Should We Circumcise Our Son

Should I circumcise my son when he is born?

Why not let your son decide whether or not he wants to be circumcised when he's an adult, and can speak for himself? Circumcision is genital mutilation, and a direct violation of human rights. I suggest you watch a video on YouTube of the procedure. I dare you to try not to tear up when hearing infants cry out hysterically in pain.

Should i circumcise my 2 year old son?

There are alot of arguements out there for and against newborn circumsision.
The majority of babies in the US are circumsized, however in other parts of the world, the UK for example, very rarely is a newborn circumsized.
I myself am against circumsision HOWEVER I don't have a penis so I don't know if I'd have a different opinion if I was a man. I trusted my husband to make the right decision for our son, and my husband, being an average Jewish American choose to have our son circumsized.

I did abit of reading and the ideal way to circumsize a child, IF you choose to do so is to have the procedure done between 7 and 14 days.
Before 7 days old, vitamin K may not be built up enough in the body to prevent unclotted bleeding.
After 14 days old, the skin becomes more difficult to remove.

In my opinion, you missed the window of opportunity if you wanted it done.
Of course, he could always choose to be circumsized as an adult. But right now, he wouldn't understand why it was being done to him, it would be very painful, the healing process would be confusing.
It might even cause a sexual disturbence in him years down the road if you start associating pain and fear of the doctor with his penis at this young age.
If he chooses to get it done as an adult, of course it would still be painful, however at least as an adult they could prescribe him stronger pain meds which they could not give a 2 year old.


Why do some people do it and some people don't. My dad told me that if I don't he'll never enjoy sex the way us regular folks do? Is this true. Give me some feedback!

My son was circumcised on Monday Oct. 2nd.?

My son is 4 months old and couldn't have the circumcision when he was born due to complications, so he just had it done last week. With my first son (2) they put a little plastic ring around the skin trimmed off the end. he has a circumcised look with a puffy ring of skin slightly covering the crown or rim of his penis. About half the head is exposed and peeps out from the skin.
My new son was done by our ped. in her clinic. She didn't use the plastic ring thing. She just trimmed it off and when I got him back it was wrapped in a vaseline gauze. She gave me some instructions and sent us home.
My question is now a week later he is healing just fine but I wonder if she trimmed off a little to much skin. You can clearly see the scar line almost a half inch behind the head. I called the clinic and she said that it was normal. I thought the extra skin was just trimmed off around the head. Is this normal?

Should I have my adopted son circumcised?

Thanks for all of the the replies so far....I was afraid for awhile that no MEN were going to answer...but they are starting to give their opinions now. Thanks.

I am Christian, so there are no religious beliefs for or against having the circumcision done. So, that isn't even an issue.

For those who commented on the my husbands is my response. We live in a rural area in Kentucky. Believe it or not, middle school and highschool kids around here possibly might tease my son for being different. At least this is what my husband fears. (He's a guy and says he knows what goes on in the locker rooms.) ???

As for main concern is that my son doesn't come to me when he is in his 20's and say "Mom....why didn't you have this taken care of when I was little?"

I'm not concerned about disease. I've done the research and being uncircumcised is not putting him "at risk" as long as I teach him the "facts of life" honestly and openly!!

Thanks for the info.

My wife wants to circumcise our son..?

Im married to a Filipino women and our son just turned 8. She recently had talks with me about getting our son circumcised because its part of her traditions or something and so has her family. Apparently circumcision is a huge thing in the Philippines and every male is expected to have it around this age as some sort of ''right of passage''. I myself am not circumcised and let me tell you it took her awhile to accept it but then again im not Philippino and we loved each other so much so she just accepted it and its like whatever to her now. Its not that i dont respect her traditions or anything but i just dont want to do something like this to our son its his body and i believe he should have the choice to decide if he wants it or not when hes old enough to understand the pros and cons of doing this and whatnot.

My wife and her family are furious at me for not allowing them to do it and i gotta say its a very unpleasant feeling having people who youve become close with for so long turn on you like this. I know in my heart im doing the right thing and my child comes first before anyone else but its eating me inside having my wife see me as the bad guy.. Am i doing the right thing by letting my son have the decision? I have not told my son anything yet about this procedure because i dont want to influence him in any way. Whether he gets cut or not i will be ok with it in the end but i just want him to decide... I plan on sitting down with him when hes at least 15 and tell him all the pros and cons for both uncircumcised and circumcised and see which side he prefers. I honestly dont know how im gonna deal with my wife and her family ive tried telling them all they dont seem to understand..

We are in America too btw not the Philippines

My wife is forcing me to get my son circumcised because of her religious beliefs. What should I do?

