Should Obama Change His Name To Obomber

Question That Contains Assumptions: Why did Barry Soetoro change his name to Barack Hussein Obama?

Barack Hussein Obama was the name he was born with. He unofficially adopted the name Barry Soetero when his mother remarried. As an adult he reclaimed his birth name. FYI, Hussein is a common Arabic name that means handsome.

Why did Barry Obama change his name to the much less American "Barack"?

In addition to all the people noting that his name is Barack and not Barry, we can speculate on why he didn't keep a nickname.  It's not unknown, after all. Among presidents there is Jimmy Carter.  However,  Carter's middle name is Earl. James Earl Carter might call to mind James Earl Ray.  Or (more propitiously) James Earl Jones. Some people have brought up that there are "Barrys" who aren't kids.  E.g. Barry Goldwater. But, while Barry sounds like a nickname, it is not usually one.  Barry Goldwater was named Barry Goldwater.

How did Obama get the name Barry Soetoro? Why did he stop using it?

Barry is a nickname for Barak. Sotero was the last name of his mother’s 2nd husband. When she got married she made Barak take on his name.

Ramadan: did u hear what Obama said about the 9/11 ?

dont u think its very stupid to blame religion for what ppl do? if anyone steal, oh he is a christian, he lied? oh shame shame on his religion.
i mean what kind of blindness is that?

i mean did Muslims blame christians when the british were exposed for what they did in prison abu ghreb, humiliating, taking the clothes of the prisoners etc...?? nope

i think only an educated, mature person would understand that ppl are not the religion, yes we should all represent our religion well but that doesnt mean we can represent it well.

i liked what Obama said, that it wasnt islam who attacked the USA was the terrorist, not bcz the americans cant find them that doesnt mean they have the right to blame muslims for it, just to feel better about their sadness.

and no one have the right to stop muslims from building mosque...if they are too upset they can find the terrorist, instead of blaming islam... as long as islam isnt disturbing, hurting anyone, then muslims are free to build mosque...its their country too..the majority of muslims are NoN no one can kick them from their countries.

what do u think?

What should I do about a boyfriend who hates my name?

Break up with him.And this has nothing to do with the name. It has to do with the fact that you're dating a wilfully intolerant asshole who is trying to obscure your difference in cultures and likely holds a subconscious negative opinion of you for being of a different ethnic background (“suicide bomber”? Seriously?)If someone truly loves and accepts you, that includes all the stuff you come with, even the parts that are not “ideal”. If he's saying that there are certain parts of you (your name) that should be kept hidden because it makes him uncomfortable, that just shows that he doesn't respect you enough as an equal partner​ in the relationship. In other words, you're the minority in the relationship, you're there to serve his needs, and appearances matter more to him than you as an individual.Hence your kids shouldn't have your last name because it's inconvenient. That “what will other people think?” mindset is being used to disparage you for something that is both hardly your fault and shouldn't really matter. I don't foresee this going anywhere good. That's why I suggest you get out now and save yourself the wasted time in that relationship.Besides, that's such a petty insignificant detail to get hung up on. Barrack Obama's middle name was “Hussein”. That didn't make him a “suicide bomber” or make him any less of a respectable person.

If you were President for a day, what would you change?

Lets see.. I would focus primarily on my Policies which aren’t outlined below;Domestic Policy:- Legalize abortion.- Create a universal healthcare system.- Enact denuclearization.- Add increase taxes dependency of an individuals income.Foreign Policy:- Ratify the Paris Cimate Accords- Enact resolutions and treaties regarding counter terrorism and defense cooperation with other countries.- Participate in economic summit, and further negotiation on trade that may help the economy.Military Policy:- National service for at least 6 Months At the age of +18 to +30.- Further increase spending on Military advancements.- Cut spending on nuclear weapons development and operations.I know it said for a single day as Preside t- but I just want to list a lot of things on what I’d actually do as President ;P

Does it bother any dems that Farikahn refers to Obama as their Messiah?


So..........just for the record you do know that in Islam there is no such thing as a Messiah.......
