Should Us Guys Have The Right To Use The Womens Restroom When Ours Is Full To Capacity

Can a restaurant legally refuse to let someone use their restroom?

Yes, restaurants do not have “public restrooms,” since restaurants are not “public locations.” Restaurants are privately owned locations which are open to the public. There’s a difference. Being a private facility, the restaurant can restrict the use of its facilities to whomever they choose, and most restaurants restrict their facilities to paying customers.

Why do guys use urinals?

At their house they usually just use the toilet. And the urinals are so exposed, like really, if i were a dude i don't think i'd pee in one. Like some have walls but most are just out there.

Also does anyone else find it wierd when guys have sleepovers with other guys? I mean sleepovers are known as a girl thing but a lot of guys have sleep overs too, why is that?

If the women's bathroom is occupied, is it OK to use the men's?

A prior respondent wrote about her use of the men’s room whose urgency was complicated by a broken ankle.I was on a road trip with a friend, stumping around in a hard plaster cast past my knee. We were in our early twenties, so almost anything was tolerable. Broken leg? Hah!Somewhere in Georgia we had to stop to fuel up and offload. Just as I gimped my way on crutches to the Ladies Room, two women with three female toddlers closed the door on what I was certain was a one stall potty.Desperate, I tried the Mens Room door. Unlocked. Scuttling in, I pulled down my pants and backed into a urinal. Blessed relief. Really. It takes time to get anywhere on crutches (not to mention all the joggling) and I was about to burst.I was almost finished when a man entered, looked confused, and checked the sign on the door, almost closing it. “Hey!” he shouted. “Be done in a sec!” I sang.He was a gentleman and stayed outside until I left gimping on my crutches.I muttered “Sorry. I really had to use the Men’s room. The Women’s was busy.” “That’s alright,” he smiled. “I got four daughters and a wife. Ya gotta go, ya gotta go.” He steadied me as I moved off the curb and made my way to the car.I could hear the mini mob leaving the Ladies as I got into our car. I could never have waited that long.God bless Southern men.I say, “Ya gotta go, ya gotta go.”

Do women have stronger bladders than men?

I think women do have stronger bladders or maybe they're just bigger. Because guys have to pee all the time . Me personally the longest I can go w/o having to use the restroom (if I dont have drinks in between) 9 am to 4 pm. Another factor you have to add in is its allot easier and cleaner for guy to use the restroom. Women have to go through allot more work than men and a public restrooms can be quite scary. The thought of hovering over a filthy toilet will increase your bladders strength. So if you dont want to use the restroom you'll put it off until you get somewhere comfortable

I have this problem where I can't pee when other guys are in the same restroom...?

I'm 15 and everytime I go to go to the bathroom, whether it be in school, or at a store or what have you and there is someone else in the bathroom I can't pee. I stand there and I will have to pee really bad but I just can't pee. I feel it coming on but it won't come out. Then the minute the door shuts behind the person leaving and they are gone, it all comes out.

This can get REALLY embarrising especially at school cause i'll b jst standing at the urinal and not doing anything for a long time. I don't know what the problem is. I don't know if I'm worried someone's trying 2 look at it, which I doubt it, cause i'm not much of an eye candy, but I just don't know. Please help me get over this.

Why do men's public bathrooms tend to smell so bad in relation to women's public bathrooms?

There are many sides to this question. I will try to cover the most important ones. I am a man, and having very limited experience of women's bathrooms, I will have to focus on the man's side.First of all, usually, if their smell is different, men's public restrooms smell like urine more than women's ones. This is the only differentiating parameter I can safely draw from my experience.So I will reformulate the question: why do men's bathrooms smell like piss when women's don't ?1. Men pee while standing, thus missing the urinal sometimes. Women tend to pee while sitting on the seat, which makes it harder to miss.2. Even when people do hit the urinal while standing, urine hits the urinal's walls and/or its water so hard that it splashes all around it, be it in tiny drops or bigger ones. I notice that even when I hit the water for the whole length of the shot, or the wall at an angle providing minimum splashing effect, there is always a small spree of drops on its sides.3. Men care less about smell and cleanness, in general, and sometimes proudly so (not to be judged). So it bothers them less to leave it uriny when it is.4. I believe that to a small extent, we may even love to make/keep it dirty, because we know that even if we tried to keep it clean, it would get dirty after some time. So why not splash it right away, to give it its ultimate fate now, so we don't have to bother being careful anymore ? All harm is done, no need to focus on the target anymore.5. We love that smell. It is close to musk (not Elon, the scent), with its acrid goaty agressive wooden depth. It reminds us of a fight. It smells of battle, and as battle can't be in the streets anymore, agression takes place in the bathroom. It is one of these last places where some wilderness can be experimented (in the shape of that pissy smell) thanks to the all-male nature of the area. It is our last playground. We make it distinctive. Mark our territory.6. On the contrary to women, men don't speak much to each other in urinals. The urine smell creates a bond: it both differenciates us from women, because we know women don't like it this way, it floats in the air as a reminder that other men are/were there too. It is the proud fragrance of brohood.Probably a lot more to say. Bottom line: be proud of that pissy smell, boys. Next step, poop on the floor.