Show That . I Need Help

How do I show my boyfriend who's boss? I need help with my relationsip, someone, anyone can help?

alright me and this boy have been on and off for about 6-7 months, I can honestly say I am in love with him. truely in love. we've been steady for almost two months now but now we're having trouble.. we used to talk all the time, through out the day. now we go without a day without talking. I'm the one that has to call-text him first. it's stupid I hate having to be the one to do all that stuff that the boys should be doing. him and my sister have been bestfriend for eh, I'm going to say about three years now. they're like brother and sister. then about two months ago they got into this huge argument and backstabbed one another and that kinda stuff so they wern't friends for about a month but now they're okay again, I'm fine with that. then today her and him we're talking and she said " how's your boo doing, do you still like her" and he said " ofcourse I do, she's my girlfriend. " when she told me that I was happy cause I thought we we're going through a hard time.. but later on they we're texting tonight when I was with her and she asked how we we're and he said " Idk " she said " what do you mean you don't know, you guys still date don't you? " he said " no idea " how doesn't he know? either of us broke up with eachother. Idk it's rediclious. and I'm stuck in a pickel. it's hard to explain everything but I think that you get the hint.. can someone people help and tell me what to do and how I should fix this cause once again I love him, but I have no clue what to do.

Need Help.... and show solution pls....?

Initial velocity of truck , u = 10Kph = 10x1000/60 mts/min
= 166.67mts/min
acceleration of 0.5m/min for 20 minutes
use final velocity v = u + at
v = 166.67 + 0.5x20 mts /min
velocity at the end of 20 minutes v = 176.67m/min
use distance traversed s = ut + 0.5at^2
a = 0.5m/min^2
to find the distance traversed in 20 minutes
s = 166.67x20 + 0.5x0.5x20^2
s = 3333.4 + 100 m = 3433.4 mts
for 2nd part in deceleration of a' = 0.4m/min^2 the final velocity v' = 0
v' = v -a't to get time taken to stop
0 = 176.67 - 0.4t
t = 441.675 min
again use s' = vt - 0.5a't^2
s' = 176.67x441.675 - 0.5x0.4x(441.675)^2
s' = 78030.72-39015.36 m
s' = 39015.36 mt
total distance travelled
= s (accelerating part) + s'(decelerating part)
= 3433.4 + 39015.36 m
= 42448.76 m

I need help with a show name for my horse... his name is Logan...and he needs a show name!! HELP ME!!?

I need help with a show name for my horse... his name is Logan...and he needs a show name!! HELP ME!!1?
I need help with picking out a show name for my horse Logan... I want it to have logan in or or something like logan.... and for people who dont kno... a show name is a name that he will be called at shows... so like a fancy name!! help and THANKS!!!xx

Is it okay to show off by helping others in need to get some recognition? Or is it better to help them in silence?

Sigh … where does this idea come from that helping others in need is “showing off”?If you are helping others because they need help and you can provide it, that is all that is important. Recognition is nice, but if your main motivation to help others is to be recognized for your efforts, your motivation is weak.If you are unsure about making the effort to help others without the assurance of public recognition, don’t bother. Others will help who do not crave the spotlight and you can move on to something that provides the recognition you crave.If you truly want to help others, just do it and enjoy the inner recognition that you are doing something good for others.John

Help!! Driving Test tommorow. need help with show me - tell me questions please.?

I have my Driving Test tommorow and need help with the show me tell me questions part of the test.

I can do most of them but have forgotten about the things under the bonnet, like where is the engine coolant and so on.

I am really nervous as i cannot remember where these things are in my instructors car, and if they ask me to show them where something is i wont be able to.

Does anyone know of any sites where i could have a diagram or pic of where everything is? The car is a Vauxhall corsa If that helps.

Please help as I really dont want to get off to a bad start with the test as i am convinced i will fail anyway :(


I need help!! Have to show (sinx)^2 cos(1/x^2) is differentiable at 0. How??

The function is differentiable at zero if it is continuous and its derivative exists at that point.
f(x) = (sinx)² cos(1/x²)
f(0) doesn't exist so lets define f(0) = lim[x→0]f(x) = 0

Using first principles as we do not know if it exists or not.
# Note this is why you can not just use your normal derivative rules #
f ' (x) = lim[h→0] [ (sin(x+h))²cos(1/(x+h)²) - (sinx)² cos(1/x²)] / h
f ' (0) = lim[h→0] [ (sin(h))² cos(1/h²) - lim[x→∞](sinx)² cos(1/x²) ] / h
Now lim[x→∞](sinx)² cos(1/x²) = 0 as | cos(1/x²) | ≤ 1
f ' (0) = lim[h→0] [ (sin(h))² cos(1/h²) ] / h
Now |cos(1/h²)|≤1 so
| f ' (0) | ≤ lim[h→0] [ (sin(h))² ] / h
Using L'Hopital's Rule we get:
| f ' (0) | ≤ lim[h→0] [ 2sin(h)cos(h) ] / 1
| f ' (0) | ≤ 0
So f ' (0) = 0
As the derivative exists at 0 then it is differentiable at zero.


Work through this example first, to get the basic idea.

Imagine a job takes 6 days to do with 10 machines.

Suppose the number of machines is increased from 10 to 30. This is a factor 3. You would expect the number of days taken to be reduced 3 times. So with 30 machines the job would take 6/3 = 2 days.

Suppose the engineer has M machines (which can do the job in 3 days). With 3 extra machines, the time can be reduced from 3 days to 2 days (a factor 2/3).

With 3 extra machines the number of machines must have increased by a factor 1/(2/3) = 3/2.

The number of machines would increase by 3, from M to M+3, this means:
(M+3)/M = 3/2
2M + 6 = 3M
M = 6

So the engineer has 6 machines which can do the job in 3 days.

1 machine by itself would take 6 times longer, i.e. 3x6 = 18days.

I need help on my resume. I have nothing to show for. What should I do?

You include your education and the jobs you have worked at even though it was for your parents. Honors and titles aren’t particularly important. How you describe what you have learned and the experience you have gained counts the most. The keywords are “transferrable skills”.Ingrid Halvorsen's answer to How do I get experience if I need experience to get experience?In the above answer I’ve listed some very important books for you to read. They will probably transform the way you conduct your job search. Read them, do the exercises and go forth to success.

I need help solving this linear equation. Please show me how to work it not just the answers. Thanks?

In last equation is Z multiplied by 0?or what

Why do people don't show up when you need them the most?

Oh,yes. I know that feeling.I tried to understand this as to why some people, who are supposed to be our confidant, start backing out slowly when they ascertain that we might be in some kind of emotional or financial or physical support.Here's the deal in most cases:They are going through their own shit. Everybody is trying to survive. Believe this. This in no way means that they are a bad friend or a bad person. They do wish they could help you but sometimes it gets too tough for them to comprehend.Why we start assuming that they might be trying to cut themselves away from us? It is so because we were there for them when they needed us, perhaps. Or maybe because they once told us that they would want to help us if we needed them to, right?Well… shit happens. Situations refashion. People fluctuate. Moods swing. You're too tired yourself to find what they're going through sometimes, aren't you?HOWEVER, if you feel like they can be toxic to you, that they are all about taking and not giving at all, then distance yourself from such people. They'll exhaust you out.