Should My 14 Yr Old Sister Be Spanked/punished For This

True story - Brother in law spanked 14 year old niece, should I intervene?

Some of these comments are just insane.

1) If she "anonymously" calls CPS, and CPS investigates, who do you think the in-laws are going to blame? Probably the only other adult that was there. Anonymous, indeed.

2) So CPS investigates and takes the child out of the home. That's better? Really? That's the goal you want here? Fer chrissakes, do a little research on the state of the foster care system before you float that terrible, terrible idea.

3) How would you react if someone came up to you with a parenting book and said, "You really need to read this." If that happened to me, the book would end up in an orifice that doesn't have a reading light.

The girl made a mistake. Her father punished the mistake. Maybe it was over the top, maybe it wasn't--we weren't there. Trying to get others involved in this situation is just insane.

Can a mother spank her 25-year-old son just over pants and or underwear?

We stopped spanking our son around the time he hit double-digits — spanking is the very last resort for children who are too young to understand language or consequences. Hitting a 25 yr old is abuse, a/k/a “simple battery”, and deserves going to jail, even if he IS that parent’s offspring. Or maybe it just deserves him going completely out of that parent’s life, since that parent clearly has no clue how to deal with him as an adult.

How severely should an 11 year old be spanked for the punishment to be effective?

I don't want to hear it from the anti-spanking people, I've had it up here trying EVERYTHING to get my daughter to behave.

My 11 year old daughter has been extremely naughty, picking on her handicapped cousin to the point that I can't even bring her over to my sister's house anymore, which is a huge strain on her because she needs all the help she can get, and I usually go over there to clean or gets take the kids off her hands so she can get some rest. But with my daughter's behavior, it's out of the question at this point.

I've decided to give her a long, hard, embarrassing spanking and hope it shocks her into behaving, or at least makes her afraid to pick on her cousin again for fear of another spanking.

How severe should the spanking be for it to be effective? My sister says she should be spanked until she's crying, but I don't want it to be abusive. I just want it to be bad enough to deter her.

I witnessed my sister spanking her 8-year-old son. I felt uncomfortable. Was I right in not saying anything?

Yes, you were correct. My reasoning is this: The child is her’s and not yours. While you may disagree with her methods of parenting, your opinion is just that… An opinion. However, if she were to abuse the child then by all means do not be quiet about it. When it comes to spankings it can be hard to tell just how much is too far. My personal guidelines are this: If the spanking is done in anger, a tool is used (like a belt or paddle), and if it leaves a mark (Like a whelp or a bruise) then it has gone too far and is abusive. However, if the parent is simply popping their child on the bottom with their hand to correct their behavior then it is fine. It all boils down to the parents attitude. If they are upset with the child and spanking them out of anger, not to correct them, then it is abusive. There is a big difference between disciplining a child and striking them because you have become frustrated with them. If the parent is frustrated, I advise them to send the child to their room while they calm themselves, an then if they still believe the child deserves a spanking they can call the child to come to them, explain what the child did wrong to deserve the spanking, then administer the spanking. Any action done in anger cannot have a good outcome.

Is 14 years old too old for a spanking?

My daughter is 14 and she burnt her 10 year old brother with a hot iron, and he got a second degree burn from it.
What should I do?
If i tell my husband she'll get beaten, but she's showing alot of attuitude, not saying sorry and swearing alot.

Is 14 years old too old for spanking her?

Someone suggested taking her to a woman's prison and scaring her, but i'm not sure, what do you think?

Do you think spanking is an effective punishment?

for teenagers i mean. my parents have never spanked, because i haven't done anything bad enough (i'm 14), my dad spanked my 10 year old sister for yelling back at him(swearing) then she ran out of the house to her friends. he also spanked my 12 year old sister for masturbating and showing a boy her breasts. do you think i should tell him not to or just leave it, also do you think it is effective? i personally think it was bad but at the same time it did work, because now all he has to do is refer to spanking if he thinks they may get in trouble. my mum approves as well.

