Signed A Title Over As A Gift Can Same Title Be Resigned Back To Me If It Still Has My Name On It

Can you gift a car to someone with a loan on it?

Thanks for all the input.

Penndot has a policy where if you cancel your insurance, within 30 days you need to get a new policy.

So I did.

But it turns out that I read into the "30 days" wrong. I did not have insurance for 30 days. Technically, you cannot have insurance for 29 days.

And I wasn't driving my car at this time either.

So they want me to send my plates in and not be able to drive for 3 months.

Which translates to, "Our policy is bullshit in your case, it was obviously an honest mistake and now we want you to quit your job for 3 months and go on unemployment sucking up more money from our defunct government system."

I'm still going to try to fight it, but I've read that if you can gift the car (or sell it) to someone you know, they can get a new title, reg, plates, insurance and you can drive it obviously that way.

ANY OTHER suggestions for this problem would be great.

I signed a quitclaim to remove myself from the title/deed of a condo that I formerly shared with my ex-partner. Is there any tax implication for me?

If your Quitclaim was properly recorded with the land registry office and you did not receive any taxable benefits out the transaction (an investment property vs. your principal residence) then there ought not to be any taxable implications. Check with your regional Land Titles Office and get verification and proof of that Quitclaim filing.Nonetheless, I suggest you consult a tax specialist in your jurisdiction (as well as at the state level) to verify the reporting criteria. If this transpired in the past tax year (01 Jan 2016 to 31 Dec 2016) then you can disclose in a timely fashion. If, on the other hand, the Quitclaim happened before 01 Jan 2016 the you will have to file an amendment to your taxes for that year. Do not wait for the tax agency to come to you, volunteer the amendment before that, thereby avoiding non- disclosure penalties and interest charges.

Can I buy a house in my name if my wife refuses to buy or sign any escrow papers or even quit claim deed?

In a community property state such as California, a married person may buy a property in his/her name but the other spouse must sign a quit claim deed indicating they want no part of the transaction.

There must be some reason your wife is not interested in real estate investingg. You did not indicate what these reason were. Not knowing this puts a damper on any advice given concerning you doing real estate investin on your own.

Lying on a legal document indicating you are a single person when you are married is fraud. This could lead to legal problems down the road along with being arrested for real estate fraud.

The best way to do this if you still want to do real estate investing is to form a corporation. You will have to seek help from your tax consultant and others that give you advise you trust.

There are several different corporations you may form. Some allow you and the corporation to act as one entity for tax purposes, therefore your wife will be required to be involed because you might be filing your income tax as a married couple plus the corporation.

There are others that allow the corporation to be taxed alone and you act as an employee of the corporation and you file taxes on the payments received from the corporation.

You should check with your tax consultant as to which is best for you.

Forming a corporation and buying property under the corporation's name degates the requirement of your wife to sign for any property owned by the corporation.

Keep in mind that if you plan to purchase property through the corporation that it must qualify for a mortgage loan as if it was an individual with the same requirements.

Two years of fed income taxes, the ability to repay the mortgage and proof that it can. Assets as well as bank accounts with bank statements to prove the assest exist.

You might still purchase a property with the corporation and the corporation even if the corporation does not fully qualify for a mortgage. The lender would require a personal gurantee meaning they would require you to sign both as an executive of the corporation as well as yourself personally guaranting the loan. This is called a recourse loan.

If the corporation can qualify on it's own then it would be called a non-recourse loan.

I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck.


My Boyfriend Bought Me A Car. The Title Is In My Name, But He Has A Loan On It With The Bank.?

Thank You All For The Advice. I Wasn't Very Clear About My Question. The Title Reads On The Frount Top Left Hand My Name. To The Lower Rt Says Lien Holder Then The Banks Name.And REason For Me Making Payments On The Car As well As He. Is I Thought When Reg The Car He Was With Me. I Asked Envited Him To Share Owner/Names On Title. He Declined... On Me Making Payments I Thought Where One Left Off The Other Began. Such A Beautiful Gift,The Car is,, I Made Payments For A Gift To Him..Thank All For THe Imput

Do military veterans maintain their titles after retirement?

