Simplify This I Am Confused

Simplify (xy/x²-4y²) (2x²+xy-6y²/2x²-3xy)?

When we're multiplying fractions, we multiply the numerators and denominators to get one fraction. Then we look for common factors to "cancel out" of both the numerator and denominator to get the fraction in lowest terms. For example:
3/7 * 14/27 = (3 * 14) / (7 * 27) = 2/9
because the 3s and 7s in both numerator and denominator cancel out.

In this case, the numerator and denominator are expressions in variables, and so we need to factor the expressions to find what we can cancel out.
(xy/x²-4y²) (2x²+xy-6y²/2x²-3xy)
= xy (2x²+xy-6y²) / [(x²-4y²)(2x²-3xy)] {making one fraction}
= xy(2x-3y)(x+2y) / [(x-2y)(x+2y)x(2x-3y)] {factoring expressions}
= y / (x-2y) {because all the other factors canceled out}

Simplify i^14?

= i^12 × i^2
= (i^4)^3 × i^2
= 1^3 × (-1)
= 1×(-1)
= -1

What is (8a^2b^-3)^4(3ab^-2)^-3 simplified?

The first thing to note is that the exponent gets attached to each "piece" inside. Also, using the rule for Power of Powers, you multiply the outside exponent by the inside.


(8^4(a^2)^4(b^-3)^4) * (3^-3(a)^-3(b^-2)^-3)

(4096 a^8 b^-12) * ((1/27) a^-3 b^6))

Let's move the like terms closer together

(4096 * (1/27)) (a^8 * a^-3) (b^-12 * b^6)

When multiplying, you add exponents

(4096 / 27) (a^5) (b^-6)

Using the rule for negative exponents - make them positive and move them to the denominator

(4096 / 27) (a^5 / b^6)


(4096a^5) / (27b^6)

Am I gay or confused?

Your own body and your own sexuality is not a guilty pleasure and nothing to be ashamed of. Perhaps a visit to the immortal Dan Savage’s podcast might be in order?You are either gay or bi - of that I'm almost sure. I'm been out for 34 years and have developed a sixth sense about these things. It's important that you remove any toxic, homophobic influences from your life ASAP, especially churches. Make haste to a welcoming congregation.Also, Check out PFLAG - it's chock full of great resources and articles for gays and others love them.Your sexuality is okay. You are beautiful and you are good enough. Everything is gonna be okay. :-)

Simplify (18x-6 / 9x^5) / (15x + 5 / 21x^2), Please help me, I am really confused! Please(:?

Simplify (18x-6 / 9x^5) / (15x + 5 / 21x^2)

I AM SO CONFUSED because my answer doesnt match the multiple choise answers.

A) 5x^3 / 14
B) 5x^3 (3x + 1) / 14 (3x-1)
C) 14. 5x^3
D) 14 (3x - 1) / 5x^3 (3x + 1)

Okay so I would really appreciate some help on this question!

Simplify (18x-6 / 9x^5) / (15x + 5 / 21x^2)

Here is how i went about it: (18x - 6 / 9x^5) * (21x^2 / 15x + 5)

So, I know I have to find the common factors. The common factor of 21x^2 and 9x^5 is 3x^2, correct?

So, then I got (18x - 6 / 3x^3) * (7/15x + 5)

I dont know. From here, I know I did something wrong. Am I missing a step? I would so appreciate any help!

How does one simplify ones day?

Make a plan. Buy or create a weekly/daily diary, with times, and fill in the chores, jobs, breaks, meetings, work commitments, leisure, paperwork….and leave any gaps until you decide what to do with those gaps in the day. You could just rest or do something you enjoy, or take time to yourself to catch up. It depends on your lifestyle, the number of jobs you have to tackle either daily, hourly or weekly. It’s a draught though. It can be altered or changed to suit. Some things can be re-scheduled. Keep calm and keep a clear mind. Priorities and organise. And keep it realistic and easy for yourself to follow.

Simplifying Square Roots?

I simplified √976 on a calculator and got 4√61. But when I did it myself I got 2√61. Why can t I simplify 4 further to 2?

I also have to simplify 4√50 for homework and I am confused. Why isn t the 4 simplified to 2? When do you know if you can simplify the radical further?

Please explain in detail. Thank you in advance!

Simplifying Complex Fractions Help?

I am honestly confused. I have been staring at these questions and I do not know where to go with it. I need some help, step by step if anything. It isn't my homework, I am required to know about these though D:

(1) simplify (1/x-3 + 4/x) / (4/x - 1/x-3)

(2) Simplify (1/36 - 1/x2) / (1/6 + 1/x)

(3)Simplify (12x - 96/x^2 - 4x - 32) / (6x^2 - 6x - 12/ 3x + 3)

(4) Simplify (5x + 6/x^2 + 2x +1) / (1/x)

(5) Simplify (18x - 6/9x^5 ) / (15x + 5/21x^2)

(6) Simplify(x+3/9) / ( x+12/6)

I would highly appreciate anyone's help.