Should I Use Alba Acne Dote Body/face Scrub Daily

Does Alba Acne Dote Face and Body Scrub Work Well?

It is just a scrub. It will smooth out your skin if used properly. It will NOT remove acne.

Regardless of sex, melanin content, age, gender, weather, mood, time, or location of acne breakouts the treatment protocol for acne is the same.

In short, acne is caused by a combination of factors including bacteria, sebum, and dead skin cells. Bacteria feed off sebum that produces inflammatory by-products. Sebum and dead skin cells stick together and form clogs. In sum, this is how a pimple is formed.

When it comes to selecting your cosmetic or skin care, you should base your selection only on your SKIN TYPE. There are 16 different skin types! If you are unsure of your complete skin type, then take the questionnaire developed by world-renown clinical researcher, board-certified dermatologist, and author of the book, “The Skin Type Solution”, Dr. Leslie Baumann. Register first then take the quiz. Afterward, visit the specified forum that is tailored to your unique Baumann skin type for product recommendation and discussions about your skin concerns.

In order to TREAT and CONTROL acne breakouts, you will need:

1) A well-formulated water-soluble cleanser that remove oil, dirt, dead skin cells, and makeup.
2) A well-formulated pH-adjusted acid exfoliant with salicylic acid in 1-2% concentration to reduce inflammation, kill bacteria, and exfoliate on top of skin and within the pore lining to unclog and plug. If you are allergic to salicylic acid (or aspirin), then your alternative can be glycolic acid or mandelic acid.
3) A well-formulated benzoyl peroxide medication in 2.5-10% concentration to kill acne bacteria. The lower the concentration the lower the risk of side effects including dryness, peeling, redness, stinging, etc.
4) A well-formulated matte-finish sunscreen with SPF 15 or greater to protect your skin from UV-inflammation that can exacerbate acne as well as prevent skin cancer. It is recommended to reapply after swimming, excessive perspiration, or every 2 hours for optimal photoprotection.

NOTE: a well-formulated product usually contain low fragrance or is fragrance-free and no dyes.

Results can take up to a few weeks to 1-2 months with diligence, compliance, and patience. If this conservative routine is ineffective, then you should consult with a board-certified dermatologist for a prescription and/or in-office light/laser therapies.


Can I use body acne wash on my face?

Ehh I would probably 'spot' wash because the soap might be more harsh on your face. I recommend using QH Mint Julep Mask because it makes your skin super smooth and dries up pimples, makes pores smaller, and reduces redness. It really truely works. I haven't had this less acne in years!

How do i treat for acne?

Did you have a go with any of the natural home remedies? Have a look at the link below and see if it's something you could try.

Sudden acne making me super self conscious.?

First of all, don't stress on it, remember stress aggravates acne. I know when you get a breakout you feel like plastering your face with products but using that many brands in one month is too much. Continue with your Clean and Clear morning burst and moisturiser that you used before. Do this twice a day. Don't squeeze, pick or even touch your acne. Buy some acne cream/gel like Neutrogena onthespot and apply it to the bumps and pimples. Don't get any hair removal or any treatments/facials done on your face until the acne goes away. Drink lots of water and make sure you eat healthy. Don't use makeup right now. Most foundations clog pores and cause your existing acne to become worse and even more red! So, to some it all up: Go back to ur old prods, use acne cream, avoid makeup&treatments and stay healthy. Good luck, & don't worry it'll go away soon :)

Why isnt my Acne clearing up?

I have acne on my chin, and upper lip, and around my lips....

I've been on Birthcontrol for a year and a half, I switched from Spirentec, to Tri-Spirentec... It doesnt seem to work as well as my old stuff. It was working great for the first 2 months, then it just stopped working. My Acne, cramps, and period, are worse than ever.

I was my face twice a day, and use a benzoyl peroxide cream afterwards.. I also use sugar scrubs, and clay masks once a week.
I wear foundation every day, but cleanse my face before putting it on...
So, why isnt it clearing up? Any sugestions?
Thanks (;