Should I Unfriend Him For Talking

He's ignoring me, should I just unfriend him?!?

So my crush has replaced me and gotten a "new so called best friend"
And I was like "So I see I've been replaced" He was like "Sorry"
Like really?!! And that's his ex now, now his first ex just dumped him yesterday and
I was trying to make him happy and even told him that I loved him but he said he needed some space
So the today I said "Hi, are you feeling better? :)" .. He saw the message but didn't respond so he's ignoring me. I want to play hard to get now and unfriend him so he can chase after me or whatever

It will be soo awkward next week because that's when my school starts and I have 2nd with him

Why did this girl unfriend me and stop talking to me?

In the beginning of school, this girl and I were lab partners and started talking, texting and snapchatting. Then a few weeks later she suddenly switched lab partners, stopped talking to me, unfriended me, etc. Never said a word. Why?

Should I unfriend this guy on Facebook?

Thank you all so much, all these answers are great and I really appreciate the support! I thought that I should add that this guy and I know each other very well, through school (he's in my older sibling's class and they are friends) and we are in fact friends. We've spent lots of time together this past year and we've talked on Facebook before and he started some of those conversations which is why I keep waiting for him to now. See the thing is I won't see him again because he's going off to college while I'm stuck in high school! And I haven't told him how I feel because he's 4 years older so it's very unlikely that anything would happen between us and as we are quite good friends, I didn't want to make it awkward between us or between him and my siblings who he will probably remain friends with. Again thank you all so much!

My boyfriend stopped talking to me 2 weeks ago, for no reason, but just unfriended me on Facebook today. I don't know what I did. Why would he do that?

Hello!There are several possible cases.Maybe he got a new girl and that girl asked him to unfriend you today.Maybe something is going in his mind from last 2 weeks and not talking to you and also unfriending you on fb is outcome of that overthinking.And ofcourse, there should be a reason for his such behaviour.I would suggest you not to overthink on it too much. The only person to answer your this question is only your boyfriend. Take some effort and try to talk to him in a mature way. And ask him to cooperate as well.Talking and clearing the matter is the better way.And if he dont want to talk or cooperate, then come on girl. You deserve much better!All the very best :) Keep Smiling.

I've been really wanting to unfriend a "friend" on Facebook and it's really bugging me, but there's a side of me that says they might talk to me and settle things. What should I do?

The problem with unfriending is that it’s not an easy decision to revert. When you unfriend someone, they are not notified (although they may find out). If you want to become friends again, you have a send a new friend request, which means that you have to admit that you unfriended that person and that you now think it was a mistake.With that in mind,If you want to see less of that person, there are ways to do so. You can use the “see less from” option or unfollow. Likewise, if you want that person to see less from you you can also do that through friends lists.If there is content that you post that you would make you uncomfortable if certain people saw it, I would recommend not sharing that at all rather than trying to compartmentalize.

Why would an ex unfriend you on Facebook?

like if you both hadn't really talked in like two weeks, so you break up with them over the phone (thinking it was basically over, and needed to move on) and his excuse was just being so busy he wasn't even sleeping. and he decides to unfriend you and untag you on Facebook and never talk to you again. A mutual friend of yours (but was his first) unfriends you too not too long later, but adds you back two months later because he didn't want to get in between my ex and I. and then a couple of his friends that weren't even my friend in the first place add me too.

douche move or expected move?

but then you find out mooonths later from some rebound girl he didn't date that he strung her along, and she decides to unfriend him, and they become friends again? (why she matters, i have no idea)

something odd here?

My ex didn't say anything after I unfriended him on FB?

Why the hell he would say anything!!?!?
I mean
Why in the world would you expect him to say anything?
Because he cares about you?
Yes, he does but you broke up.
If you broke up tell him you want him back.

If you don't want him back, I have no idea how you can ask this question.

If someone unfriend me, i would think he doesn't want to be my friend, therefore I would think he doesn't want to talk to me, if someone doesn't want to talk to me the best thing to do I think is to be sad and ignore the person that deleted me. Off course I would want to know why the other person deleted me, but I would guess that if I ask him, the other person would say I don't want to talk to you.

Think before you ask on yahoo.

Should I unfriend my family on facebook?

Your step mother and brothers obviously feel like your taking your dad away from them. I think its best to sit down with your father and talk about this.

This is YOUR family now, not only theirs. you have a right to be with your father, they shouldnt have a say in that matter

What are some reasons for unfriending someone on Facebook?

Wow, good question. And one I am only to pleased to answer. First of all there are a LOT of different reasons for unfriending someone. Ranging from simple to more complicated:#1) They're a creep.You know those people who like EVERYTHING you post, message you all the time and don't take no for an answer. Yeah, that's one of the reasons. Going through all your profile pictures etc… I recently had to block someone on Facebook, Instagram, the whole shabang! A word of advice here, being pushy and stalky doesn't win someone's heart, just saying!#2) They've offended you.They've said something or done something in real life that's pushed a button and got you all peed off. It could be that you disagree strongly on politics, religion or anything in particular. It could be that they hurt your feelings in some way or won't stay out of your business etc… This is often with ex’s, family or old friends. You just grow apart or can't stand having them around anymore. Usually when I delete someone I'm making a statement “I no longer want you in my life or knowing my business.” Harsh but the truth!#3) You don't know them.Don't ask why we'd have random people on Facebook we don't know but we sometimes do. They get deleted simply for being a stranger.#4) They're nosy and in your business.The people who only talk to you for information (or because they want something from you). Yeah? Take a hyke!#5) They're annoying.Too many winey depressing statuses. Too much begging for attention cuz let's face it we all know that one person. They come across as mean spirited etc… Too much negativity has gotta go! When they're always posting selfies or bragging about how attractive they are, while in other statuses claiming to be ugly. Too many “sexual” or “half nude” photos you don't want to see. Also when their statuses are always about the same thing. Gets old.#6) People you no longer talk to.People who you haven't spoken to for years or the ones that don't make the effort. What's the point?These are just some of the reasons but the main reasons why I unfriend someone. Hope this helps.