You are entitled to whatever rank it says on your DD-214 upon separation,* and that goes for everybody, whether you retired or not and whether you separated as General of the Armies of the United States or as a buck Private.Having said that, as the other answers have noted, veterans seldom actually append their names with these ranks. We occasionally refer to each other by service ranks, but mostly as friendly banter. And you would definitely appear . . . eccentric at best if you went around expecting people to actually call you “Private First Class Doe” or “CS2 Smith.” Even retired officers of O-6 grade and above who insist upon being called Colonel, etc., are considered somewhat eccentric, which is why you usually only see that with fictional characters.The obvious exception to this is when former flag officers occupy high government positions that may or may not be available to actively serving officers, e.g. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (ret.) and General Colin Powell (ret.).I do know of one former Army Captain who walks around his tiny Pennsylvania town publicly wearing a saber, which he insists is his permanent right as a commissioned officer, and everybody leaves him alone since he’s not really hurting anybody. But again; eccentric and not likely to be taken very seriously.There are also honorary titles bestowed by state governments, or that are simply nicknames, that tend to stick. The classic examples are “Colonel” Sanders and “Commodore” Vanderbilt. These are not actual military ranks in these cases, and this fact makes it even less likely that an actual retired Colonel would want to go around having people think he or she is a chicken peddler.And finally, you are allowed to append your name with whatever titles you feel like, so long as you aren’t doing so to deceive people for financial or other personal gain (a.k.a. fraud). You can call yourself Generalissimo, even if you’ve never served in any military. Just don’t try to collect any veterans benefits.Norton I, Emperor of these United States of America and Protector of Mexico.I hope you found this answer satisfactory.*This is one of several reasons that service members who are discharged for bad or dishonorable conduct have reduction of rank to E-1 included in their sentences at courts martial, so that they cannot legitimately claim any higher rank in their civilian lives.

Can the title company draw up a quit claim deed or do you need an attorney?

It is better if you use a title company for this type transfer, even if your current title company will not do it , simply look in your telephone book and find another. Tell the what you want to do.

Going through a title company could prevent future potential legal problems.

An attorney in some states act as a closing agent,but not a title insurance company, therefore for them to do this type transaction they would have to go through a title company. They will not tell you this and take your money as fees and then add the title companies cost into the fees.

If you use a title company you cut out the middle man and it is less costly.

I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck.


I'm an associate level CTS employee. I've been told to resign, citing my (undeserved) rating/CTS performance, and HR gave 2 options: resign now with 4 months salary, or resign in 60 days with no compensation. What should I do?

These all service based IT companies are one and same, wherever you go these things are very common. These are all strategies and as I know that there’s a big project slipped/ramp down from Cognizant which brought their 600 employees on bench. Your exit may be the ripple effect of this project failure and to balance the revenues.What you can do:Against IT Company you cant really do anything as such. Indian labor laws are very poor and if you go legal hey have their highly paid legal team to deal with these cases so there is no point.What you should do:First thing first, it is not easy but don’t get demoralized and believe in yourself.You can talk to the HR that if you find any IJP (Internal Job Posting) and if you get selected will they be able to retain you ? If the HR says yes, you will need to work hard to get one IJP.If HR doesn’t agree, you will have to look for jobs outside and update your profile in Naukri as an Immediate joiner. Forget everything and start preparing for a job day in and day out.List down the mistakes which lead to your current situation and analyze how can you improve upon those areas, plan and start executing to work on them.I wish you all the best and will advice not to get demoralize, all these IT services companies in India are shit.

My own family member stole my car! what do i do?

so my aunt gave me a car as a gift because i have 3 kids and am looking for a job, I went and transferred title, got tabs for it. Than 3 days later She steals it right back with my car seats and everything. I tried getting hold of her for 4 days no answer. nobodies heard from her, found out she quit her job as well. so late on the 4 th day i call non emergency number to ask them what to do. they said they will make a note of it but best bet because its family is to try to find the car myself and try to get it back and call cops if there ends up to be a problem. said to give it at least 2 weeks most of time it will be brought back. I did that on the 12 of November, it is now the 30 . What should i do??

What is the difference between sale deed & conveyance deed?

In law, conveyance is the transfer of legal title of property from one person to another. However, that is also exactly what a Sale Deed does. The main difference is that the Sale Deed transfers the legal title of property from one person to another in case of a sale. Whereas, a Conveyance Deed can transfer the legal title of property from one person to another in case of a gift, an exchange, a lease (i.e. on a temporary basis), mortgage or other circumstances.The Sale Deed is an executed contract. It establishes a valid and lawful title over the property in favor of the purchaser. It is signed after the sale has taken place. It transfers the property to the buyer. The Sale Deed is the document that states that the sale is successful and that the property now legally and rightfully belongs to the purchaser, and that the seller forfeits any right of title to the property in return for the remuneration as agreed upon in the Sale Agreement.The main difference is that the Sale Deed transfers the legal title of property from one person to another in case of a sale, i.e. the first party actually sells the title of the property to the second party in return of a specific amount of money. However, in a Conveyance Deed, there is no such restriction. A Conveyance Deed can transfer the legal title of property from one person to another in case of a gift, an exchange, a lease (i.e. on a temporary basis), mortgage or other circumstances.However, if a Conveyance Deed in entered into for transferring the legal title of property from one person to another via a sale, then that Conveyance Deed would be termed as a Sale Deed. Hence, it can be said that a Sale Deed is actually a form or a type of Conveyance Deed. Other types of Conveyance Deeds may include gift deed, exchange deed, mortgage deed, etc.