Should I Text This Guy Or Has He Lost Interest

He doesn't text has he lost interest in me?

We've been talking for a while and we've gone out we text everyday almost all day he never calls only texts but lately has been distant he'll text me until afternoon then stop and take hrs just to reply. Today he hasn't text me at all. Has he lost interest?

How do you tell if a guy is losing interest?

Nothing ever stays the same. There is the possibility that he doesn't have as much to say since you two were probably sharing a lot of information in the beginning. There is also the possibility that the nature of the relationship has changed enough so that what interested him before doesn't interest him now. This may not have anything at all to do with you. Texting is not the best way to get to know a person personally. You need to spend time together, seeing each other's expressions, and hearing each other's enthusiasm or lack thereof. If he is resistant to spending time with you, it's time to move on. Chasing a man is the worst thing you can do as a way to lose your dignity and sense of self-respect. Be patient though, with yourself and with him. Sometimes guys get nervous when they feel themselves becoming emotionally attached. Don't push. He's already told you he cares. Allow time for him to show you. Words are not enough. Texting certainly isn't enough.

Should I text him or has he lost interest?

While I agree with Mona Charrouf that "effort should be equal", you're making extra effort even asking this question online and reading all the answers. This is important to you. I get it. So text him. Personally, I don't think a week is too long between texts, especially when both parties are employed adults and you've only gone 5 days, but still. It's bothering you. Why play games? Text him. Say something musically or artistically interesting just like you used to do, or at least something light and pleasant that will make him smile.If he waffles on the reply, that will confirm your darkest fears. If he replies like normal, then you can repeat the process until you get tired of the whole thing or he grows past it.Good luck! :)

Did he lose interest in me?

Returning a favor ;)

I even talked it over with my brother, who is kind of a player, I'm a romantic... we both don't doubt that he liked you. The chances a guy will text you himself, while not at all interested are astronomically slim. Friend zone is a ladies only street and nearly all of us prefer our male friends. I can go online and get female opinion as you saw!

Now is he over you? that's a loose concept. Attraction was there, it wouldn't have changed unless you did!

Fact is he is either taking his time on purpose in which case he'll text you eventually
Maybe he was put off by something you said, or didn't say. Please don't over think this cause you just can't know!

He isn't busy. we have smartphones, he probably checks his Facebook once an hour, he's not too busy to text you.

Our suggestion is to take it easy a little while longer, certainly not to ask him out now! If he was put off by clinginess that's the nail in the coffin. If he doesn't text you back - it means he probably lost interest for whatever reason. Could you get it back? maybe. Should you in my honest opinion? no.

Do you insist on it? text him. Not "I miss you", not "where have you disappeared to"... and nothing casual like "how's school"... best bet is to ask him for help with something or opinion on something... that it makes sense for you to ask him... conversation evolves? flirt a little!!! then make plans. Still nada? move on.

Did this guy get scared or just lost interest?

So i started to like one of my guy friends whenever I would call or text asking him to hang out he would come hang with us, flirt with me hardcore and keep standing really close to me all his friends noticed and was like he is into you make a move.
well he started to hang out everyday then started to text me asking if i can hang out but i was always at our friends house and tell him to come chill with us there.
one day he just randomly stopped and ignores me now but when i saw him at a party two weeks ago he was standing really close to me and my friend said he kept glancing at me but he won't answer my text messages or come around anymore then he dropped off some stuff to my friend and my friend jokingly said where are you going baby? and he whipped his head around and looked at us so fast but still ignores me.....why.

If a guy starts to lose interest, should I "lose" interest too? Ie. I mean if he doesn't respond and than texts me, should I do the same?

If you two are in some sort of competition then yes, then beat him. If he doesn't talk to you for one day then you don't talk to him for two. But I hope its not.So what you need to do is analyze your feelings for this person. If you have asked such question here, which means it affects you in some way. So figure it out why it affects you ! What he means to you ? What will happen if you keep in touch with him even if he ignores you ? Are you ready to handle the heart break when he totally cut off the connection with you .  Answer all these questions truthfully and then follow your gut feeling. I cannot gaurantee that you gut feeling will always be right. I cannot gaurantee that he will understand you and treat you well when you choose to stick with him. But i can gaurantee you one thing if you follow you heart and no matter what the results are good or bad you won't regret it. So put in lot of your thinking and choose what your heart says :)Hope you find answers to all these tough questions ! Good luck :)

How can you tell if a guy is losing interest? I was talking to this guy and we were hanging out a lot. We've been texting every day. All of a sudden, he got really bad at replying and now is not texting me anymore. Is he not interested anymore?

