Should I Turn My Friend Into Tho Police

Turned my ex-boyfriend in to police?

I caught him cheating on me. So when we broke up, I turned him in for outstanding warrants to get back at him. Should I feel guilty for it or was it the right thing to do?

Should i tell the police my friends do drugs?

Hell no, just warn them about the dangers of drugs and tell them they are way too young. It can really screw with your brain development. If that doesn't work, tell them they will be your first victims when you become a policeman. :)

How can I make friends with a police offer?

Donut? Most police Dept have publc relations Benfits bbq's all kinds of cool get togethers contact police dept web sites, you'll see what I mean

Should I turn my husband into the police?

My husband is 34 and for several months, I was suspecting he was having an affair. Finally when I found him going to a hotel and when I called him, he said he was at work, that convinced me he was cheating. So I was going to leave him and he broke down and told me that he was gay and that he was having an affair. Granted, I'm a very accepting person, especially on sexuality. I don't believe it's something you can help and I would never want him to feel like he has to force himself to change to be accepted. I could have more than understood this. But when he told me who it was with, it was very much worrying to me. The young man (or I should say child) he is having the affair with it only 16 and we've know him and his family for years. This is very troubling to me and the fact that he won't tell me when it began is troubling as well (meaning he must have been young enough that my husband is ashamed to admit it). He says they're in love but I don't buy it. I think my husband's a sick man for this. I don't hate him but I would hate for this boy to suffer long term for this. Should I turn my husband in?

I filed a police report against my friend. They are done with me because the police let them have a copy. What should I do to make it right?

I hope you learned your lesson. *Never* talk to the police.They threatened you with prosecution if you answered “wrong”. “I plead the 5th.” And remain silent after.Speaking with the police did this. Request the interview transcript. Request the tapes. If they don’t share them, try a freedom of information request. Share these with your friend to show how the police bullied and threatened you to coerce your compliance.These are the times one should know their rights. “Am I under arrest?” If yes, “where’s my lawyer? I will not speak without my lawyer present.” If no, “Then I’m going home. Feel free to email me a list of questions you’d like answered, and I’ll get to them when I can.”Apologize to your friend and explain the police threatened and strong-armed you, and you were unprepared for that, and caved. You are very sorry that it happened that way, and in the future, you’ll be able to better deal with the cops in these situations. You were caught off-guard, being snatched, held, and threatened by the police, and you were scared and confused.You didn’t “turn them in”. The police came to you and tortured you.Yes, torture. That’s how the police work.Torture means “violence or threat of violence to coerce an answer”.The police threatened you with violence (prison) to coerce an answer. There’s no better word for this than “torture”, even if some think that should only apply to inhumane torture, the definition is almost always sufficiently broad as to include your interview.

Do I have to turn in my friend if they are doing something illegal?

You have no legal obligation to turn anyone in for anything. No one will come knock down your door in the middle of the night because you knew this person wasn’t supposed to be using the internet.However, you can’t lie about it, or you risk becoming an accessory to whatever crime this person may be committing. If an officer asks you if the other person has access to the internet, you should be honest when you answer. If you say, “No,” but they find emails or texts or what-have-you between the two of you, you might be in trouble.That’s the legal part of it. You’ll have to make your own decision about whether you should turn her in or not.

Would you turn in your friend if they committed a petty crime?

As a former pot smoker, this tells you my asnswer….no. our “free" society isn't so free anymore. It's very Orwellian. We aren't very far from the old USSR. We're even to a point that we can be arrested for not turning someone in.I spent time in a state prison and there are more cameras in store than there might be in the whole prison. I was in a CVS the other day, there were 7 cams in the pharmacy area alone watching the workers, 5 more watching me. This was basically a 15 x 20 area. My block in prison had 3 or 4. Lord knows how many more is in the rest of the store, but I can bet it's more than the pharmacy area.Walmart has cams at every register watching your transactions. Some even show it to you so that you're aware of this. Then, just recently that put them in every aisle. And, of course, yhey have cams watching the parking lot.It won't be long before we have tracking chips on our bodies. By then, these chips moght even pass on more information than just location…..I hope I'm not around for that.

If someone turns your lost wallet into the police and they search it, can you be liable for whatever is found?

My friend was on the metro north train going into NYC and he is pretty sure his wallet was left behind on a seat on the train, or the only other option would be someone stole it from his back pocket while walking through time square before realizing; but no one has spent anything on the debit card yet... inside the wallet could have been a sketchy amount of illegal thingsd. rugs. Less then 200 dollars worth. If someone turned in the wallet to the lost and found at grand central station, what should he do? Like, if he went to the lost at found asking for his wallet with 3 forms of ID in it, college ID, state drivers permit, health insurance card, could he get arrested on spot for having "pot" "lucy" and "molly" in that wallet ~ even if it was not his, he is afraid those things could have been placed there by a random person despite whether or not those sketchy things were there from the beginning ??

can a case be built against him? could a warrant be sent out or something...