Should This Be Any Reason For A Girl Not To Be Apart Of Her Family

Why would a girl invite me to have dinner with her family?

seriously why would a girl invite me over to have dinner with her parents but had no intention of dating me. Do girls really think a guy wants to go all the way to their house to eat dinner with her parents?

Why it's wrong for a girl to live with her parents after marriage but not for boy?

This custom is practiced for long in Indian society and when the society was static and the way things were, the custom in which the wife of the son living with his parents made sense. Now definitely things have changed and the same rules won’t apply. Through ages in our society, things were in a certain way. The woman would live as house wife. The male person was to grow to become her protector and provider. But when the marriage took place, it happens his father would control the finances of the home. The girl’s parents when they look for a well-settled husband for the girl, choose the well-settled person as the one who has good inheritance and not good salary. And in many homes, the son becomes earning member, first by being an apprentice to the trade his father practiced. This is the way in the case of priests, farmers, potters or everyone. And so his father is considered to be the provider for the daughter-in-law also. And those days, every girl had brothers and every boy had sisters and being a static society, this system didn’t cause inconvenience for everyone. The new couple grow knowing the responsibilities of the household and also follow the same role as the older persons did and the customs followed. The marriage template was also the same through generations.But now the circumstances have changed. Definitely telling that the boy has to live with his parents after marriage causes many problems in the home. No more the marriage template of the father works for the son. Also the son’s salary becomes more important when his marriage is to be considered and not what he is going to inherit. And the son too looks for an employed girl as his wife which may not be liked by his father. Because so much has changed, if the girl is forced to live with her husband and his parents, the new couple’s marriage won’t work any more. The new husband and wife have to talk together and build understanding and make the marriage work.

My girlfriend wants me to convert to her family's religion. Should I do it?

Go & ask Obi Wan Kenobi.....................................

Why would someone cut off all ties with their family?

My friend told me that she has cut off all ties with her family. Now I haven't known her that long only a like a year and a half but I've noticed that she never mentions any family so I asked her and she said she just doesn't talk to them anymore and then shook her head sadly so I didn't ask anymore about it. But I still really want to know. What are reasons people cut off their family? Plus psychologically speaking is this the reason why she's trying hard to make a very bad (I seriously think it can get abusive) relationship work?

Help! my girlfriend always gets mad at me for no reason.?

It's very controlling behavior and not fair to you. You don't need to put up with it. The fact that you beg her to stop puts her in a position of power. It's important you stand up for yourself, and ask what is really bothering her, because it's not about a ham sandwich. She sounds very insecure. She wants you to fit in this little mold that she's made for you, and when you don't, she gets angry. If she simply doesn't like any little thing you do that's out of her control, you might need to rethink your relationship. I especially hate that she doesn't like you getting better grades than her. That's not healthy for you. Do you really want to be with someone that would rather have you fail so she feels better about herself? I see too many marriages like this. It's like they were allowed to get away with it as kids, and act like spoiled, selfish brats as adults because no one stands up to them. You've already played nice. Told her how it makes you feel, and she's not getting the message, or doesn't care enough to try. You need to tell her to knock it the hell off, or you're gone. And make good on it. Your future happiness relies on it.

By the by, there's a difference between love and codependance. You are *not* responsible for, nor have to feel guilty over her emotional well being. She apologizes only to make you come back. It's a vicious cycle. Best of luck. It's not easy.

Why should a girl leave her home after marriage and not the boy?

first understand the difference btw a girl and a boy. A boy is physically stronger than girl but a girl and boy mental and emotional devlopment is same…so to answer we were cultured to have the man as bread earner of his home as he is physically more stronger than woman and can protect his family well than the woman..and to answer a boy can protect and be a good earner in comparison to woman as he is physically more fit than her and boys know well about outer world than woman actuall cause they are brought up that way…and parents don't won't there son to leave them as they need someone to protect and take care of them and in old age most of them can't earn and need there son to take care of them emotionally and financially and in case of woman is unable to do it as after getting married she have to take care of her kids and due to this she cant earn and take care of them and unable to protect them physically and financially that why girls most of time are complied to leave their home than boys.i hope you got the point..thanks for reading…

Why would my girlfriend not want to show affection around her friends and family?

I just was wondering if anyone might have an idea, why my girlfriend that i have been with for almost 3 years now, has problems kissing me and showing affection with me when her friends and family are around, I know that she loves me very much and wants to be with me, but I got mad at her because I said why is it that you cant kiss me around your friends, she said that she thinkis tha it is wrong that it is like Im showing her friends that I won her or showing her off that shes mine, what does that mean, some , most of her friends are guys, and really dont care for me because there like all Christian like and they think I am some bad guy or somthing I dont know

What should I do when my girlfriend's parents hate me?

Start with changing the way you perceive their attitude towards you. Hate is a very strong word. Find out why they “dislike” you and confirm that they really do. If so, are the reasons justified? If they are then you can work on those things.If not, it may require a conversation with them to clear things up. Most often, conflict is simply due to miscommunication or misunderstanding.Obviously, treat their daughter as a lady should be treated. All the time. Be very respectful towards the parents and don't give them any reason to make their impression worse.But, don't go to the extent that you're super anxious around them or that you're not your genuine self. You want them to like you for being the real you. Creating unrealistic expectations or sacrificing yourself will only make things worse in the long run.Have patience, it may take some time for them to warm up to you. Hopefully if you're doing these things to the best of your ability, they will grow to love you. But, don't expect it. Unfortunately, some people may never come around due to their own reasons or issues, justified or not.Ultimately, what is most important is that you are being genuine, doing the right thing, and focusing more on the relationship. Don't allow anybody else’s negativity to sabotage your interaction with your girlfriend.No matter what, regardless of how things turn out, knowing that you remained true and did the best you could will help you, your relationship, and any future relationships. For now, if you love her, show it. Actions speak way way louder than words.I wish you all peace and love.-Andrew