Is 10 years old too old to spank?

like any crime, the punishment should be related to the offense
i would advise a punishment such as taking away a toy for every out-burst, and having to win it back with good behavior
or (if you have video games) forbid them hours of game time for every temper tantrum they throw
but a think that you should also focus on the origin of the crime
i think your child's behavior comes from the view that their outburst get them what they want, and that their actions don't affect their life
spankings are useful for children who are incapable of a large depth of thought
not to say that your children are stupid, but that a younger child will associate doing something bad, with the anger or disappointment of the parent, and don't usually register that what they are doing is anything other than bad, and don't see the consequences of their actions outside of the punishment given by the parent
at ten years old, they are capable of new depth of thought and can begin understand how their actions and behavior is related to the consequence, and that it's not just particular actions that are looked down upon, and are able to apply their knowledge of acceptable and unacceptable behavior to actions that may not be exact to a previous offense
my mother, always told me, that "wining, crying, and nagging = no"
when i was a child, and i would wine, cry, or nag her for something, i would not get it
and even if she was originally going to get it for me, if i wined, cried or nagged, then she would tell me that "i was going to get it for you, but because you were wining, crying and nagging, i will not"
i learned pretty quickly that my emotional out-bursts only affected me negatively

Corner punishment for 14 year old?

A few days ago I called my sister a ***** and my mom who hates cussing heard. She thought I deserved to be punished and decided to try a new way to discipline me. I got sent to the corner and was made to stand there hands to my side, feet and nose to the wall, no turning and no talking or I stand there longer. I thought it was redicoulous but she scarres me so I got in the corner and stayed for what felt like hours but was actually 30 minutes. I thought it was a one time thing but my report card came yesterday and my mom was MAD so she made me stand like that but pressed against the wall, not a corner. I threw a fit cus thats a childish punishment and she kept saying I was just making the punishment longer. I must have cus I argued for a while and eventually listened cus she scares me. But I was there for almost three hours! It felt like 12! And then my ipod was taken for the night and I got sent to bed. We talked and she said I better get used to it cus its my normal punishment now. And now Im scarred to be around her cus I hate standing there, its sooooo borning! this is wrong to do to a 14 year old right???

My friend is 14 and still gets spanked?

Is is an approach that he still responds to and learn from? If so, then no, he's not too old.

If it only makes him rebellious, then his folks should find another means of teaching him whatever lesson he needs to learn.

In the context of a loving family, spanking can be appropriate under the circumstances. Depending on the nature of the "crime," of course. Forget to clear the dishes after dinner? Don't spank, but maybe disallow TV for the evening. Out too late and no call home? That might be a time for the belt to be put to use.

My dad still spanks me and I'm a 14 year old guy. What do I do?

I remember the last spanking I got, I looked my mother in the eyes and took all the licks of the belt without flinching once. Didn’t make a sound, didn’t pout, didn’t get emotional.She did something worse, she started grounding me. Not sure what your pain tolerance is but if you have been disciplined like that for a while you should be used to it. You can show him that it doesn’t effect you or you can just pretend and avoid being grounded.At the age of 14 you should probably have a deep understanding of your parents psychological state. I was 10 when I received my last spanking, my mother wasn’t the spanking type when she disciplined us we deserved it. I can count on one hand how many times she took the belt to my behind. Then again, my mother was mentally stable. There are a ton of adults who aren’t.There is a difference between discipline and abuse, I’m not sure if you deserve it but you need to look back throughout the years of spankings you have received and really make that call for yourself because we don’t know your father. If he can be reasonable you should talk to him, if he has psychological issues, you should either a) avoid him at all cost, b) do whatever you can to please him and go away to college at 17 (load up the high school coursework and take some summer classes to graduate early) or c) get DHS involved.As a child you don’t have too many options, if you deserve them then there isn’t much I can help you with. Other than to gain more wisdom and understanding so you don’t do anything to get spanked.You need to either come to the reality that it’s either your fault or his that you keep getting spanked. You writing this question gives me the impression that you believe that you are too old for them and this may be one of the things you are telling yourself. Your father could have gotten spankings it worse until he was 20 we don’t know your or his.