Signs A Pisces Girl Likes You

Signs that a Pisces girl likes you?

I told my crush who is Pisces I thought she beautiful and stuff and she said that made her day so every time I told if she wanted to hang out she always said she was busy...... This girl goes to my school. ( we never talk). Only online through FACEBOOK later on I stopped messaging her....... She has a boyfriend now but ever since our last conversation wich was about 4 months ago maybe more every time she looks at me at the hallway...... I turn to see her she always looks the other way..... Help.....

What are the signs a Pisces girl likes you?

When we like you, we pay more attention to you then everyone else and we carefully listen to the things you say, if there were a room full of people the Pisces would focus on you, if they really like you. Being a mutable sign makes us naturally flighty so usually our attention is scatted or focused something else, usually on a fantasy or on someone who needs our help.

We wont say how we feel straight out unless... the Pisces is me T__T but genrally Pisces are more careful and thoughtful about how we express ourselves because we fear rejection and so we won't come out and say that we like you unless we know you like us back.

Pisces might be the ones who are trying to act cool or making you laugh with a corny joke or corny unconfident flirting. But generally we are shy, we're more likely to show up dressed in sexier clothing then usual to see if you notice or find an interest we have in common with you.

Signs a Pisces girl likes you?

We are usually shy but smile and laugh a lot when we are interested. We don't play mind games so don't do that!! It is immature. We are very sensitive and notice the smaller things. For example, when the guy I like sends me a good morning text, it makes my entire day. Same with a goodnight text. Or if you say things like, "This reminded me of you..." or "I was just thinking about you" or something like that, she would really appreciate it! Remember, people always like to know someone is thinking about them. It makes them feel special :)

Edit: Forgot to answer your question. You can basically tell whether she likes you if she smiles and laughs a lot. I know when I don't like someone, I would like them to know so I always act uninterested and never initiate anything. She should also glance over at you from time to time and maybe even start a conversation. Good luck!

What are signs a Pisces girl likes you?

I'm a Pisces girl and the way I show a guy I like him is by being somewhat mysterious, sweet yet "into them" by hanging onto their every word, smiling, laughing at their jokes and sneaking secret glances their way! Being a very sensitive sign, I can almost intuit what their feeling and thinking and figure out their "vibe" by being watchful, an attentive listener and perceptive, and then I act accordingly: if I sense they want me to say something appreciative or to compliment them, need an ego stroke or a listening ear, be a rapt audience or a caring friend, then I do so. I also care about my appearance when around them, act all girly, flirt and am very feminine and sensual. It's quite possible she likes you because she's shy around you and looks/notices you from a distance. She may be just hiding how she feels towards you because your friends tease you guys a lot. Try and spend some time together just getting to know her if asking her out on a date seems too intimidating. Be a gentleman. Be courteous and kind. And let her know you like her too!

What some signs that a Pisces girl likes you?

Well I'm a Pisces and currently have a crush every time I see him I just don't talk to him and for some reason I try to hide the fact of liking him to the point were I just don't even look at him sometimes Becuase I cannot face the fact of him catching me blushing when I look at him But every time I see him I always hope he will come talk to me

What are some signs that a Pisces girl likes you?

Venus might be the answer since I tend to act differently than a pisces - I suppose I am a bit forward though I might totally button up when I am caught off guard, depends what I think of the guy I am interested in. If I think they are re-ally worth it, I will drop hints, open body language ( you know the typical - posey I guess, totally interest, hair brushing etc), and if I think I can to some extent be a bit dominant- I would go as far as to say it - but I am venus in cappy so you might have to find out what venus they have.. I will shy away- if I , on the back of my mind, feel somehow the person is lacking in some way OR I know I would have to try too hard or get a rejection...though the latter is when I think of such incidents in retrospect... Nonetheless, a Pisces will like someone forward but not pushy...

