Since It Is Proven That Obama Was A Huge Failure As A Chicago Community Organizer Why Should

Was Herman Cain ever proven to be guilty or innocent of the accusations by women?

It all just went away once he stepped down from running.

Kind of like everything just went away once Meg Whitman lost the California governors race.

The Dems just wanted to force him out.

In 2008, why did people think a junior senator/community organizer from Illinois was qualified to be the president of the US?

Being a junior senator just means he’s the most recently elected from his state, the senior senator would have had an earlier entry date. They both have the same stature in the Senate.He was also a three term state senator, a Harvard law graduate, and president of their noted Law Review, taught Constitutional law. And the community organizing he did was as a lawyer for a charitable organization who specialized in slumlord/tenant cases.A better question would be why did the Republicans run a beauty contest winner and weather girl who was a part time mayor of a small town in Alaska and a brand new governor of the state who was already in some ethical troubles.He was, and is, a brilliant man who ran the country well, taking over in the midst of a Great Recession and bringing the country back to economic health. Something Trump likes to take credit for.

Did President Obama leverage his status to become a multimillionaire?

No, Obama was on his way to being a multi-millionaire before he became famous. Of course, fame will help him go from 8 figures wealth to nine figures.1991: Obama graduated Harvard Law with Honors1991–1994: Obama combined part-time teaching at U Chicago Law school with Community Organizing. He helped elect Carol Mosley Braun as Senator.1995: Obama published his first non-fiction book. Dreams from My Father - Wikipedia. It went paperback. that means Obama made big, not huge bucks. Remember that Michelle was making low-six figures as an attorney at this time.1996: Obama becomes a state Senator2004: Obama becomes a US Senator2006: Obama publishes his second book Audacity of Hope. With reprints of his first book and Michelle’s success, the Obama’s are self-made millionaires.2008 Obama runs for President.Of course, Obama is hitting the speaking tour. Of course, he and Michelle are writing memoirs. This will help the two of them go from eight figures to nine figures in the bank. Of course, neither shows any interest in running for eletive office again,Barack Obama | Biography, Presidency, & Facts

How is Melania Trump’s intelligence compared to Michelle Obama’s?

Just because Mrs. Trump doesn't like to be front and center as Mrs. Obama did, does not make her less intelligent. Mrs. Trump is beautiful but she also speaks 6 languages. Yet do some digging on her reported degree, and you get a lot of fake news. Melania Trump's College Degree. Mrs obama is unfairly represented in the picture above. She has openly admitted to being a Poor standardized test taker. She did skip a grade in elementary school. And she did graduate from Princeton and Harvard Law School. You can't do that if you're an idiot.Why the comparison? Both are accomplished women. Why pit one against the other?FYI Michelle failed the Illinois bar once. Hillary Clinton failed on her first try in DC but passed in Arkansas. FDR failed on his first try, so did Governor Jerry Brown. NYC all but had a parade when JFK jr passed the New York bar exam on his third try. Benjamin Cardozo – He failed the first five times he took the bar but got it right on his sixth try. Later he served on the U.S. Supreme Court for six years and has a law school named for him.

Do the American people consider President Obama as a successful leader?

As of this moment, no. But Presidents are rarely much appreciated after 6 years or so on the job. People tend to get fed up with them.As of the most recent polls I can find, Obama is doing quite a bit better than Truman and GWB at the same time in his presidency, slightly better than LBJ, about the same as Reagan, worse than Eisenhower and much worse than Clinton. So he's kind of on the low side of mid-pack.Where he fares worse (and his greatest failing as a President I would argue) is how polarized opinion of him is. About 81% of Democrats approve and and about 88% of Republicans disapprove of him. This polarization was equally prevalent under GWB, but Obama has done nothing to bring the two sides together.Of course its likely he will be remembered more fondly as time passes, as most presidents are. How much will probably depend on the success of Obamacare.