So Could Someone Tell Me If How I Feel Is Even Okay

Is telling someone you have feelings for them worth it, even if they tell you that they don't feel the same?

Drawing from personal experience, yes.It's worth it because acknowledging that feeling before that person will feel good. Really good. It'll not suffocate you anymore, it'll be out in the open. And you won't be riddled with “what if”s. Had I chosen differently and kept my feelings buried, I would've constantly wondered about how different my life would have been.Does it always work out in the end? No. Sometimes love goes unrequited. Does it suck? Absolutely. It's heart wrenching.However, is it better than regretting? Abso-freaking-lutely. You'll give your 100% into loving this person even if they don't reciprocate, because that's all you can do.But please don't suffocate them with your love, just like you have a right to love, they have the right to not reciprocate. Honor their choices too.Now, if that person is a jerk, he/she will not consider your feelings, but if you're lucky and they're not a jerk, befriend them, if that hurts, move away. Love from a distance, wish them well, strengthen your fragile heart and swallow the bitter truth that maybe they belong to someone else.But tell them what you feel, if they reciprocate, it's your lucky day, if they don't, then you can start getting rid of those baby names you had thought of. Give your love a chance and speak out. You'll feel lighter in the end knowing that you gave all that you could.Good luck.

What should i say when someone asks me if i'm ok?

Well you could just shake your head and go 'don't ask'

Is it ever ok to tell someone they're fat?

Okay, no. Unless you are a licensed professional and you are telling someone that they are overweight or obese for health reasons and that’s your job— lay off.Do you honestly believe that fat people don't notice that they are fat? Most people that I know that are fat or obese are very insecure and have been bullied their entire lives for their weight. You reminding them how FAT they are is usually just kicking someone when they are already down.I think a better approach would be to inspire and try to include them with your own fitness regime. You could say “hey, want to come for a walk with me at 6 pm”, or “I'm starting a group with my friends and we are all going to kick a soccer ball around at the park.. wanna come?”One of my best friends is morbidly obese, and her father constantly reminds her how fat she is. She feels more and more like a failure, and his comments are very counterproductive.Okay last thought: I feel like a majority of people are sedentery. Some people just have faster metabolisms than others. So if you're trying to guilt someone for eating too many cheetos, but you eat the same amount and you just happen to not get fat from it—you aren't really concerned about their “health”, you just find them to be unaesthetic. So get out of here with that fake concern for their health.If it is a concern for their health, there are a lot more constructive approaches than simply saying “you are fat”. They are aware. Their doctor and probably everyone else has already mentioned it. It's not like they don't have mirrors. Have some sympathy.

What am I supposed to say when someone tells me my dog is cute?

Apollo is precious and looks happy so yes, say thank you because you are a good owner to him. He wouldn't be so radiant otherwise. And if you feel uncomfortable with that, our population is grossly undereducated about pets, so you could say, thanks he is a """" breed, and it may spark them to adopt one if they get to looking for a good companion one day. No, it isn't silly at all. I work hard for my dog to be healthy and look her best and I accept the thank you for us both.

Is it okay to love someone, knowing you can't be with them?

You can be told "move on" by someone you work with and it just means they are paranoid. Every time you happen to coincide, and you say hello, they can just say, "move on." It's a ridicules statement, but it's catchy.Getting obsessed with what "move on" could mean is no way of living. Obsession happens, so just be happy.You really need to just use up that love until it fades. That's where love songs and poems come from: oxytocin. Some people take months to exhaust the feelings. It takes me a few years. But, it only matters that you recognize that that love is in you no matter who you want to share your love with. You could even feel that it is God that you really love. It is alright as long as you balance out your life with respect for your health and your admiration for your good deeds.Just don't let anyone get angry at you for your feelings. Don't let anyone take advantage of you. Don't let anyone mistreat you and laugh at you. Once your love interest rejects you in anyway, simply forgive and recognize that at this time, this person is not the right person for you. You need someone to lift a finger to make you feel loved or you do not need anyone at all. Bouncing your feelings towards someone like if they are a wall can be fun sometimes, but that just means you are bored and NOT dealing with a relationship. Relationships actually require knowing what acts of love each one in the relationship likes and which they hate. You don't want a person that feels you have "power over them" and they can feel that way, as cowards do feel fear and are weak when they seek you at times to feel good about themselves. They are abusive and a bad society can call them the victim and you the aggressor.Have fun! Do other things. Love less, but with someone that makes time for you without it involving business or other social expectations. Someone will give you good times, but it's not intense until you both trust each other and have grown into one person. Until then, you are one person and that's your love. Be happy with what you've got.

Ok, can someone please tell me what my problem is!?

how you feel about yourself is really important. it may not seem like it's noticable, but it is.

take a look at what this guy has to say about how to attract guys:

How do you respond to someone telling you that they like you, but you don't feel the same way?

I had exactly the same thing today…a friend from my church…well he is a friend but i wouldn’t call him a close friend…I haven’t spent that much time with him, but we have chatted a few times at church and we have mutral friends. Well he invited me to his house for lunch…(somehow i should have known) but i thought why not…he is a friend…and i need some more male friends!! When i went to my car to go home, he held it open so that he could stand in the entrance part and told me he liked me……after an awkard 10 second silence I told him i didn’t feel the same way….or at least i hope I made that clear to him” He said “thats ok” so i think it did….I have to admit its been along time since someone has liked me that way…..and i was flattered….But as alot of people have said…you have to be honest…if you don’t feel the same way. I have been on the other end and know what its like to have the person you like not feel the same way…. …I am glad they are honest with me and move on. Noithing worse then lying and pretending…you get found out in the end and besides its cruel!! Honesty is the best Policy!!

Is it OK to ask someone if they are transgender?

No. It is not okay. If you are in a setting where there is danger, even if you don't know it, you may expose a trans person to harassment or even violence. Even if the person is not trans, you may cause others to bully them anyway. Transphobia directed at someone who is not transgender is still transphobia. And transphobia can be, and is deadly.Every trans person knows it. And if they don't, please take this time to learn that.The rule of transgender socializing, at least for a lot of us, is never acknowledge another person who you think is trans. Keep to yourself. We acknowledge each other in support group settings or trans friendly bars.If you are looking for other trans people for support, go online and find facebook support groups or local support groups in your area.If you are cis, or not trans, it doesn't matter. Please respect us enough to not ask us if we are trans. It is rude, sometimes unsafe, and can make a trans person feel terrible.Before I go, I want to share a story.I went to the court house last week to finalize my name and gender marker change. There was a second person in the court room just finishing up their change. They were female assigned at birth. They dressed similar to me, and they had short hair like mine. My boyfriend mentioned that to me after we got home. I wish I had asked what they were there for. But it simply is not my business.Asking a person 'who looks queere/trans' if they are trans assumes that trans or 'queer' people look a certain way. And while there may be a grain of truth to that, you never know. There are plenty of women who shop in the men's section because it's comfortable. That doesn't make them trans. And there are plenty of men with long hair who…, just like long hair. They are not trans.So be polite and respectful. Do not ask.

How can I reassure someone that everything will be ok, if I am not sure it will be?

You don’t need to tell them things will be okay. Most people just want you to empathize, for you to put yourselves in their shoes and feel what they are feeling.If I told a friend that I’ve just lost my job or that I’m very sick, I would be so annoyed if they said “I just know everything will turn out for the best!”Instead, say “that must be so stressful for you” or even just “ugh”. You can also ask “is there anything I can do to help?” You certainly don’t want to offer solutions, especially if you have never been in that situation before.