Should I Try Calling Her

How long should I wait to call her again?

I think you should wait a day for her to call you back and then call her if she doesn't. That's reasonable and doesn't seem desperate. That will just let her know that you're interested.

Trying to figure her out.?

So I met this girl last Friday and thought she was cute. I played it cool and didn't chase her. I saw her again on Sunday. I started talking to her and found out that she is interested in me too. I got her phone number and sent her a text message Wednesday afternoon and she didn't respond. I saw her last night (not a date) and she was really flirty with me and told me she was interested in me. But she will not text me back. What is she doing?? I can't figure it out. Is she playing hard to get? What do I do now? I am seeing her Friday (not a date) how do I act? Do I play it cool and seem not interested since even though I am? Or do I flirt back with her?

I tried calling this girl that I was dating and she never answered. What can be said about a girl who breaks up with me without saying anything?

No, she’s not a coward. This is how it is in dating, the dark side of it. Girls will fall for a guy, date and move on very fast and continue until they find the guy they really feel something with.Most of the time they don’t even say anything.It’s called having options.It’s something that happens a lot in dating.Also calling her several times will have proven you’re not much of value or have options, in which girls are pursuing you. You didn’t need to call several times. Once will do and leave a message, and that’s really it.So in a sense you kind of proved to her your needy and clingy, even if she ever does want to see you again.But also you need to have options yourself instead of falling for the social norms on how to date and the Disney effect of “she’s the one.”She’s looking for something more in a guy of higher value and also some level of confidence, sexual experience and fun.

Is "I tried calling you" a correct sentence?

Yes , this sentence is absolutely correct.“Tried calling” means you did something to see would happen.“When we talk about making an experiment - calling or doing something to see what will happen - we usetry + - ing”[ My mother is angry with me , so I tried calling her , tried cooking for her, tried giving her present , but she refused .]When you use gerund after try , it suggests experimenting.P.S. Verbs that are followed by a gerund or an infinitive (with a change of meaning) are :Remember , forget , stop , try , mean,propose.Try is followed by the gerund if it suggests an usual idea, an experiment; it is followed by the infinitive when it means to attempt.For instance : I tried calling you .Have you ever tried cooking ?So , to answer your question : Yes “I tried calling you” is a correct sentence.Thanks for the A2A.

Should I call the girl at work?

Well, it might seem a little stalkerish if you just randomly call her out of nowhere after having not spoken for a year, especially if she has not told you where she works. This of course depends on her personality, too. If she is extremely outgoing and is used to socializing all the time, she might not view it as weird as she would if she's more reserved.

If she's told you where she works now, then it's fine to call her at work, but if she hasn't, you might want to try something else.

Is there any way you can run into her at the place where she works? Or even a way you could see her on her way to work, or during her lunch hour? It sounds a little stalkerish to seek her out during these times, but if you make it seem random, like you just ran into her, then she'll never know :).

Be sure to make the first conversation short and sweet--you want her to remember you and want to spend more time with you later--you do not want to start talking about how you've been dying to see her for the year you've been apart, so badly that you sought her out at her new place of work. Short and sweet, definitely ;).

Good luck with the relationship!

She sounds nicely when I call her, but she doesn't do the calling to my phone. Does it mean she is not interested in me?

That simply means that she is being nice to you and not only you but the other guys as well who are messaging her.And yes, 95 percent chances are that she is not interested in you. But the remaining 5 percent depends on how your conversations go. If her only responses to most of your conversations are “hmm.., okay.., ya.. no..,” or something similar then she is definitely not interested but if she tries to bring up some new topics, or share her daily life incidents with you or laughs a lot while talking to you, then there is a chance that she might be playing ‘hard to get’. In the later case, you need to differentiate yourself from those other guys.Hope this helps :)

I tried to call a girl and she didn't pick my call. What do I have to do?

You have to ‘chill yo shit’.You called a girl, and she didn’t pick up. She either wasn’t available, wasn’t present to see it go off, or wasn’t interested in talking to you (at that moment OR at all).All are perfectly valid reasons not to pick up the phone.Regardless of the background info (like who she is to you), Chill. Yo. Shit. Go play a video game or something. Get on with your life. If she’s into you, she’ll get back to you shortly. And if she doesn’t, try again in a day or two. If that fails, she’s just not that into you and you move on.But seriously. Chill. Jumping immediately to Quora looking for advice on something so tiny makes you sound desperate, and no one is going to be attracted to someone who’s desperate (at least not for the right reasons). I get that this might be your first relationship, so you don’t want to screw it up. We were all there.Chill. The less worked up you get over the small stuff, the better this will turn out overall.

Girlfriend is really angry. I tried calling and texting her but she's still upset. What should I do?

Hi all, to give more context:I have insecurity issues and hate being alone. This week my emotions have been a rollercoaster and I took it out on my girlfriend- questioning her commitment to our relationship. She says I ‘attacked’ her and she felt like a ‘victim’.I knew I was wrong immediately and tried to call and apologise, but she was upset. The next day, I did the same and she was still upset. I realise I have a problem and told her I was going to get help. She told me she still loved me and wanted to be with me but was still upset. She said that she would support me but “no mater what happens, you’d always been a blessing in my life.”Do you think it’s too late for me try and save this relationship?

What should I call her?! she calls me babe?

Ok so There is this girl I like she likes me She calls me babe idk what to call her I don't want to call her hottie or anything like that even though she is pretty hot :P but yeah what should I call her?? dumb question right? but yeah she has blonde hair gorgeous green eyes but yeah what should I call her :P I've called some of my exes sexy but they were dif.. lol