Should The Teacher Loose His Job For Putting The Student In His Place


PLZ star this I need MORE answers then the last question

OMG I'm scared of him now!!
My teacher gives us the privilage of listening to our ipods.
And this student had the music on too loud, so the teacher asked him to lower it, and te student said no.
Then the teacher said "either take off the headphones or give me the IPOD sir."
Then the student still refused, so the teacher went over to the students seat to get the IPOD.

I'm feeling bad for our teacher because he has to put up with 400 students attidudes and he just had a brake down. And the student should have just obeyed our teacher.

Then again he has no right to grab him by the neck.

Who's side are you on. Aye dios mio!

I'm a grade 6 student and I like my teacher and we have been looking at each other for a month now. Does he like me? If not, will I make him like me?

Okay, I am going to be absolutely, completely blunt with you. I’m not your parent, but I’m going to put that hat on.Stop it.Now.You are in the 6th grade (I am assuming that you are in the U.S. so that makes you 11 or 12)? You are a CHILD. He is a grown man. Do you know the laws here? If he even attempts to have that type of relationship with you it is grounds for dismissal from his job, possible prosecution and possibly jail time, not to mention a possible beatdown from your parents. If he is married with children of his own, he can say bye-bye to them. You are setting him up for a disaster, and you are setting yourself up for a disaster as well. All because you have a schoolgirl crush.I get it, you like your teacher. What student hasn’t had a crush on their teacher? I have. I had a teacher in school that EVERYONE thought was superstar gorgeous. But that is all that it was, A CRUSH. DO NOT allow it to go any further than that. Please.

How should a teacher react to a female student who kisses him?

The teacher is a professional young man in his mid 20s. He has wanted to be an educator for his entire life and loves his job and enjoys helping his students. One of his students is an attractive young woman that seems to have taken a liking for her teacher. The teacher is not impervious to her charms but realizes how inappropriate it would be to pursue anything romantic.

The student is seventeen years old and one of the teacher's better students. They talk frequently and exchange emails - the discussions are usually about literature (the subject the teacher teaches is English) but occasionally veer into the personal department. The teacher also occasionally meets with the student outside of class to help her work on an essay she is writing. They meet once or twice a week at a coffee shop. The student and teacher have not (yet) done anything of a sexual nature but they do have physical contact. This contact is mostly things like hugs, playful touching and hand holding.

The teacher realizes that having this close of a relationship with a student is not perfect but enjoys spending time with the student and being of assistance. Almost all of the out of school contact is initiated by the student. The student flirts with the teacher frequently - the instructor tries his hardest not to flirt back and only smiles and looks away when receiving attention. The teacher is not sure how to proceed as earlier this week the student kissed him on the lips when they were leaving after working on her essay. The teacher told her they shouldn't at first but after a little bit returned her kisses. They kissed outside his car for several minutes before going their separate ways. They have seen one another in class since and been professional but there is a lot of romantic tension between the two. Their emails are becoming more and more personal and romantic in nature and the teacher is losing his resolve to refuse the advances.

What should the teacher do in this situation. He cannot go to administration because he has already acted somewhat improperly. The student is not immature or troublesome and would not do anything to reveal the indiscretions. Is it wrong for the teacher to continue the relationship and/or escalate the relationship?

Why do teachers like putting students on the spot?

i swear my teacher is out to get me, he always picks me to read something in front of the class or to go up to the board to solve a problem even when I'm not the one who's volunteering to do it. And whenever I raise my hand to volunteer he takes one knowing glance at me and picks another person to do it. I don't get it what's wrong with him? I stayed after class one time to talk to him about it, I told him it was making me feel uncomfortable and that I would appreciate it if he stopped doing it and I even asked him why he kept doing it. Not to brag or anything but I'm amongst the top three students in the class, which is chemistry. And i'm always quite and shy in the class he didn't give me a direct answer he just said that 'i'm the teacher and you're the student' what should I do? I even talked to my parents about it but they also said the same thing and to just hang in there and its not a big deal....

Is it unfair for a teacher who fed his students a pancake each before a big test to lose his job?

