Skelator An Episode Or Comic Where He Had A Girl-friend

Why is it considered taboo to play as a Drow in Dungeons and Dragons?

Maybe it’s the racism.Let’s look at the science of it. Drows are a subterranean race of Elves right - and according to some nocturnal? so why do they have dark skin? It makes no sense, as melanin (human or “faerie melanin”) would be produced naturally as a means of absorbing vitamin D and blocking out harmful UV rays from the sun.Ok so if it’s not science based then maybe?Thus we see the reality that this is not based in science, but in society - and given Racism and Colorism are a reality of our daily lives - we see that Drow Elves are described generally as evil or inclined to evil because of their dark skin.You can see this trend play out almost everywhere - whether it’s “Evil Link” from Legend of Zelda having dark skin, Ryu’s antithesis Akuma from Street Fighter, or even the noble Star Trek series with the barbaric (albeit beloved) Klingons.Let’s also not forget that us white folk LOVE blackface and Drow Elves provide a unique opportunity to shamelessly darken our faces because fantasy! wooo! Do a quick image search and you’ll find cosplay that ranges from “tasteful” to “yeah, that’s def blackface.”Nothing in this world exists in a vacuum, and the harsh reality is that things like racism, sexism, ableism etc are present even in our adored D&D culture (which is largely white, although that’s rapidly changing thank goodness!)I don’t think there’s a taboo around playing Drow? but it might just be your conscience speaking!Moving foward…That said? D&D allows you to bend the rules. For the games that I DM, I state very clearly that Drow Elves were the first Elves, and their blue skin (which ranges in shade and hue depending on region and intermingling) is used to justify racism from the other elves (Wood, and High Elves especially). The idea that they live in caves in also an extension of that racist construct of the High Elves.You don’t have to play by the rule book. Similarly I just have people play as “orcs” instead of “half orcs” since the book more or less alludes that most half orcs are the product of rape or non-consent.Just remember what Anita sez:

Who would win in an all out battle between Thor and Vision?

This would be a 10-second Mike Tyson in his prime knockout - Vision would either go down for the count or flutter off to find Scarlett Witch to protect him.- Vision shoots that little beam out of his AI head, but, Thor just took on the full force of a star and walked it off. No way Vision’s little laser pen beam is going to do anything other than annoy Thor - especially if Vision’s silicon brain is wrestling with true human emotion, gets reckless and dares to point that Infinity Beam towards Thor’s eye - or I guess eyes now. Thor has straight-up had it with getting his ass kicked and eyeballs yanked out.If we look at these two dudes overall - one is thinking of his girl, the other is taking on a star.Thor could crush Vision a number of ways:Taunt/Tease him - Thor’s wit has gotten sharper since Ragnarok and whatever emotional AI Tony put in Vision made him, well, soft.I love you more Scarlett Witch. No silly, I love you way more. You hang up first, no you, not until you promise me you’ll dream of me.Why Tony made him so touchy feely - I have no idea, but Thor would take advantage of that.Thor has his hammer busted up by his bitch sister, and that new axe failed him - dude is pissed and has a crazy new BFFF in Rocket. And Rocket is pretty much all-in when it comes to kicking ass. So those two could team up with Rocket stealing Vision’s components for bomb parts. Or Thor may say “hold on Rabbit!” and wind his little buddy up with some major spin flurry, release, and “wham “ Rocket goes in like Thor's old hammer, and Vision is obliterated onto a mass of silicone and wires. wires andIf Thor is just, not into it. He’s tired and his new eye is still settling in, he needs a rest dude just needs to say Two words - “Drax - kill” - Drax loves Thor. Thor asks, Drax handles. Vision. DeadAmd worst case, if Thor was getting beat, he’d go full on electric eyes on Vision and that would be it - Thor hitting Vision, Vision hitting ground - gone.

What are the differences between women and men?

