Should Muslims And The Remnants Be Encouraged To Be Productive

Israeli and arab conflict over palestine..?

i need to know..
the historical backround of the region.
what steempts at peace and compromise have been tried.
what groups are invloved and their leaders.


Is it always wrong to discriminate against culture?

It depends on what someone means by "discriminate" and " culture."'FGM happened to me in white, midwest America'Things similar to FGM have been performed in the US, within Christian sects to prevent masturbation. Many Christian sects have a long tradition of obsessing about masturbation, and sexual pleasure making women “morally loose.”It’s easy to see atrocity in the cultures of others, but more important to see it our own, and root it out.FGM is an atrocity, but its not practiced or supported by all Muslims, it’s highly dependent on the country and region. Most of the most devoted activists fighting to eliminate FGM are Muslims, and Africans/ Asians from the very religion and countries where it is practiced. Iman, a Somalian Muslim, was the first person I heard speak out against FGM, years ago.There are lines drawn on religious freedom in the United States. Condemning or forbidding a cultural tradition does not mean you need to say “No one from that country, or that religion is okay with me, and I denounce their culture and do not want it in my country." That is ignorant and intellectually lazy. Well, there are Christian sects that have practiced, and still do have some cultural traditions that are creepy to many of us. Purity balls where a young girl promises her virginity to her father disturb many of us. Honestly, there are traditions in just about every Christian denomination that I think are ghastly.Culture is not a fixed, legal entity with neatly defined borders. What culture exactly would you reject? Islam? FGM predates Islam. Islam is practiced with as much variety as Christianity is.So, yes, I think its logical to discriminate against or denounce cultural traditions that are specific. I also think its the nature of the human condition to have an affinity for, or distaste for other cultures based on our own cultural mores, values and aesthetics.When it comes to immigration, or hiring or serving others, there is a problem with wholesale rejection on an entire culture, because as I mentioned, culture is a tapestry and intersectional phenomena that does not have distinct edges.In addition, I think we have an ethical mandate and responsibility to be as informed about a culture as possible before we make a decision to denounce it.

Whatever China has achieved with its huge population, can not India achieve the same with its equally huge population?

Population isn't the most important criteria. You need a large population that is well educated, community minded, and willing to collaborate to building a nation.China has these things! India does not,Very little or no corruption in China. Not so in India.One of the best education systems in the world in China. Too many terrible places of education in India where students are rote taught, teachers that often have little or no idea how to teach or even understand what they are suppossed to teach.China invests in new infrastructure, building ultra modern roads, cities, transport infrastructure, universities and — most important for progress — no party politics at this time. India struggles to maintain its national highway system. Pot holes, collapsed bridges — road and rail infrastructure is third-world in places and never reaches world class for longer than a year or so until a lack of maintenance starts to erode the system.China has a single political party that is peopled by some of the greatest brains in the world. Indian politics has an enourmous percentage of politicians who will bribe anyone for a vote and are willing to sabotage good ideas because someone else thought of them.The courts in China work very efficiently. Indian courts are a mess. To many old laws on the books and many more being added every day so that making conclusive judgements seems virtually impossible because its easy to find a loop-hole to allow for a delay and in so doing slow the process to a crawl.China uses a process similar to British Rule in India. There were just 12 men who controlled India during the period of the Raj! Just 12 and India was the envy of the world at the time for how efficient and effective the government worked. The only remnant of that today is the efficiency of the Rail system. It seems that India, even though they disparage the Raj seem to still try to follow the Westminster system of government but are incapable of doing a good job of mimicry.