Simple Sinus Pain/virus Or Sinus Infection

Sinus infection or a simple head cold?

Jessica, you have a lot of symptoms and may certainly have several conditions going on at once. A bloody nose can be anything from dry air to inflammation and trauma of an infection, blowing and rubbing with tissues, etc. More severe cases would involve bleeding problems or polyps/other masses in the nose. Usually it is just infection. You must see a physician for any persistent symptoms. The puffiness, swelling, etc. certainly can be related to infection or severe allergies. If your doctor feels you have a (bacterial) sinus infection, they may recommend antibiotics, or if viral, other prescription or over-the-counter meds. Here's some more information how to tell if you have a bacterial infection, cold or allergies:

L. Earl, MD

Disclaimer: None of the information presented on this site, in articles written by Dr. Earl, email communications or comments is meant to take the place of direct advice and consultation with your physician or medical provider. All material is presented for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any individuals’ particular condition, and in no way confers a physician-patient relationship.

What is sinusitis or sinus infection?

Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses. It is not always because of an infection.Inflammation means swelling, reddnes, pain, heat and functional disability. It can be caused by allergens, bacteria, viruses, fungi and autoimmune disorders. This inflammation causes swelling if the lining of the sinuses causing blockage in the opening leading to collection of secretions within the Sinusitis. This is sinusitisSo, if there is inflammation of the sinuses that always less than a week it is acute sinusitis and if it lasts for more than 6 weeks it is called chronic sinusitis.The best way would be by restoring the normal physiology of the nose and sinusesin a consistent or permanent manner.Many times saline washes and medicines can cure sinusitis because they help restore the normal physiology. But often this may be temporary because physical factors like shape of the nasal septum, size of turbinates and variations and airflow can cause poor ventilation and sinusitis.In such situations, if sinus openings can be widened without removing any tissue or important bony structures then that facilitates normal functioning in the most natural manner. A procedure called Balloon sinuplasty is the best way is achieve this.When the disease involves all sinuses and the nature of inflammation risks neighbouring structure, functional endoscopic sinus surgery is advised. and if it lasts for more than 6 weeks it is chronic sinusitis.

Sinus infection........................

Assuming your sinus infection is caused by a viral infection, your doctor is quite correct. Antibiotics are only effective against bacterial infection and have absolutely no effect on viruses! Unfortunately, antibiotics are commonly viewed as 'magic bullets' and are all too frequently prescribed for the wrong reasons.

Decongestants merely treat the symptoms, not the cause. They may make your illness more tolerable, but they cure nothing. Meanwhile your body just heals itself over time (several days to a couple of weeks) while the infection runs its course. Drug manufacturers love this, 'cause they profit from your prolonged sickness.

Concerning your appetite, its normal to lose it while your body fights off a viral infection. Best if you continue to eat if you can (to keep your strength up), but don't worry if you can't face food for a few days ... it won't kill you. Try eating 'light' - fresh or canned fruit, toast, soup (chicken soup actually works! Medically proven!!), or whatever you want to spoil yourself with..., but avoid heavy, greasy stuff - its hard to digest, especially if you're laying down while recouperating. Drink lots of clear liquids, ie; 100% fruit juices, water, etc.

Now comes the cure, if you think you can handle it and actually want to get better sooner. It ain't exactly fun, but it WORKS, and I'm guessing that's all you really care about right now.

Its called a 'nasal rinse', and once you get used to it, you'll use this method every time you feel something coming on because you'll quickly discover how it; A) stops infections dead in its tracks if employed as soon as you feel the earliest symptoms (thus saving yourself a whole lot of misery), and B) it instantly solves the congestion problem, faster and for longer than any pharmaceutical product, period. Drug manufacturers hate this cure because it works, it's fast and it uses only one, free, widely available active ingredient... salt. Good old table salt, that's all.

I'd be happy to explain the 'how to do it', but I won't get into that right here. Post again asking how to do a nasal rinse and I'll be glad to detail how to do one so it's not so unpleasant. I'll also gladly explain the actual physiological reasons as to why it works so effectively so you can understand exactly the what and why of this proven, simple inexpensive cure for colds, flu, sinus infections, and nasal congestion.

Do I have a sinus infection? ?

The most common cause of a sinus infection is the common cold, viral influenza....

The cold causes inflammation in the nasal passages and this inhibits the drainage of the sinuses which can cause them to become inflamed.

When we have flu, our nose is filled with mucus. This is caused by the body's natural defence to produce extra mucus so as to flush out the invading viruses.

These sinus cavities form a harbor to many types of bacteria, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae which normally settle in our upper respiratory tract harmlessly . Once these bacteria multiply, they become one of the chief causes of sinus infection.

Also when we have persistent runny nose(Allergic Rhinitis) due to allergy to dust, pollen grains, house mites etc., thereby resulting in chronic irritation or inflammation of our nasal passages, sinusitis can occur.

* To begin with, if you suspect you have a mild or chronic sinus infection, try out the following natural home remedies and see what works for you.

* You should inhale steam vapors periodically. This is a very simple yet effective home remedy for sinus infection. All you have to do is bow your head over a hot water bowl so that the steam can reach your face directly. Start inhaling the steam vapors. Repeat this for 2-3 mins as many times as it is convenient to do so. The main purpose is to thin the usually thick mucus so that drainage is enhanced.

* You should also set a goal of drinking around 10 glasses of water everyday. This helps to thin out the mucus which is naturally produced by the body and allows easy drainage through the nasal passages.


Sinus infection symptoms?

Pressure in the nose and forehead definitely sound like sinus issues, but I've never heard of patients complaining of pain at the base of the skull along with dizziness which turned out to be a sinus infection. That part really sounds like something else.
I'd suggest going in to see a doctor soon. There are several simple tests he can do to rule out more serious things. Usually, simple infections and such don't linger on for 2 months causing dizziness. They either blow up into something really noticeable or they go away on their own. Not to scare you but things to consider are, strokes, brain tumors--I'm serious, and nerve problems. There are some nerves that run along the highest part of your spine where it meets with the skull. A pinched nerve there can cause pain in that area, nausea and even in some cases heart palpitations. So, it can't hurt you to be checked out by a professional. Don't just blame it on a sinus infection and ignore it.
I do hope you feel better.

How do you treat a sinus infection?

So I THINK I have a sinus infection, and not a head cold. I have had all the symptoms for over 2 weeks. I thought it was a cold til it lasted this long. Does anyone know how to treat it from home or anything about sinus infections? Thanky ou!

Chronic Sinus Infections?

Very frustrating.... I have had chronic sinus infections FOREVER. I have been on a zillion different antibiotics somethat work and other that are not working any longers... Went to an ENT and said the only thing wrong was a deviated septum. But, then why do I keep getting these darn things, they are ANNNOYING and I want them GONE!! argh... Suggestions

How long do sinus infections last?

Simple viral sinus infections usually last up to 2 weeks, and normally begin to improve after 3–5 days, as our immune defenses kick in. Because we don’t want to prescribe unneeded antibiotics, you should use over the counter meds, saline rinses, and nasal steroid sprays for early treatment. However, if symptoms are worsening after 5 days, a bacterial infction becomes more likely, and consider an exam and possible culture. After 2 weeks, most docs will treat, and some will culture. I have seen a few culture negative sinus infections after 2 weeks that eventually did get well, but that is not the usual course. Warning: If symptoms are very severe at the beginning, especially if there is facial swelling, a lot of pain, or any problem with the eyes, medical exam is absolutely needed.