Disclaimer:-It’s purely based on what I have seen and what I do. If it doesn’t feel good, please ignore. Don’t hate me and send messages that are beyond my capacity to understand.Try to be bouyant sometimes. Not every answer requires to be sprinkled with intellectualism.—————————————————————The most striking difference is in the way they both deal with the kids. The parenting style of men and women differ from inside out.Here is the glimpse—When mom takes you for the shower vs when dad is in-charge.When moms change diaper vs when dad is set for itRoller coaster ride in a true sense.When mom gets you dressed for Halloween vs dad turns you into a prop.Their idea of fun is entirely differentTheir attitude for social mediaTagged in a picture like this—Mom— “ what the helllll??”Dad— “ my boy.”Their methods of teaching-Mom supervise, they dress you accordingly. The whole set up is created.Dads mostly leave you on your fate. To explore, fail and learn mostly through experiences.They lend you ear differently:-To mom:I am hungry..I had a fight…I lost my phone…I want to watch…I want to go there…I want that..She hurt me…I am cold…To dad:Where is mom??When mom is multitasking vs when dads do work from home.Baby is hungry— mom feeds, dads either begins to search desperately for mom or makes a daunting decision of feeding in his own unique way.When dad is alone at home.When mom is alone at homeWhen dads sleep :) vs when mom sleepsWhen it comes to discipline—Moms: raise their voices, No TV no iPad threat for rest of the week, time out for two minutes.Dads:says in a scary tone- “ listen to your mom.”“Wait till your moms mood gets better.”“let’s go and say sorry”.No T.V except for peppa pig.

Which are top 10 best villains?

My opinionDarth Vader- best villain from one of the best franchise of all time. A villain who started as a one dimensional bad guy but then developed into much better and complex villain.2.Norman Bates- I loved Psycho and for me the best part is Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates his performance is genuine and really good.3.Hans Gruber- Again I like him because of Alan Rickman’s brilliant performance(Die Hard was his debut movie)4.Hannibal Lecter- The best performance by Anthony Hopkins and it was so terrifying and chilling. This performance raised the bar of horror movies which are mostly seen as B movies.5.Michael Corleone- Al Pacino played him so you know it is gonna be great. Michael is one the most complex characters ever put on screen from being the hero in first one to being the villain in the second movie.6.Terminator— Well Arnold Schwarzenegger played this character so well he genuinely looked and talked like a murderous robot from the future. He was born to play this role.7.Agent Smith- Fantastically potrayed by Hugo Weaving. The only reason I watched the Matrix sequels was Hugo Weaving.8.Jack Torrance— Jack Nicholson is always the best guy when it comes to play crazy guys just like Anthony Hopkins’s performance this is a gem from horror movies.9.Joker- The Heath ledger version of Joker is the best version of Joker and the performance is arguably the beat performance by an actor in a comic book movie.10.The Alien- From Alien who could have thought that a man in a rubber suit could be that terrifying.

Is Superman really weak to magic?

yes. to an extreme degree.Superman fans like to claim, any time magic is brought up, that “Superman isn’t weak against magic, he just isn’t specifically invulnerable to it.” that’s a lie. the comics have been very clear, in every era, that magic is a weakness of Superman’s, comparable to kryptonite.Superman even told Phantom Stranger his powers don’t work against magic:and there was a Golden Age issue where he said magic takes his powers away, but i can’t find it…Superman is vulnerable to everything: brute force, telepathy, reality-warping, electric currents, strokes, heart attacks, drowning or suffocation, whatever. it can all hurt or kill him (as proved by Lobo, Darkseid, Doomsday, and others beating him half to death…or all the way to death in Doomsday’s case, and by Manchester Black giving him a stroke, countless telepaths mentally wrecking him, and by the time he almost drowned trying to pick a fight with Aquaman. etc.). but he’s specifically weak against 2 things: kryptonite, and magic. (and sometimes loud noises, and of course, “red solar radiation” takes his powers away.)basically, magic is poison to kryptonians.EDIT: what i presented above is what’s stated in the past several decades of DC comics, but there’s a fundamental problem with it: magic isn’t a specific thing like kryptonite, or like other heroes’ weaknesses, like fire, which can easily take out Martian Manhunter, largely for psychological reasons, or telepathy, which is Raven’s primary weakness, since she’s so susceptible to illusions, or cold, which slows The Flash down, etc…no, magic, on the other hand, is kind of a catch-all term for doing what’s impossible by the laws of nature. it’s described in Aquaman, Hellblazer, and other comics, as the manipulation of the forces that hold the universe together. the idea of being weak(er than others) to the manipulation of the fabric of the universe, or of having a resistance to it, of course, makes no sense. magick should be the great equalizer. so, i propose a more precise vocabulary:i contend that Superman is not weak against magic per se, but against eldritch forces and energies, which are often summoned by magic, and for which the term “magic” is often used as shorthandthis would be a distinction between the sort of magic Zatanna uses when she commands the universe to bend to her will by speaking backward, and the (magickal) eldritch forces wielded by Dr. Fate, Aquaman, etc.