I can’t assure you this but me being a Pisces girl can tell you how I like someone.I’ll reply to you, no matter what the situation is.I’ll fear you and listen to everything you say.I’ll be apologetic for every small mistake I make.I won’t look into your eyes and be able to talk (I also don’t know why)I’ll stick to you even if you humiliate me ( though I’ll cry my lungs out at home but not let you know)I’ll take care of every small things happening with you and people who are related to you.I think that’s all ^But I’ve power to forget you in no time if you leave me with no choices because I’ve abundance of love to give and if I can love the wrong one so much then I’m sure I’ll give my all to the right one. You can’t break me, all you can do is make me cry but that won’t make me hate love ever….So ya..

Signs a Pisces girl likes you?

I'm a 16 Libra and like a Pisces. We were teased for liking each other over something stupid last year and I want to ask her out and am wondering if she likes me. We used to talk, but now we keep more of a distance. I am kind of shy, but I notice her and I feel like she looks at me and notices me but that we don't talk to much. What are some signs a Pisces girl likes you and do you think this Pisces likes me?

I might be wrong but this is what I feel about myself and people I have come across.Some of the traits of Pisces are:-Pisces often walk away when having an argument.Pisces absorbs the energy around them. Whatever you are feeling, they will also feel.Unfortunately, due to Pisces caring nature, they tend to get mistreated the most out of the Zodiac.Pisces are shy, dreamy, nervous and feisty.If a Pisces falls out of love, they will move on. Maybe not to someone else but they will not stay in a relationship for sake of it.Pisces want their dreams to come true and their fantasy to become reality.Pisces can have a large group of friends but may only feel a strong connection to a select few.Pisces will share nearly everything in their world if the care for you.Pisces can push beyond their limitations and grow into amazing people.Sometimes Pisces emotions are so deep and so powerful words cannot express them.Pisces have a natural ability to bring out the true you.Pisces love their friends and will cross oceans to help and spend time with the people they cherish.Don't be fooled by a Pisces. They may seem naive but they are great thinkers, extremely creative, driven and make great leaders!Pisces always tend to be in a long term relationship.Pisces can keep a straight face while making up a complete bullshit story. I mean it.Pisces will take a lot of mistreatment, but they have a breaking point. Push them to it you will watch your fish swim away never to return.Pisces can be a lot to handle in a relationship emotionally but their love is worth it.Pisces tend to be the more matured signs when it comes to relationships.Pisces have a soft spot for childish stuff, but that don't mean they are childish.Pisces has the strongest gut feelings amongst the other signs.Pisces have a sixth sense when it comes to their loved ones. They feel when they're hurt & need someone.Pisces love to look into people's eyes, it's their way of looking into their soul.No matter how much wrong you do to a Pisces somehow they still find the good in you.Pisces are strong fighters, even though they seem weak and dependable, they are inner superheroes.Pisces do not get angry, they get cold.The list goes on and on. One thing is for sure that you won’t regret having a pisces in your life. Be it a friend, partner or a stranger.

First of all, I don't think any of the people who previously answered know anything about Pisces. Except Sarah Murray.To be frank, her answer is right on target. In one line, she has accurately answered your question. In fact, a little too accurately. You see, Pisceans are the most sensitive sign in the Zodiac circle. And appreciation melts them down in no time.So, if you walk up to a Pisces and say that you think they're really amazing, they're yours. Even if they never for once considered you a dating option, you become one the moment you appreciate them with a little extra effort.If you don't want to go on too hard, though, there are still ways to find that out. Pisceans are tricky, however. They flirt a lot, and they flirt with a lot. Mostly, it's harmless.If they're interested in you, though, it will happen less than usual. Yes, less flirting. If a Piscean likes you, his flirty initial attitude will give way to a seniority, deeper side, and they'll give you genuine compliments instead of cheesy one-liners. That's one sign.The other is, they'll turn you into a routine. They'll talk to you everyday. They'll intuitively figure out what your free timings are, you won't have to tell them, and they'll contact you at the exact same time every day. Soon they'll be contacting you even more, and you'll start having more free time in your day.I suppose that much is enough confirmation that a Pisces likes you. Hope you find this answer helpful!P.S- Watch their status updates. They have a habit of dedicating statuses to people. A lot. But you'll know if the status they dedicated to you held special meaning.