Skin From Hell. Like Oozing Behind My Ears. Help.

Liquid oozing from earring hole?

It sounds like an infection to me. Use a Q tip and rubbing alcohol to clean the hole after every shower and a couple times a day thereafter. I don't think I would use Peroxide b/c I read an article about it recently stating that it kills the germs and bad skin; but along with that, it kills the healthy skin, too

Can I stop cleaning my ear piercing?

I would say do it for another 2 weeks just to be safe. I've had my cartilage pierced 3 times & two times it got injected so bad green & yellow puss were oozing out of it. it hurt like hell. The third time my skin grew completely around my earring to the point were you couldn't see it at all. I had to get it surgically removed. So keep cleaning it, be safe.

I have a cut which is oozing snot like puss (that's what it looks like anyway) should i wash it out?

It might not be pus. It could be something called slough (pronounced sluff). This is just dead skin being shed. If you have been covering the cut, it is likely it hasn't had a chance to dry out and form a scab, increasing the risk of slough. This is not dangerous, but it is keeping the wound open, increasing the risk of infection.

Just shower, and lather up your hand with soap and gently wash the area. Pat it dry, and leave it uncovered. It should dry and start forming a scab within a few hours.

If it is an infection, you will know because the cut will be sore, very red and very puffy.

How do I treat my dog's smelly ears?

I bet you have a coonhound, or beagle, or some kind of floppy-eared breed. Their ears get water and moisture trapped in them and the dog’s inner ear (rapidly) acquires a lot of nasty buildup. Does it smell like corn chips? My coonhound’s ears give off a distinct corn chip smell when they are in need of a good cleaning.What I always do in this situation, is grab a few cotton balls, a few q-tips, and some rubbing alcohol. The alcohol-soaked cotton balls are good for removing the big chunks of nasty in easy-to-reach spots, and the alcohol-soaked q-tips are good for the little cracks and crevices. Barring any open wounds inside the ear, the alcohol doesn't bother the dog. It actually helps by disinfecting the sensitive skin inside the ear.It's pretty much that easy! Then wrap all your used swabs in a paper towel and discard.If your dog is anything like Sydney here, (s)he will appreciate the hell out of a good ear cleaning…immediately AFTER you're done haha.Good luck, and check their ears often.

Perpetually infected piercing?

The piercing seems infected, so do not take it out. Taking it in and out will irritate the ear and make the infection worse. If it doesn't hurt to squeeze while the earring is in then squeeze and try to remove most of the pus and blood. I recommend mixing sea salt and warm/hot water together. Use this with q-tips(You need better ones if they're falling apart and leaving fuzz) around the hole and on the jewelry itself. Do that about 2-3 times a day. Also soak your ear with that same mixture(Hold a little plastic cup up to your ear and let it soak for a good 5-10 minutes. Do this 1 time a day around the middle of the day. Rotate the earring every so often throughout the day, and don't touch your ear with dirty hands.

How to treat a sunburn that is now leaking puss?

One day ago I was out on a boat all day and I forgot my suntan. :( Needless to say, I'm fried. My face is the worst. My ears, nose, cheeks, everything, the whole works is burnt to a crisp and it hurts like hell. It is hard to sleep, and even eat. Opening my mouth is a pain.

So yesterday I started using an aftersun gel, I smeared it all over my face. The next day (today) I used something different, aloe vera. And now these puss bubbles are forming all over my burnt face, mostly on my nose, under my lips, and on my chin. The are small little bumps that leak orange puss which then turns hard if you don't wipe or pop it.

I'm still not notching a difference. When will it go away?

So I was wondering what I could do to get rid of this? I just took a cold shower and smeared more aloe vera all over my face but the puss has been leaking all day since the morning. I'm on vacation with my family so they are going to want me to go out into the sun again but I'm not sure that is a good idea. And how would I apply the sunscreen to my face if I do? Should I wipe all the aloe off? Thanks.

Beard causes sores that look like Psoriasis?

its a disease i have it too. its under the hair on my eye brows. it is right behind my ears. and under the hair at the edges the back hairline of my scalp. it started just behind my ears then spread to my scalp then spread to my eye brows. years from now i hope mine doesnt spread even more. there is no cure. just corticosteroids that work temporary then your problem comes back when done using them. corticosteroids are some of the most damaging drugs on the markets so it is not worth taking them if they arent going to cure you forever.