Should Radical Feminists Be Banned From Using Male Inventions

To what extent is feminism in danger of being negatively associated with misandry?

It’s always been associated with misandry. Before the term “feminism” was even used much — when there were suffragettes (radicals) and suffragists (liberals) in 19th century Great Britain. When caricaturists were drawing all women who wanted to vote as manhaters. And ever since.And of course there are always hateful people. I bet there are 50 misogynistic YouTube videos out there at least for every misandrist one, just because the misogynists’ movement has had longer to establish videos. Nonetheless, there were women in the 19th century who had no-consummation clauses written into their wedding contracts, who talked about men as drunken children-haters, and so forth. Misogyny and misandry have almost certainly existed as long as humans divided humans into “us” and “other.”The fact is, the most extreme feminists I’ve ever met (who argued that anyone who’d ever had sex with a man had less political purity than anyone who hadn’t) weren’t usually taken seriously by the vast majority of other feminists. Movements which are too far from the cultural base of their community don’t actually achieve their goals. They become cults.If it were a movement which caught on — if a significant number of unhinged feminists started going around trying to kill male babies the way a significant number of unhinged “prolife” men go around trying to kill or threaten anyone who tries to terminate a pregnancy — then the larger community would bear some moral responsibility for trying to make them stop; or rather, for trying to self-limit the amount of absurd, over-the-top rhetoric others were producing justifying murder. **In the meantime, no sensible activist cares what the non-representative extremist is saying, nor the people who always resisted change who latch on that extremist, to try and make the movement turn its attention to silencing them rather than continuing to organize.NOTES** I presume that rational people consider particular behaviors bad no matter what the motive: if one group advocating “death to X” is morally wrong, another group advocating “death to Y” is equally wrong. Unfortunately, basic parallel ethics aren’t popular among the self righteous.

What did the womans liberation movement hope to gain?

I don't know. Women already rule the world. I think the whole point of women's lib was to give ugly women more access to things.

Why can't people understand that feminist want both equal rights AND responsibility?

Ok, maybe your links shows some problems with my use of words, Gun Fanatic, chivalry, for one, though the way it is used now, in common usage, it makes no difference, actually I would dare to call them "lies".

Look at this: from wikipedia:

"Duties to women: this is probably the most familiar aspect of chivalry. This would contain what is often called courtly love, the idea that the knight is to serve a lady, and after her all other ladies. Most especially in this category is a general gentleness and graciousness to all women."

And also just as civil rights movements even back in the heydays times of separation of whites and blacks seems to favor blacks, and indeed, some do,just as feminist seems to favor women, and just as with civil rights, indeed, some feminist do.

But as I've already said, there are many types of feminist and most of ones in your link are " the radical types who also seems to get all the atten

One critic of feminism said, "It isn't feminism that's the problem, its feminists." Do you think this could be true?

There was a recent study done in the U.K. asking women if they identify with the “"feminist movement.” The statistics that came back were shocking. Only 7% of women in the U.K. Align themselves with feminism. How could this be? Feminism is the champion for women, fighting sexism and inequality.When asked if they believe in gender equality(equality of the sexes,) 74% of women stated they did.Only 7 per cent of Britons consider themselves feministsBut I thought they were the same thing? How can a woman believe in gender equality but not be a modern day feminist?And here in lies the answer to your question.Feminism, just like anything else, has evolved over time. What started in my grandmother’s generation as a fight for equal rights has evolved into a movement my grandmother loathes.I truly believe the modern feminist movement has goood intentions. But they got lost along the way. What started as “"equality under the law”(right to vote, right to equal pay for equal work,) evolved into “"I can do anything you can do,” (false, it is a fact men and women are biologically different and operate and process differently, with different strengths and weaknesses,). After the “"I can do anything you can do” phase, the next logical phase began. “Women are actually better then men” phase is what has killed classic feminism, and it has made enemies of men across the world and has disgusted most women.For anyone claiming I am women hating, I believe in equality before the law. Women and men have the same rights before the law, to vote, drive, religion, health, equal pay for equal work, etc. Men and women are different, and having a diverse team of both men and women in any field is critical for success in the modern world. With that being said, it's a fact men and women think differently, have generally different builds, react differently, have different hormones effecting their brains, we are just different, but equal.

Would a ban on feminism increase Western countries' birthrates?

No, because a ban on feminism would signal one thing to women: “you have no rights”.I don’t know about you, but I don’t think many women are going to be in a rush to get together and have babies with men who regard them as having zero rights. We are not going back. We are not going back to the time when women were content to become wives and stay at home, because they knew there was little upward mobility for them, and men would react angrily if they tried to get a piece of the economy for themselves, and often sank into depression. And that’s not even getting into the large amount of women who don’t want to have kids in the first place. GASP! Not everyone has a “maternal” instinct, and is cut out to be a parent. Women know they should have more. They deserve more. And they are not going to accept your attempts to send them back, even if you try it by force at the end of a rifle.And as a man, I would advise women NOT to have more children, in that case. F*ck the population. Your rights come first.I would also be available to handle a rifle for anyone who’s against the feminism ban. *wink* Just give me some body armor, so I don’t get killed the moment I first go out there…But seriously, this is probably the dumbest question I have ever heard on Quora, and I’ve seen a lot of them, ranging from whether homosexuals are choosing to live the homosexual lifestyle, whether Trump is an angel sent from God to fight for him, and why Thanos didn’t double the resources in Infinity War. And I get where it’s coming from. You see certain Arab or African or Asian countries that have higher birthrates, where the women have slightly less rights, or drastically less rights in some cases, and you think “Oooh…would that work over here?” Er, sorry, it really wouldn’t.

Do feminists hate porn?

The dominant species of feminism seems to be something called Radical Feminism. Radical Feminism is politicized feminism that is overwhelmingly pro-woman and anti-man.Radical Feminists can be identified by what they hate. They hate porn as well as men, boys, the Patriarchy, logic (an invention of the Patriarchy designed to keep women down according to Marylin French), and heterosexual coitus. It is one of their key hatreds. Not only do they hate porn but they hate the men (and women) who look at porn. They also hate the women who voluntarily make porn. You can read all about how they believe all porn is evil in the writings of the late Andrea Dworkin (bragged about being a former teenage prostitute who sold sex in exchange for bus tickets of all things back to her middle class parents’ home) and her minions at the various psycho fem websites such as “witchwind.”I’m not sure how the feel about gay male porn because it doesn’t involve women, but they spend most of their hatred on hetero porn.I’m curious about why they hate porn. Since radical feminism is basically the politicization of women’s mental illness, I fear their hatred comes from their own body insecurities as compared to the bodies of porn models. Dworkin, for example as an adult, weighed 600 pounds and had serious hygiene issues. Their hatred must also come from control issues. They want to have total control over man’s orgasm, when , where, how it happens, and even what men think about and imagine. Banning porn obviously gives women power.