Sleep Over At Boyfriend

How can I get my dad to let me sleepover at my boyfriend’s house?

Are you kidding?What kind of father would give such permission? It’s not a normal reaction for any father to allow his baby to sleep over at a boyfriend’s house. Even if baby is 35 years old.Daddy will always be alert to someone hurting his child. Every boyfriend will be suspected of thinking he can use the girlfriend as his mattress.I wouldn’t even dream of asking my dad if I could go sleep over at my boyfriend’s house. Such a request would be met with a resounding NO!If you respect your father, you wouldn’t even pose such a question to him. Allow him the dignity of thinking his baby is still pure and not at all a sexual being. If you want the freedom to be your own woman who can come and go and act as she pleases then you must move out from under your father’s roof and be totally self supporting. Until then, you are subject to your dad’s decisions about how you conduct yourself. It’s his house, his support, his rules.Be his baby for a little longer. Once you no longer have your Daddy, you will really miss him. Trust me on this one. I lost mine when I was still young and would trade all my emancipation and freedoms to do as I choose just to be with him one more time.

20 years old & can't sleep over at boyfriend's?

I'm 20 years old (female) and have been dating my boyfriend for 2 and a half years. We both love and care for each other immensely and my parents are aware of this. I commute to college and live with both my parents. I have a relatively close relationship with my mom, but less so with my father.

For whatever reason, my mom says that I absolutely cannot sleep over at my boyfriend's house ever. She has been telling me this since I was 17, and I can definitely understand why she would then, but I feel as though I am a grown woman now and I can handle my own self respectively. I try to communicate this to her but she goes off into a fit about how I would have "no self respect" to do such a thing. I want to add that I would never bring this topic up to my dad because I already know what his answer would be.

What I am feeling is that my parents don't want to see their daughter grow up and make stupid decisions. Okay, as far as sex goes -- my mom and I openly talk about it, and although she dislikes me having it, she just advises me to be safe.

So how do I maturely, and respectively discuss this topic with my parents? I understand that I am living under their roof and should follow their rules, but it is also my life that I live and it would be nice once in a while to sleep at my honey's house. That is all!

My mom won't let me sleep over at my boyfriends!?

You are an adult, and have been since you turned 18 (legally)...sleep where you desire. Your mother cannot control your behavior, but if you live with her she can require you to move out if you don't do as she says...

So, decide if you are going to live your life for you, or for Mom...

At what age should I allow my daughter to sleep at her boyfriend's place?

I guess she is still living with you and your husband at home?I can only base my opinions and my decisions on my background, my sense of morality and the temperament my children have. You have a different situation from myself so you can only take my advice so far. I don’t think high school age it is appropriate for boyfriend/girlfriends to sleep together. I would not allow this. I do understand that kids at high school age often do actually have sex. But I feel they are not of the age to handle the kind of intimacy that comes from regularly sleeping overnight together. I have seen what happens with the friends of my kids when this happens and I don’t think it is healthy.But after high school (18 and older)  things get tricky.  These young people are often still not fully mature and need some protecting.  However technically they are adults and should have the ability to make many of their own personal choices.  My oldest is 21,  still at home and we do allow him to sleep at his girlfriends.  But he does not do this all the time.Refusing or making a fuss about a young adult sleeping with a boyfriend often creates a situation where your young adult will stop confiding in you and will develop dishonesty with you and probably some resentment.  So you don’t want to create that.But you are not really saying if your daughter is asking to sleep at her boyfriends.  You are just saying now she has a boyfriend and has never had one before.  If she is over 18 I would allow her to make her own choices.  But you have a right to some consideration if she is still living in your home.  I think she needs to tell you when she will be home and where she will be sleeping.  You don’t want to be up late worrying.  I also think you need to talk to her about birth control.

Should I let my 18-year-old daughter sleep over at her boyfriend's house?

