me. Simply put I was an idiot.

She started to date a good friend of mine. She has also noticed that I don't give her any attention at all anymore. I don't feel anything for her anymore. I have no jealousy towards my friend. None what so ever. But I'm starting to suspect that she is only going out with him to make me jealous. It's just certain things that have made me react. A look here, a comment there. The other day we went out and I started to make out with a girl. The way she interupted me and that girl just made me think. I have no proof except for a gut feeling. My friend doesn't deserve this. He's not the type of guy who goes from girl to girl. He wears his heart on his sleeve. Should I do something here or just leave it be?

Is it wrong to date your ex's best friend?

The flat out, less complicated answer is hell yeah it is.Well, under certain circumstances. ( I’m gonna get so much crap for this)I once dated this guy who was 21 when I was 18. I thought he was pretty cool, coming from someone who had JUST graduated high school. We were coworkers for a few months, and then one day, he confessed his feelings to me. We dated on and off for almost half a year, and let me tell you, it was awful. He had a lot of emotional problems. He didn’t know how to love me. Some days I was his girlfriend, some days I wasn’t. He brought up having an open relationship and polygamy a lot, which I refused since that wasn’t my cup of tea. He held me on a string and used me for emotional support and sex and company; the list can go on and on. I started to feel like I wasn’t worthy of love at all, as if my only purpose was to be a puppet and a mother to someone who didn’t even try to fix his problems before entering a relationship. To this day, I feel ashamed for allowing myself to accept anything less than the love I deserved.And this is where I finally answer your question.In the place where I worked, I had another coworker who was best friends with my ex. I absolutely loved hanging out with him. We would go on hikes, play video games together, spend hours talking about how much we hated our current relationships and helped each other out with that. It was completely innocent, he and I thought nothing of it… at least until we were both single. He was a caring guy, I could tell he loved me in a platonic way. But he gave me everything I needed; support, love, friendship, a shoulder to cry on, and so much more. Eventually, I told him how I felt and it turned out he felt the same for me. But we could not be together until he talked to my ex. He was uncomfortable with the thought of dating his best friend’s ex girlfriend without talking it through first. I waited about a week until they talked. My ex had told him that he saw it coming, because he was caring for me, because he was capable of loving me. A year later, he and I are still together and I’ve never been happier.Under certain circumstances, it is ok. If you have the opportunity to be happy, do it. But be careful, don’t be devious. Do it because you cannot see yourself with anyone else. There are plenty people in the world.

My friend hates me now because I'm dating her ex what should I do?

She is immature, they had finished their relationship so you are free to date him. Probably she is sorry she finished with him and feels a little jealous. Other answerers here have also demonstrated their own lack of maturity.

Should I tell my EX girlfriend, who is still single that I have started dating again.?

My ex girlfriend broke up with me 4 months ago, she said she lost feelings for me, and wanted to be single. I have gradually gotten over it and realized that maybe the relationship was not cracked up to what I thought it was. The relationship was long distance-she lived and hour an half away. It was difficult to spend time together. Other than that we did enjoy each other's company. She says she wants to be friends, but does not see us getting back together. But she is still single, and we still email each other and talk online. Remaining friends is different for her because her past two relationships have ended badly, with her ex's not talking to her at all. But she has spent more time in relationships than being single. This was my first relationship, and I have started to date again. Someone did tell me once that women eventually desire what they don't have anymore. Since she was the one who ended the relationship, should I tell her that I am dating again?

Is he dating her just to make me jealous?

ok so me and my ex broke up a while back. But the thing is i broke up with him and i dont know why. i still love him alot. But now hes dating the one girl that i have always disliked. She used to try and go out with him when we were together and after we broke up he started dating her. is he trying to make me mad??