Should We Support The Troops

I don't support the troops?

I don't support the troops, I don't support what they do or say, more like I can't support them, because if I did, it would sicken me. They are not defending me or my freedoms by being in countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq. In my opinion, the war is bullshit and obviously an attempt at imperialist expansion. The military doesn't fight for me or my freedoms, because they don't fight against people or groups that are actually a threat to me. Groups such as the taliban are no threat to my or your freedoms, people who write legislature that takes away my freedom of speech, they are a threat, people who write laws to cut healthcare funding, so its more difficult for me to go see a doctor are a threat to my freedoms, police who accuse you of committing a crime and then harass you about it, they are a threat to my freedoms, the troops don't fight these people, they fight people, that they believe are a threat to me or this nation, there hasn't been any potential threat to our freedoms since WW2, and if the military thinks that those 1.2 people were a threat to us, including the children, then why should I support them? please share your thoughts believe, and please refrain from saying ignorant statements such as "traitor" or "terrorist", because that just proves how brainwashed you are. Thank you in advance for your feedback : )

How Do You "Support the Troops?"?

Aside from speaking out against the war, which I don't do because I'm actually quite okay with it.

I support my father, my boyfriend, my friends, my brother when he was still alive. I send care packages, I offer advice, I care for their families while they are gone. I lend my shoulder to cry on for anyone who has served and for their families. I help the kids understand what is going on with their moms and dads. I help support the guys and gals with PTSD and the ones having a hard time readjusting.

Do you really think speaking out against the war boosts the morale of our troops? You want to talk about killing any and all hope they have, and morale they have by making them feel like this is senseless? Some military man you were. Put yourself in their place you a**.

If they signed up AFTER the war started, they signed up for a reason knowing full well they could be deployed. So instead of throwing your opinion of "Senseless" death which by the way, up yours for making ANYONE feel like their loved ones died for no reason. Why don't you try shutting up and just being kind and not speaking out about it?

Why do you support the US troops?

I support the US troops because I support the United States of America. I support every bomb we’ve dropped, every invasion of another country (except maybe Iraq and Vietnam), and every sanction we’ve passed. Do I support these things because they are right, wrong, nice, or even fair? Nope. I support them because they are in the best interests of the United States. The liberals that talk about they oppose the US’s international policies sure don’t mind staying here and benefiting from said policies. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in this life is that talk is cheap. They can protest all they want to but the fact is they are still here. They don’t have to stay here. The United States doesn’t require one non incarcerated person to stay here. If their moral misgivings of the US policy was that great then why stay and continue benefiting from them which is in effect de facto support?

Is it okay to not support the troops?

Q. Is it okay to not support the troops?(1) Thanks for the A2A.(2) Short answerNot OKBecause troops have no say on what they do, such as the wars they fight.They act on instructions of their political masters.However, they do have a say in how they conduct themselves, when, for example, executing military orders at the tactical and operational level.Differentiate between the two.If you disagree with any defense moves of your political leaders, take it up with them directly. Protest in the plaza, and on social media. Write to your legislature representative. If you live in a democracy, express through the ballot box during the elections if you deem necessary.If there is any specific wrongdoing by your troops, such as war atrocities, abuses, unprofessional conduct, deal with these specifically and targetedly, e.g. the specific individual servicemen, or platoon, involved.Do not condemn the entire military establishment. Don’t flail all over.That said, if violations are systemic, it says something about the malaise in the leadership quality of the military.

Does "Support Our Troops" equal the same as "Support The War"?

We hear different stories on the news regarding the morale and the wishes of our troops in Iraq. John Mcain stated that the troops want the chance to stay there in Iraq so they can "win".
At the same time, Rep. presidential candidate Ron Paul has received more campaign contributions from military personal than any other candidate. With Paul's stance being to leave Iraq immediately, this implies that a large number of our troops support a candidate that wants the opposite of "staying the course".
With that, if, as a whole, our military personal are supporting a candidate who wants to pull out of Iraq instead of staying, we can conclude that our troops (not the military brass, but our family members and friends who's lives are actually in danger over there) would rather come home.
If thats the case, wouldn't the slogan "Let Us Win" and the decision to stay in Iraq be the OPPOSITE of "Supporting Our Troops", because our troops actually want to come home?

Why should I support the troops if I don't support the war in Afghanistan or Iraq?

This question has two parts, and they have no connection.Part A. The USA has a strong and national tradition to respect, support and honor the USA troops. It is part of the character of the USA as country, and as a self-picture of what the American citizen is.Any young person can join the military in the USA; he can apply himself, learn a job or profession, become an officer, and even a general. This is an American fundamental, and it is good.If your neighbour joins the military, and wears his uniform with respect, and honour, and on a bus gets up to let a lady sit….would you not respect him and his ‘office’? {If you don’t-there is something missing in YOUR brain, not his!}A similar situation is those who hate the police, and call them names all the time; so when the burglar breaks into your house; don’t call the police because you them become a hypocrite, and a false-citizen.Part B. I clearly agree, that there are arguments to say that the US presence in Afghanistan and Iraq is unnecessary and even detrimental …-… or not!AND>> as a US citizen you have the right to criticize and even shout at your congress that allows this to happen. You can write letters, vote fo the other guy-in the next election and stand on street corners and demonstrate.YOU can!But what you cannot do, is say “Our citizens elected these leaders to represent us, and act for us, and I reject this…..from now on I am an anti-democrat. I reject the principles of democracy and I insist that my opinion is better than the majority of the other US citizens. If you want to take this approach then the un-citizens of NK, Iran and even Russia welcome you; because you have joined them. [Your neighbour can even shout at you, that you are an N.Korean agent living as a ‘lie’ in the USA.]The USA has a democratic heart, and if you insist on rejecting this American democracy—then why are you here, go to Iran.Living in any democracy is an honor, and a state of give and take. If you as a citizen cannot give [JFK said this] , how dare you take!

Why Should I support The Troops If I Don’t support The War?

In my opinion, we should always condemn a war because for sure it kills the innocents. However, supporting the troops is not always wrong. There are many troops who were sent to help innocent civilians in the war area. Their jobs are to provide humanitarian aid, give helps to the civilians and to prevent war crime in the area. So I think it’s acceptable to support the troops.

"Support the troops by bringing them home"?

This is the mantra of the "Out of Iraq" crowd. I understand what they mean in the sense that they believe lives are being lost for a "useless" cause. But, "support the troops by bringing them home" as a catch phrase makes no sense to me. Troops are not sent to war with the primary goal of "bringing them home" before victory is achieved or they wouldn't be sent out in the first place. Of course we want all of them to return safely, but troops are sent to war to assuage any threat to the U.S. that the Commander-in-Chief deems valid. There is no draft; members of the U.S. Armed Forces courageously volunteer to risk their lives to protect the freedoms and liberties we enjoy as Americans. They understand that they have no control over where they are going and what they are doing, yet they volunteer regardless. Unless the objective has been achieved, "supporting the troops by bringing them home" seems to equate to a polite admission of no-confidence in our military.

What does the phrase "support the troops" mean?

Do I support their right to life? Do I support the war? Do I support their choice to join the military?

I have to say, I don't support the War on Terror, I don't support their choice to join the military, but I do hope they come home safetly. I also hope they kill as few innocent people as possible. I hope they realize how poor of a choice it was to join the military and realize their mistakes. Do I support the troops? I don't get it.