Should I Try Out Crossfit Or Look Elsewhere

Do female bodybuilders gross you out?

hate to say it but yes, that's just not natural for a woman to have bulging muscles all over like a strong man. I went to school with a woman who was into at least 4 sports in high school, and she was a body-builder winning competitions when she was in her early 30's. Huge muscles all over, and she died a few years later, my guess the steroids got her.

Is it bad to work out my biceps and triceps every day?

YES! It is bad! When you work your muscles, you're actually tearing and damaging muscle fibers. Muscles get bigger because when you damage them through exercise, they grow back bigger and stronger so that they are more resistant to the same damage. This is called muscular hypertrophy.

If you don't give your muscles time to rebuild and repair themselves before you hit them again, they won't grow. And worse, you could tear a muscle and injure yourself. Because you're doing more calisthenic (body weight resistance) type exercises for your chest, the danger of that is lower, but you're still over training and won't get bigger as fast. As for the curls, biceps get torn all the time from over training with curls.

You'll see better results if you rest 2-3 days between workouts for each body part, and work out harder when you do. This is what I suggest:

For chest, stop doing the 4x15 thing. Your body's probably used to that and it's not as effective. Instead, for pushups and dips, do 3 sets to failure. This means do a set until you can't do any more. Rest 2 minutes. Do another set until you can't do any more. Rest 2 minutes, then do it again. Do pushups one day, and then dips on your next chest day. Also work in some incline/decline pushups as well and vary the width of your hands. Hands closer together will work the triceps more.

For biceps, you need to mix up the reps, sets, and weight frequently. Do higher weight with lower reps one time, and vice versa another. Also focus on good form, your elbows shouldn't move, and you shouldn't be arching your back too much to complete a rep. When you're not able to do any more reps, switch to hammer curls, or cheat a little to get the weight up, but then do a 5 count as you slowly lower the weight. This is called a negative rep and they are great for making sure your muscles are completely fatigued when you quit. If you have a set up for it, you can also start your biceps work outs by doing some pullups. Do 3 sets to failure before you start your curls. This will also work your back, which is a good side benefit because your body can carry a lot of mass in your back and it makes you look alot bigger.

And don't forget to eat. Alot. Your muscles will NEVER get bigger if you don't fuel them properly.

Best jillian michaels dvd for me?

They all seem so good and everyone loves all of them! Right now I'd love to tone my butt, thighs and stomach. Comments!

Age 19
weight 146.2 (highest was 168)
height 5ft 5in
I do Crossfit and my local rec center (:

ALSO- I want to buy a jillian michaels dvd for my mom. One that doesn't need any equipment. Any ideas?