I would refuse to allow it and put your foot down, as someone else said if she married someone who is not circumcised how come it's such a big deal? Why circumcision even continues to exist is frankly beyond me, there is no possible excuse for male genital mutilation unless the person has some form of condition that requires it e.g Phimosis where the foreskin is too tight. Frankly I think it's completely barbaric and I have a large number of American friends who agree with me although in most cases it was too late for them. What amazes me is that when they come and stay at my house in Europe and go to the pool or the gym they can't believe everyone is uncut. What really upsets them is when I refer to someone who is uncut as "an intact male" a friend of mine in Fort Lauderdale was discussing his boys planned circumcision and his son wasn't even due to be born for week or two - not a good start in life is it :-) he said to me he thought it was a good idea for the health benefits and I explained that I have never had a problem and neither have any of my friends in Europe or Canada who are not cut so these "perceived health benefits" are completely nonsensical in the same way as the North American obsession with extracting wisdom teeth. When a teenager tells me his wisdom teeth have to come out I ask myself a question "as most Americans are of European origins how come most of them have their wisdom teeth extracted when most Europeans have retained them" when you think about it it doesn't make sense.Returning to the issue of my friends son and the proposed circumcision I said if you think it's a good idea why not leave it to your son to make up his own mind when the time comes? What baffles me is that when we are talking about female genital mutilation everyone is tearing their hair out but when we talk about male circumcision in the US its frequently looked at differently though in Europe people are strongly opposed - time to smell the coffee over here in the US I reckon!!

My wife does not want our son to be circumcised due to misinformation. How do I handle this issue?

So, I have a 2yr old son. He is not circumcised. This decision led to heated arguments with my mother and other family members as well as other mothers.I did a lot of research before making a decision. The pros, the cons, the risks. I spoke to the pediatrician.Pediatrician: There is no medical reason to perform a circumcision. It was originally done for religious purposes. In more recent times it has become more common practice. It is believed that it is cleaner and ultimately safer for the baby. However, I have dealt with more infections in Male children due to circumcisions. This is because it is an open wound, inside a diaper where feces is. It is hot inside a diaper, so germs and bacteria thrive in there. Babies urinate and defecate on a constant basis. When you have an open wound in those conditions the the chance for infection is high.The pediatrician fully supported not circumcising. The foreskin acts as a natural protectant, keeping dirt and such out. It's also very easily moved out of the way to clean the baby up. If you teach your son how to properly clean himself, there won't be a problem. We teach little girls how to clean their parts all the time.The pediatrician at the hospital also supported our decision, she actually shook my hand. She gave me the same information as our doctor did and said she was glad to see that we weren't just following the norm.The main argument from family and friends? His penis would look different from the other boys in the locker room and he would get made fun of. Give me a break.I don't know what information your wife has that you feel is false. I do not advocate either direction. I feel it is a personal choice. For me it was an easy choice. I was not ok cutting parts off of my brand new baby for no real medical reason. They don't numb them, they strap them down and snip it off. It's painful, and remains painful until it heals. Infection risk. Nah.Do some of your own research. Talk to doctors. Most importantly, talk to with your wife

If you had a son, how would you decide whether to circumcise him or not?

My husband and I made the decision the same way we make all medical decisions:Collect evidence about benefits and risksDetermine if the benefits outweigh the risksAccount for intangiblesWe looked for reputable sources on the benefits and risks of circumcision. “Reputable sources” means peer-reviewed studies and expert reviews of peer-reviewed studies. For example:Newborn circumcision for the prevention of urinary tract infections in infancyMale circumcision for prevention of heterosexual acquisition of HIV in menNewborn Male Circumcision male circumcision affect sexual function, sensitivity, or satisfaction?--a systematic review.After reading up on the topic, we determined that neonatal circumcision seems to have minor benefits and very small risks.When I say “account for intangibles,” I mean factors that aren't about scientific probabilities, like culture and ethics.We are not Jewish or Muslim, so there is no religious reason to circumcise.Circumcision is very common among boys of my son's generation, so he may feel uncomfortable about looking different from his peers.I believe it is most ethical to avoid irreversible alterations to a child's anatomy unless those alterations are strongly medically indicated.Since our review of the evidence led us to conclude that routine neonatal circumcision is not strongly medically indicated, we decided against circumcision. If at some point circumcision becomes strongly medically indicated — for example, if my son suffers from phimosis (non-retractable foreskin) or begins having chronic UTIs — then we can have him circumcised at that time. And if as an adult he decides the benefits of circumcision appeal to him and the risks don't bother him, he can get himself circumcised. But as the custodian of my child's body, not the owner of that body, I feel obligated to keep it whole and intact as much as possible.