Small Weight Drop In Possibly Pregnant Rat

Do you lose weight if you don't eat?

One way to lose weight is to just stop eating. It sounds simple, but in reality you have to know what you are doing to get any long term weight loss benefits from fasting. Let's look at the weakness and strengths of fasting for weight loss.Like most forms of dieting, fasting can be used to bring about dramatic but temporary reductions of weight. You can go on a long fast, taking nothing but juice or eating grapes or taking some other low calorie meal substitute for several weeks, and while you are on the fast you will certainly lose weight. However, during the fast you may not be able to carry on your normal social interactions. It's not so easy to sit around sipping carrot juice while the rest of your family is eating a normal meal.Another problem with long fasting is that your body requires vital nutrients (vitamins, minerals, protein) and your favorite juice may not contain them. Long fasting without proper medical supervision can be dangerous.Finally, a major problem with this kind of fasting is that once you stop fasting and resume eating your normal diet, you are likely to gain back all the weight that you have lost during your crash weight loss fast.So, does fasting have any place in a weight loss plan? Yes it does. Periodic fasting is one of the secrets of a long and healthy life. Our body's digestive organs require a rest from time to time,just as we require days off from work. One-day fasting done in a methodical and regular manner provides the kind of rest that helps our digestive system, aids in the elimination of toxins from our body, and, yes, also helps us to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable.Tips for weight loss

How can i tell how far along my rat is with her pregnancy?

Since you are not quite sure as to when she got pregnant count 3 to 5 days from when she first started the frantic nest building. That should give you some idea as to when she might have her babies. No one can be right on with this, not even the professional breeder's. The babies will come when they are ready. She's showing all the signs of being very close; nest building, hormone aggressiveness (not common), hiding away, voracious appetite, big belly, prominant nipples, etc.

Clean out her cage soon so that you can leave the cage cleaning alone for about a week after she has the babies.

She will more then likely have her babies at night or in the wee hours of the morning.

Caring for pregnant rats:

"my life has gone to the Rats"

My pregnant guinea pig is breathing heavil?

no offense but this is normal she is breathing for more and in order to do that she has to breath faster thanku for answering my qustion when she gives birth ill tell how they are

Do bread make you gain weight??

I see by your screenname what you are looking for...
Take it from me, you DON'T want to gain weight by eating starches and carbs. When I was younger, like early 20's, I weighed in at like 135-145 lbs, 5'10". I would literally eat 2 medium pepperoni pizzas and a quart of pepsi, in one sitting, several times a week. I TRIED to gain weight. What I know know is...I am a fat-*ss now and CAN'T LOSE THE WEIGHT! See, my metabolism caught up with me.
Here is what I would recommend:
Eat LOW CARB, HIGH PROTEIN, and lift heavy weights. You don't have to be like a meat-head gym fact, very low reps, but high weight and you are done before you know it. This will build muscle, which is heavier than the fat you will gain if you eat loaves of you will gain weight as well as GREAT SHAPE! Eat not only meat for protein...and plenty of veggies (not potatoes, carrots, and the like) for good carbs.
Bottom Line: Underweight (you really probably aren't under weight) is easier to safely and effectively modify your appearance than if you eat a bunch of bread, get FAT, possible develop diabetes, then TRY to get FIT and in shape.
Good Luck!

Anyone due within the next month or so.... How is the pregnancy going? When are you due?

I'm now 34wks, I'm due 3/1/10. I'm getting over being pregnant, sore everything and crying at the drop of a hat. Not to mention my 15mth old seems so heavy and it's really really hard to take care of him now. By the end of each day my back is killing me, I go to bed and can't sleep, and then there's the heartburn too! I can only sleep on my left side since I have bad sciatic pains in my right hip that makes it too painful to sleep on. I'm so tired, and blood results show I'm borderline anemic now. Besides that, everything is ok. I'm actually starting to get excited about the new baby being here! Although I am still concerned about how to deal with the day to day of having a newborn and my 15mth old... Hopefully I get better sleep when the baby is born. My sister said with her last pregnancy that she could sleep better once her daughter arrived than when she was pregnant (she had terrible leg cramps all night).

I'm sorry to hear you're on bedrest... I hope he doesn't come early! My 15mth old was induced when I was 37wks and he was soooo tiny and seemed so fragile. He turned blue 3 times in his 1st 24hrs, had us worried like hell. Then he had to go back into hospital at 5 days old because he wasn't gaining weight, he was too weak to feed : (

But hopefully your boy will be fine. He'll surely survive now if he comes early and it sounds like they'll be keeping a close eye on you both anyway. Good luck! I hope I go to term and don't need to be induced early again... I prefer those plump robust looking babies!

My rat is very off balance and falls down a lot?

My pet rat has recently seemed off balance and often falls down while cleaning himself. He eats a lot still, but recently he has started having trouble holding food so it is much harder to get him to eat rat food, and I end up giving him other creamy things that he can lick.

He also has respiratory problems, but the vet gave us something for that and he breathing problems seems to be slowly getting better.

I thought that he was off balance because of his respiratory problems, but even though the respiratory problems are getting better, his balance seems to be getting worse. His balance is MUCH worse than a week ago. When I took him to the vet for the respiratory illness, they had no idea of anything to do for his lack of balance.

Does anybody know what is wrong?