First, she's reached the age of sexual majority in the US. It is her decision and not yours now.Second, is SHE Catholic? If not, then again, it's her decision and not yours.Third, in YOUR home, you can make any (legally permissible) rules you wish to make and enforce them. This includes disallowing sex between non-married people, period. She can remedy this by being elsewhere, which she soon will be anyway, at Uni.Fourth, you have no legal right to forbid her to do anything legal outside of the home, whether it's sex, playing the lottery or smoking tobacco.If you want her to abstain, clearly that ship sailed LONG ago and is presumed lost at sea. You cannot undo what has already transpired.You are at a crossroads: You may choose to hold onto your attachment to your practices and attempt all sorts of ways to manipulate her into adhering to them or you can let go of them, reducing your stress, and permit her to make her own decisions... and mistakes as needed. Be available to answer questions or soothe the hurts, but you had your 18 years chance. Time to let go and trust her to watch out for herself.Otherwise, you risk losing her altogether and creating a resentment that could take decades, if ever, to overcome.Look at the big picture, let go of your attachments and trust in all your prior years of effort. Every person has a different path through life and sometimes you just have to watch the bruises as they occur and stand ready with the arnica gel to soothe them.Good luck.

Excuse for sleeping over my boyfriends house?

My parents would never allow me to sleep over my boyfriends house, so I need a good lie. They aren't strict. So what's a good lie? I just want to cuddle with him, no sex and he respects that. If I say a friends house she's gunna ask what friend and bla bla bla . Help please

Should I let my daughter's boyfriend sleep over?

My daughter and her boyfriend are attending a concert together the next day, and would have to leave in the morning as it is an an all day festival. She wants him to sleep over so they can get on the road the morning after. He lives 40 minutes north from us and she doesn't drive yet, so either he would have to drive 40 minutes to get her, turn back around in the direction he lives in (concert is in his direction) and it would tack on over an hour more.

She would stay at his apartment the next. night, since again it would be easier than having to drive 40 minutes to drop her off and then back.

My daughter is a nice girl and never had a lot of friends or any relationships. She has struggled with depression and anxiety all of her life. She seems to be happier since he has been in her life and this is her first relationship, but as a parent I'm sure you understand my hesitation.

She's 20, in college, and works about 30 hours a week.
He's 21, dropped out of college, works retail full time., and lives with roommates. I don't like that he dropped out of college. It makes me nervous if they have a future together.

Anyways, I don't like the idea of her staying at his place either. If anything, I don't like it even more.

I know she is getting older, but I don't know if I should intervene at all with their plans, or even how to. Any parenting advice? I am very close with my daughter and it is just us living in our home.

Thank you.

Would you let your 23 year old daughter sleep over her boyfriend's house?

Yes?! She's an adult so she can make her own decisions. I'm assuming that parents who won't let their daughters stay over with a boyfriend are worried about pregnancy, but at 23 she's old enough to have graduated, have a job and have her own house, so she'd be able to raise a child if necessary. She could even be married at that age.

My parents have always been pretty strict when it comes to boyfriends and sex issues, but I'm 21 and they know I stay at my boyfriend's and that he stays at mine, and they don't have a problem with it.

However, if your daughter is 23 and still lives under your roof and you're not happy with her behaviour, then you're within your rights to ask her to move out and find her own place, if she can afford it. She'd probably prefer that as well.

Would You let your 16-year-old daughter have her boyfriend sleep over at your house?

Sex at this age is most likely GONNA happen if it hasn’t already. If your daughter is hoping you will be lenient enough to permit her and the boyfriend to conduct this kind of thing under your roof, there are scenarios to consider and conversations to be had. Potentially AWKWARD scenarios and conversations.I vote for putting it all on the table in a three way chat FACE TO FACE. Ask the pertinent questions in an adult manner and find out if this is indeed where they are at this stage of the game. Once it’s all out in the open, let them know what the ground rules are, and make sure you have a clear and concise list. Make sure they understand that the privileges are exactly that and any variance or ignoring and breaking the ground rules will not be tolerated and will be grounds for all privileges to be reconsidered and possibly scrapped. Also, make sure they are both fully aware that this list of rules is both amendable and subject to change at any time YOU choose to do so. There are LOTS of things to consider here, and you may not think of everything until the train has left the station and is headed down the tracks.Handling things this way gives your probably sexually active teenager a safe place to to spend time with the boyfriend that they will most certainly find a way to do with or without your permission. Without this guidance, the end result could be pregnancy, STD’s or other negative consequences. You need to be available to them for adult advice if they are open to that.Good luck to all of you.