Don’t take it personally, but logically he is showing that he lost interest for some reason but it doesn’t mean you’re the fault !I’m a mom and a woman in my late forties and if I have one strong word of advice it’s that you should NEVER chase a person or waste your time, energy or thoughts on a ‘now you see me, now you don’t’ love interest or acquaintance.His reason for not replying, not texting and not considering you are actually irrelevant.Any person, love interest or friend, who does not care enough about you to reply to a text or make an effort with you does not deserve you.People like this, in my very life experienced opinion, are users. They are users emotionally and some of them use no contact as a form of narcissistic control.Silence can be punishment for something they felt you did (eg you offended them in some way and they do silent punishment instead of telling you), or silence can be genuine thoughtlessness … they are busy with something or somebody else and put low priority people on the shelf until they decide they want you again.Regardless of the motivation - who cares ! They’re not here for you and never will be.I have a friend of mine who rarely responds to a text. I call from time to time, he picks up about 3/10 times. A couple of weeks go by, then I hear from him when he wants to ‘drop in’. He usually gives me an hour’s notice that he’d like to catch up for dinner that night.Originally I put in a big effort with him. He was over all the time, and he was in constant contact. I made the effort because he’s funny and very positive.Then he got back together with his girlfriend. He no longer needed me for conversation and support.He stopped dropping in, he stopped calling.I’m ok with it now, and I found a place of acceptance and I started giving him EXACTLY what he gave me. The relationship continues perfectly within this rule.If he texts for dinner I make sure I do the same thing in the same frequency. If he never responds then neither do I. I treat him as a low level contact friend whilst still enjoying his friendship to the capacity he wants to have it at.You don’t have to write people like this off; just treat them the way they treat you.Choose to give your time and energy to lovers and friends who are there for you, who DO reply to a text and actually make an effort to see if you’re ok.I hope this answer helps and I hope you’re not obsessing over him too much.It’s not about you, he’s just in his own world.

Is this Capricorn guy losing interest?

I am a Capricorn female to the T... I can agree with you, it is classic Capricorn nature to not come off overtly emotional.. not because we at playing mind games with you, ( although they can, as any other sign can do.. keep this in mind..) but most of the time, it's the way that a Capricorn processes their feelings, they are very practical people, (Similar to the rest of the Earth signs), and they will especially to the one person whom they really like, they can come off hot and cold, because can be even madly in love with you, but still not ever completely let themselves go with it... even in the heat of the moment!

But I can tell you this, if he is truly interested in you, he will make the effort in some way, usually physically, as in, spend much of his time with you.

The best thing for you to do in this predicament is to be consistent, as in, show him you are there for him, first and foremost, as a friend.. but please, do not make the mistake most women do by clinging to him, do not call him or text him obsessively. Tell him how you feel, in the most mature, practical yet honest way possible.. let him know that you are there for him (as a friend first and foremost) and that you also do have an interest in him...
Now, if he still does not contact you back in 2 weeks after this, then it's better off, as with any other sign, to let him go.
Please do understand though, that us Capricorns are not for the faint hearted, we will not spill over with emotion like the rest of the signs will do, most importantly, you must realize with us, it is always actions over sweet words, as it should be.

Good luck to you.

Is this Capricorn guy losing interest?

He used to ask me to hang out often, he never really was a texter, by he would often text me first. He has mentioned in the past that he was not going to chase me but after he said that he still tried to pursue me. Now I barely hear from him, even when I do initiate the conversation or to hang out. He sometimes will not text back. It's like things drastically switch in a week span. What does this mean? Do cap guys take a step back or something if they feel they are liking someone too much? Pls help?

If you are not into astrology pls do not write your answers or comments, I will flag them. Some of us are very interested in things like this so thanks in advance : )