Simplifying Algebraic Expressions With Exponents

√25m^-12 / √36m^10 : Simplifying Algebraic Expressions Involving Exponents?!?

I assume this is √(25m^-12) / √(36m^10)

√(25m^-12) = √25 √(m^-12)
  = 5 |m|^(-6)
  = 5/|m|^6

If you've been given that m ≥ 0, the absolute value signs aren't necessary

√(36m^10) = √36 √(m^10)
  = 6 |m|^5


√(25m^-12) / √(36m^10) = (5 / |m|^6) / (6 |m|^5)
  5/(6 |m|^11)

Simplifying algebraic expressions.?

When simplifying any equation remember this:
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
This is the order of simplification
so for you first example the first thing to do is to get rid of the parentheses by distributing the 4 to both numbers inside.
-12z + 4z -36 + 30 + z
there are no exponents so you can skip that step, also there is no mult. or div. so the next thing to simplify is add/ sub.
Remember, you can only combine like terms so no mixing up numbers with variables.
All items with a "z" we can combine together.
= -7z
now all you have left is the +30 and -36 which you then combine together to get -6.
now we cannot combine the last two tems so just put them together and get -7z -6.
some teachers do not like the first term to be negative so to change that it would be 7z+6
all right now given these rules see if you can figure the next one on your own

2(1 - 4x) -2 Simplify Expression... No Exponents?





Simplify an expression w/ exponents?

Whenever you get into such a situation, calm down, go back to the definition, and move step by step

you know that a x a = a^2
you inow that a^2 x a^3 = axaxaxaxa = a^5 (adding exponents)

you know that (a^2)^3 = a^2 x a^2 x a^2 = axaxaxaxaxa = a^6 (multiplying exponents)
actually, you're still adding them, but it's computationally easier to call it multiplying

you know that a^-1 = 1/a

you know that (a/b)^2 = a^2/b^2

If you DON'T know these things, you haven't been paying attention. Learn them. They are basic definitions necessary for further growth.

Now, step by step

(2/3)^2 = 2^2/3^2 = 4/9

(I'm gonna change the "x" and "y" to "a" and "b' so I can use "x" for multiplication)

(6ab^-1) ^3 = (1/6ab)^3 = (1/6ab) (1/6ab) (1/6ab) = 1/216a^3b^3

so, combining the two expressions to get
4/9 x 1/216a^3x b^3 now divide out the numerator and denomintor by 4 to get

1/(9 x 54 a^3 b^3) = 1/ (484 a ^ 3 b^3) which is a perfectly good answer. the answer desired may require that you eliminate fractions. If so, there are several variations you can use:

(484 a^3 b^3) ^-1

(a^ -3 b^-3)/484


Now, it's entirely possible I have misunderstood the problem. The expression:

(6ab^-1)^3 may have been misinterpreted. Another possibility is

(6a/b)^3 = (6^3 x a^3)/b^3 = 216 a^3/b^3

now, combining to get

(4/9 x 216 a^3) /b^3 = 96 a^3/b^3

or possibly 96 a^3 b^-3


Algebra Quiz: Exponets & Expressions?

Please note: ^=number following is an exponent; x=multiply

1. When you simplify an algebraic expression like the one given below, you know that the bases of the expressions must be the same.
a^ 3/4 x a^ 1/3
You also need to rewrite the exponents so that they have a common denominator. Explain why you need to find the common denominator to simplify.

a. To simplify, you must add the exponents. To add or subtract fractions, the denominator must be the same.
b. To simplify, you must multiply the exponents. To multiply fractions, the denominator must be the same.
c. To simplify, you must subtract the exponents. To add or subtract fractions, the denominator must be the same.
d. To simplify, you must divide the exponents. To divide fractions, the denominator must be the same.

What is an algebraic expression involving an exponient and division?

Let's remind ourselves what an exponent is first. An exponent is the power taken to a number or variable, so, for example, in x^2, 2 is the exponent.

Now, if we want an algebraic expression that has an exponent, while containing some kind of division, let's consider the variable we had in our example: x^2. We want to divide this term by something else to account for the division part of it. For simple purposes, let's try 2. The whole expression put together is:


If you still need help with this topic, this site explains it really well.

Hope this helped!

How to simplify exponents?

When in doubt, multiply it all out.

You have:
(4*a*a*a*b*3*b*b) / (a*a*b*b*b*2*a*a*b*b*b*b)
(12 * a^3 * b^3) / (2 * a^4 * b^7)
(6 / (a * b^4)).

General notes:
When multiplying/dividing/powering exponents (in numbers with the same bases), remember MADSPM:

Multiplying --> Add the exponents. (2^3 * 2^4 = 2^7.)
Dividing --> Subtract the exponents. (4^5 / 4^2 = 4^3.)
Power --> Multiply the exponents. ( (5^3)^2) = 5^6.)

How to simplify expressions on TI-nspire CX?

You need the TI-Nspire CX CAS. CAS stands for Computer Algebra System. With the CAS, the calculator can preform symbolic algebra which means in can simplify expressions, simplify radicals, return answers in terms of pi and e, and also preform numerous calculus functions such as derivatives and indefinite integrals. For me, the Nspire without the CAS is a huge waste of money. What you have without the CAS is essentially an expensive TI-84 with a color screen, file management system, and a much improved TI-Basic programming language.

In layman's terms, unless you have miss-typed the full title of you calculator, you cannot simplify expressions with your calculator.
If you do have a the CAS version, it wouldn't be giving you an error. Also when you're in the calculator app, press Menu, then 3:Algebra, and you'll see all the functions for simple algebraic expressions and equations.

A quick and easy alternative is to go to
Type "simplify 3x + 7x" and press Enter.

How do you simplify rational expressions in a calculator?

Are you asking how to simplify [math]\sqrt{72}[/math] and get [math]6 \sqrt2[/math] as the answer?Get the HP Prime Graphing Calculator. But don’t get it for math class. Math teachers do not allow CAS calculators to be used during math exams or quizzes.I also own the TI-84 Plus CE and SE calculators. I use those during math exams. In fact, even though I could use the HP Prime while working on homework, I don’t. If I have to use the “Prime” to get an answer for math class, then I have not yet learned that topic.