Should Muslim Girls Wear That Headscarf

Is there any muslim woman who wear a headscarf or hijab?


I'm currently studying medicine and I wear hijab. I have had no problems with it all! Alhamdulilah I had 5 universtiy interviews and I got accepted at all of them, so that just shows that hijab is no barrier! My mother is a senior scientist and she also wears hijab.

Go for the career that you love!! There's no such thing as the 'easiest' career. Do what you feel you will be best at, and enjoy. Don't think of the hijab as an issue, put your faith in Allah and everything will work out for the best inshallah!

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Jewish girls wearing head scarf?

If you look at old Greek, italian ect..christian women you will also see they wear it! Even every portrayal of the Mother of Jesus she is wearing it, and she was NOT a NUN!

The headscarf is a symbol of modesty and piety which is prescribed in all religions of God actually ie: Judiesm, Christianity & Islam.

But most Jews & Christians have strayed away from this and now Many Muslims do it..But NOT all Muslim women wear it either!

Can Catholic schools ban Muslim girls from wearing a headscarf?

Hi Muslim girl in a Catholic school! There are MANY Muslim girls that also go to this school, and I have never ever heard a teacher say anything. I'm sitting in the school bus right now, and out of 25 students, 13 of them are Muslim. Schools are supposed to promote diversity, not prohibit it, whether it be based on religion, race, or sexual orientation.You want to know why? Otherwise that would be considered discrimination.As for why a Muslim would attend a Catholic school, have you seen the Public system? It's terrible, underfunded, with the city's delinquents being placed in it. The closest public school I have near me has had 2 stabbings and I know for a fact that people carry around knives.Yeah no wonder I ended up in the catholic system. It provides a better quality of education and more discipline.Personally, this ban is completely ridiculous and I can't believe that it's actually going through. The poor girl can take this to the school board, it's basically a violation of her freedom. I don't see the school telling other girls to cover up, so why should they be telling them to take off her scarf?

At what age do girls have to start wearing a headscarf in Iran?

Q: At what age do girls have to start wearing a headscarf in Iran? A: Practically, (not speaking legally), when they’re perceived to be pubescent. When we lived there, my daughter was well under the age of puberty but was as tall as most Iranian 13 year old girls are (we’re American). One Friday afternoon we were out for a walk, my daughter’s head uncovered (but my wife was covered appropriately). A guy starts following my family around calling down curses on us for allowing my daughter in public with her head exposed.For context, you have to understand that Iranians are EXTREMELY polite and kind people. What he was doing was way over the line for people in general, but more so in Iran. There’re so polite that I never saw why they have so many curse words and phrases in Farsi - where would you ever use them?With this guy, I found a place to practice all those untested words. They work! I unloaded every bad word I’d learned (and probably therefore didn’t sound entirely coherent , but hey, ya mess with my daughter, don’t expect coherence…). The guy withered and left.So yeah, I crossed the line of acceptable behavior too. Not my proudest moment, but it felt good.(And no, this guy’s behavior in no way characterizes how the vast majority of Iranians act. It’s an interesting story because his behavior was unusual, not because it’s usual).

Should Moroccan Muslim girls wear hijab?

Actually, the reason that Mohammad gave for women needing to cover themselves at ALL (in THAT time) was so that "They should not be looked upon (lusted after) "by the unbelievers".

But Morocco is now a completely Muslim country. There is no longer a need for Muslim women to cover themselves, as long as they are in a Muslim country. They are NOT among "unbelievers". That was for a time BEFORE Mecca, Medina and other NOW Muslim cities WERE completely Muslim.

Until fairly recently, there was a law in New York City that "Shooting rabbits from streetcars" was illegal. This law was still on the books many years AFTER there were no longer ANY street cars OR rabbits. The INTENT was GOOD in the time the law was made. But to keep trying to apply it, or even to keep it on the books at ALL, when it no longer had a real relation to anything except "keeping rules to keep rules".. Well it makes it look actually foolish to a person who God has enlightened with the truth. I mean no disrespect, but God is calling us to think about MUCH more important things than the Hidjab. An extreme, overdoing of a mis-interpretation of something the prophet said. Women being "modest" is VERY greatly different than women hiding their beauty that is a glorification OF God!

Can Muslim girls wear shorts for sports?

My mom and dad are super religious people; my mom wears headscarf and both my parents pray 5 times a day. But they don't make me do headscarf or cover myself from head-to-toe. I'm not allowed to hang out around boys unless it's for purely academic purposes, I can't hang out with people my parents consider "a bad influence" which would probably be some of my friends who don't follow a similar dress code to mine( If you know what I mean). As long as I can remember I can't wear anything too short/tight, no tank-tops, and I have to be covered all the way to my ankles. I have recently started doing sports and I live in California, where it is super hot almost all year around. I love doing sports but I feel like my sweatpants are slowing me down tremendously. How do I convince my parents to let me wear shorts just for sports? I'm not talking about short-shorts or anything just gym shorts. Please include hadiths, quotes from the Quaran are other religious reference in your answer.


I only want to wear shorts for sports. In Islam we are modest so we can protect ourselves from wandering eyes. I know that your not allowed to wear shorts usually because it attracts the opposite gender but I doubt I will be attractive whatsoever when I'm covered with sweat and all the other girls are in their short shorts while I will be in my gym shorts. So please do not lecture me about modesty because even though I may be wearing shorts they wont be the attractive kind and it is very unlikely I will be attractive while sweating and panting

and if your gonna tell me it's haram at least list the ayah or the hadith your getting your information from

Can a muslim girl wear skinny jeans?

Hijab is not just the headscarf. This is a common misconception. Skinny jeans, see-through clothes, and tight t-shirts messes up the whole modesty concept. It is preferable to wear an outer garment outside, such as an abaya or jilbab, because even loose clothing is sometimes not Islamic enough.

Surah 24 : 31
And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments.

Muslim girls wearing hijab and.... high heels?

der iz no problem in wearing high heelz & hijaaaaaaaab
aslan be to che mage to zani?:)))

At what age do Muslim girls begin to wear a hijab?

All Islamic instructions are applied from the puberty normally , when the girl become a woman and a boy become a man, before that the boy/girl are a child and not responsible for his actions.Most of the times parents prefer to encourage their children to practice the Islamic instructions earlier for the sake of getting used to it.As an additional, from IslamQA (She did not know the signs of puberty so she did not fast in Ramadaan, out of ignorance):A woman is deemed to have reached puberty when one of four things happens:1 – When she reaches the age of fifteen.2 – When her pubic hair grows, which is hair around the private parts.3 – When she emits maniy (fluid released at climax).4 – When she starts to menstruate.If one of these four things happens, then she has reached the age of puberty and she is now regarded as accountable, and she is obliged to do acts of worship just like adults. If a woman did not know that puberty begins in this manner, then there is no sin on her for not fasting, because she was unaware, and there is no sin on the person who is unaware so long as he was not negligent about learning or finding out when he was able to do so. But she must hasten to make up the fasts that she missed because when a woman reaches the age of puberty, she becomes accountable and she must make up the fasts that she missed during the time when she was accountable. She must strive to work out how many days she missed after she reached puberty, and hasten to make them up so there will no longer be any sin on her.