Sleeping Disorder In Court

Landlord wants to call cops/evict over sleeping disorder?

I rent a room out of a man's house where myself and 2 other people live. The landlord himself lives in close proximity as he has a nearby bedroom upstairs. I sometimes have night terror episodes where i scream in the middle of the night or sometimes sooner, depending on when i fall asleep. After my last episode my landlord is now threatening to evict me. Ive had these all my life and they come and go, i cant stop them but i even picked up some st. John wort to see if that will help. At all.
Can my landlord legally evict me for this? What can i do to protect myself???

Can my sleeping disorder send me to jail for truancy?

Wanted to add I go to bed every night at 9:30 so staying up late isn't a factor. Also it took 6 mos to get my diagnosis, not just a one time office visit. I had to go to a sleep specialist and do 4 night studies and 3 day time studies before and meds or conclusions were given and made. I still see this specialist on a monthly visit.

Is it possible to receive SSI benefits for REM sleep disorder?

You should ask your doctor about his. It is hard to get SSI at all, and about 80% of applicants are turned down right away anyways. Right now it takes about 2 years at least to get an application read, so then after they might deny your claim, you can fight it which takes even longer. If you are thinking about applying then talk to you doctor and see how much medical evidence you have to help your claim and see if you think it's worth the wait or if you'd rather spend the time trying to fix or treat your condition.