Since Obama Has Been Beaten When Is He Going To Throw In The Towel

Is Obama a towel head?

nah hes a Koon

What was your reaction to Donald Trump throwing paper towels at the Puerto Rican people?

He went down there to do a photo-op about relief efforts. He brought paper towels and tossed them out, rather than giving the Porto Rican government funding to rebuild. He then insulted the mayor of San Juan, literally adding insult to injury.It is an example of the GOP’s general Marie Antionette attitude towards the poor, sick, elderly, children, or victims of natural disasters.They never want to do anything of substance to help them, just token gestures for the photo-op.Notice how in conversations with conservatives they scream about the lazy poor people and the “entitlement programs”, while boasting that they worked in soup kitchens over Christmas.Liberals want to help the poor all year long, not just when the photographers are there.

Would Trump be President today if McCain defeated Obama in 2008?

Probably not.First, the odds of McCain winning were low to start with. As a nation, we generally don’t like having one party in charge for more than eight years. But that’s not impossible to overcome; 1988, 2000, and 2016 all stand as examples of this (the last two of course being popular vote wins for the party in power, but electoral college losses).A bigger pair of problems were the economic collapse in 2008 and the selection of Sarah Palin as vice-president. While it isn’t entirely correct to blame the 2008 crash on the Republicans, that’s what happens when there’s an economic collapse of that size.And it certainly is completely fair to blame McCain for his choice of Palin as his running mate. She was just awful, and this was his first major, really important choice as a presidential candidate. It said a lot about his judgement, and none of what it said was good.But let’s say things were different and he’d won in 2008, gotten re-elected in 2012, and left office in 2016. If his vice-president wanted to run, they’d have almost certainly gotten the nomination that year. That’s just how it generally goes. Biden, for example, could have probably had the nomination had he really wanted it and fought for it.But even if the VP hadn’t wanted to run, it would have been harder for the Republican candidate, whomever they were, to win. As said, we don’t generally like the same party to be in charge for a long period of time, and in this case, we’d have been looking at four consecutive Republican terms. The odds of any Republican winning that environment were low. I think you’d have to go back to Truman in 1948 to find something similar, and we all know how that looked right up until the end.There were a lot of really unusual circumstances in 2016, and it’s an election that’s going to be analyzed for a very long time. Change even one of those unique set of circumstances and likely you wind up with someone other than Trump as president.

TRUMPS approval rating - all time low... It's lower now than after he made the racist remarks during Charlottesville! Report speaks volumes!?

Of course his approval numbers are in the crapper. Mueller’s (not Barr’s) report laid bare what a corrupt thug he is. Mueller has noted TEN different instances of obstruction of justice he is leaving for Congress to deal with. The report describes egregious conduct at every level and a systematic abuse of power. His 30%ers are the only idiots trying to defend him.

Why did capitalism's heydey fail to leave a healthy Detroit?

Because in America we practice vulture capitalism, where you exploit an area for maximum resources over the shortest period of time, and don't worry about the fallout because the companies have no legal culpability for devastated lands.

What's the three worst ways to put out a fire?

1. Trying to beat the flames out with your jacket.
2. Trying to drown the fire by pouring gasoline on it.
3. Trying to kick the flames out with your feet.

Having Trump as U.S. President for 8 months, how do you currently view the state of the union?

When Donald Trump was elected, after I got over the initial shock of it, I tried to keep a bright outlook. I didn’t immediately assume that things would be bad. I wasn’t happy to see him elected, but I thought that a lot of what he’d said on the campaign trail was just to get elected and wouldn’t carry over into his presidency.I was wrong. Not only did he turn out to be worse than I thought - he turned out to be worse than I feared. He hit the ground running, immediately went after the immigrants, and it’s been one crisis after another since he took office. I knew he was unqualified, but I didn’t realize the extent of it. He’s always been a huckster, but he now seems… deranged, like something is wrong with him. His megalomaniacal streak, having been fed by gaining a very powerful office, has come to dominate him, along with his extreme (to the degree that it would be comical in a less powerful person) narcissism.The most eye-opening (and disappointing) thing to me, though, isn’t Trump himself, but the amount of support he has - not half-hearted, lesser-of-two-evils support, but real, fervid support. If someone had made a movie of the current situation just four or five years ago, I would have thought it was unrealistic. I really didn’t think that so many people would support such an obvious fraudster. I mean, he’s like a caricature of a corporate bad guy, like you’d see in a kids’ show, but somehow he has convinced people that he cares about them (despite very clearly and overtly not caring about anything other than himself and maybe his family).I think that the country is close to a breaking point, and it’s not a sure thing that it can heal from this. Will the country split up? Will the Union cease? I honestly didn’t realize how realistic such possibilities were, living in my liberal NYC bubble. But it seems that the very things I enjoy about the United States - its multiculturalism, its religious freedom, etc. - are things that are actively opposed by a huge chunk of the country. The country they want is not a country I want, on a fundamental basis, and I’m not sure how we can reconcile this. Having been through a divorce, this reminds me of that feeling, and that can’t be good.Of course, nuclear holocaust may turn out to make all of this not matter. That was also something I didn’t think was a realistic possibility for the near future, until Trump took the reins.