Sick After Eating Choc

Why do I feel sick after eating so much chocolate?

I think your question contains the answer: “too much”. No matter what you eat too much of will make you sick. To a varying degree, obviously.In the case of chocolate you’ll be eating a lot of fat, and for some types of chocolate also a lot of sugar.If you eat large enough quantities, the theobromine might affect you; possible side-effects include sweating, trembling, and severe headache.Chocolate is yummy. But keep the intake moderate.Not really related to the question but worth repeating: All this is still better than the effects on dogs though; chocolate can be deadly to dogs. DON’T fees dogs chocolate!

I feel sick after eating chocolate?

This happened to one of my close friends she had been able to eat chocolate for so long but the past year or so when ever she did she had the worst stomach aches and constantly felt sick. Turns out she is allergic to chocolate and can't have any chocolate products such and chocolate cake, biscuits etc.
Check with your local doctor to make sure.
Hope this helps :)

Why do I feel sick after eating chocolate?

I mean even a tiny amount, not like a whole big bar of chocolate - that's enough to make anyone feel sick!
I used to adore chocolate, had to eat it every day. This year I gave it up for lent, and now I'm not too bothered about it. But every now and then when I eat some, I feel incredibly sick afterwards and have no idea why.
I also have IBS - but my food intolerances usually result in diarrhea, not sickness, and I've always been fine with chocolate before.

Feel sick after eating chocolate?

For a long time I haven't been able to eat any kind of chocolate without feeling sick. I can not even eat a tiny bit of a chocolate biscuit without feeling ill two minutes later. Chocolate milk is the same. Could never get through a half glass of it without running to the toilet and vomiting

What should I do after eating a lot of chocolate?

Make a pact with yourself that you will never again eat Hershey’s Kisses. They’re the Keystone Beer of the chocolate world. What you ate was a paraffin wax substance mixed with some sugar, that can legally be called chocolate.Set your standards higher. Chocolate may be the most delicious substance ever concocted. Don’t settle for cheap substitutes next time. Quality chocolate is like a beautiful drug.

Why does eating a tiny bit of chocolate make me sick?

If it’s american chocolate like hershey than it’s a understandable reaction, otherwise you can be sensitive for Tyramine this can cause headache and is found in chocolate, red wine, various cheeses .Theobromine is the substance that makes chocolate poisonous for dogs, and when you are sensitive for it you most likely also are that for cafiëne, beeing alergic for it is rare but you can be sensitive for it.

Should I eat chocolate when I'm sick?

Well by now you are either dead or better than you were. You likely read all the dumb answers you received by now too.Despite the fact that you no longer need the answer, I’ll give you the answer you should have gotten.When you are sick, chocolate is not for you. When you are well, chocolate is great but it isn’t something you eat to get healthy. It’s something you eat to get sick.Chocolate contains sugar and caffeine. A double whammy for your pancreas. Just because your pancreas doesn’t generate any pain sensations, that doesn’t mean that when you abuse it with sugar there are no ill effects. The problem is that the pancreas doesn’t warn you at all until it’s too late to do much about it.Two things that are popular right now: Pancreatic Cancer and Diabetes. Not happy, happy popular unless you’re a doctor making a great living giving people the bad news about what they did to their pancreas with sugar and caffeine.Ever hear of a pancreas transplant? Me neither.Below is a graph that shows sugar consumption since 1700. That was the last year people were known to eat the proper amount of sugar on a daily basis.That sharp spike in sugar consumption is duplicated by all the degenerative diseases we now suffer from as a species that we didn’t suffer from to nearly the extent we do now.So go ahead. Enjoy that chocolate. I dare you.

Why do I start feeling SICK after eating chocolate???

No, I highly doubt it is diabetes, it runs in my family. Basically every male has it, and I've never heard of them not being able to eat dark chocolate. Your stomach obviously doesn't agree with it, and maybe the small amount of caffeine is giving you a headache. It sounds like you could just be allergic or something, but not severly allergic.

Does anybody get sick after eating rich chocolate/double chocolate cake?

same here. i think it is the difference in oil and sugar which makes you feel sick. its like eating an apple and eating french fries. you feel great after eating an apple, but after the fries, you feel greasy and a bit sick. so its probably from all the fat and sugar in the cake. regular chocolate cake has less sugar and fat since the chocolate isn't doubled and it's not as rich. so that means less cream, fat, and sugar in the regular.

Why do I feel bad after eating chocolate?

I’m tempted to say “Because you have been CURSED by the all-time WORST Evil Demon From Hell!” but in reality there are a few possible reasons:You could have pre-diabetic blood sugar type problems.You could be allergic to chocolate or to some constituent of whatever sort of chocolate you’re eating.You have psychological guilt over eating chocolate either because of weight/fitness concerns or because someone put the idea into you (likely at a young age) that chocolate was bad for you.MJM, not a doctor, and most DEFINITELY never feeling bad after eating chocolate!