Pancakes? No big deal.In England, before my GCSE “O”level exam in Music, our music teacher gave us some clues and tips as to what to the answers were! Normally, the other tests (Math, English, History, etc.) were given in a controlled testing area, not in our normal classrooms, and with multiple uninvolved teachers overseeing the test.However, the Music exam was given in the normal music classroom, probably because there was a piano and record player there. And for some unknown reason, the Music teacher was there to oversee the test, all on his own-some. We’d all prepared as usual, and I doubt it made any significant difference to our scores, but completely by surprise, he wrote several tips on the board, and then erased them. He told us this was strictly just between the class and him, so no-one wanted to hurt his job by ratting on him, or even gossipping about it. He was a gentle and altogether pleasant man who overlooked some of the misdeeds we pulled in his class during the two years that he prepared us for our “O” level exam.It wasn’t quite a normal teacher/class relationship. Looking back on my memories of our music class, we were probably the more mature students in our year. Plus a much smaller class (25) than you’d find for English (over 100), where you had multiple classes and teachers studying the same syllabus. He might have gained some benefit through a greater percentage passing the exam, and just maybe, he liked our class enough to break the rules, for the sole reason that we’d developed an affection for him as a person, and he thought of us with a trust that exists between friends.I still remember him and the class. and the fun we had over those two years. Rare for High School, unfortunately.

Are student-teacher relationships illegal?

Put your panties back on underage jail bait. Not only is it illegal, it's most likely in his teaching contract that if he makes any advances toward a student he will lose his job. If charges were filed he'd be required to file as a sex offender if he was found guilty. How eager are you to destroy his career?

By the time you get through college kiddo he'll be almost 30 and most likely married with a family. Pull your ego back in check and concentrate on an education so you can support yourself which is what school is all about.

What should students do when their teacher refuses to admit that they lost everyone's work? The teacher will not even attempt to look for the assignments and will put in zeros.

Genuinely losing students' work is something every teacher dreads, and so almost every teacher is very careful not to do so. As a result, it's extremely rare. You might accidentally misplace one bit of work, perhaps bundling it up with a pile of work from another class, but it would turn up when you returned their work.Of course, if the work is word-processed, then obviously all students will be able to print off another copy, so it shouldn't be a problem. You did save your work, didn't you?I should admit, though, that I was once part of a class that never got its exam papers back from one particular lecturer. I'm not naming him, to protect the obviously guilty, but he simply gave out a list of marks and grades, and we never saw our exam scripts, despite repeated requests; he claimed that he couldn't now find them, but we were pretty certain he hadn't marked them at all. We strongly suspected that he had just allocated the marks he thought we probably deserved, and left it at that.There really wasn't much we could do, and fortunately it didn't matter much, so in the end we let it drop, but it definitely soured the relationship between us and him. If your teacher really has, genuinely, lost an entire class's work, he would be wise to admit it and apologise. But you can't force the issue.Just treat this as a reminder to keep copies of your work, always. That way, you can slap a fresh copy down in front of him, and invite him to try again.

Can teachers legally destroy student property? What are the consequences?

I am aware of a case where a teacher in the US took an expensive phone from a student and put it on her desk. When the student went to retrieve the phone at the end of class it had been stolen. The teacher was found to have violated school policy by not securing the item and the court said she had to pay for the loss. On top of that it contained much of the students work which could not be replaced.
All the teacher had to do was keep the phone secure until it was returned.
Basically once the teacher took the phone she put herself in the position of properly securing it which she did not.

I kissed my teacher outside of school?

I know most of you won't believe this story because it doesn't even sound true but it honestly is! Here goes I'm 16 left school (last friday)but the friday after that I saw my teacher down train station i had just split up with my boyfriend and was in tears so he being a kind teacher put his arm around me,as we was talking we become closer and closer to the point were our faces were touching,we held like that for a few mins then we both looked up at the same time and snogged lasted like 1 and a half mins then his train came and he pecked me goodbye. In the last week he wasn't in but he was in on our last day he called me and friends into his classroom to give us "last minute exam prep" then he kept me behind to help me further and we kept Purposly making out bodies touch then at the end he hugged me goodbye as he did to my friends and he put his hand on my **** and pinched looked out and saw noone outside then we had a quick snog before we hured someone down the corridoor and seperated In the goodbye assesmbly we hugged again he wispered he'd miss me. He then slipped his phone number into my pocket I've only jsut text him today,he said we should meet and talk
Would any thing between us be wrong now I've left? I'm 16 will be 17 in sept his 24?
Because I'm seriously crazy for him!
Could he lose his job over this?