So Did She Lose Interest On Me Or What

Is she losing interest in me?

I can tell that she she is getting bored & that could be due to a number of things. I will tell you what I am certain of just based on your description & do not take it the wrong way. I am trying to help you so this is constructive criticism. You seem to be too infatuated with her & open about it. To you it seems fine but to a girl it comes off as needy. Its always good to express your mind but if it sounds too emotional or needy in your head then do not express it at this point. Its still early in the relationship so you need to still keep her wanting & attracted to you. If theres no mystery then theres little interest. Keep her guessing & do not become boring to the point that she always knows what you are going to say or do. Do not give her all of you or your time just yet. I would suggest becoming somewhat distant & less affectionate. Do not always initiate things or keep asking how she feels or trying to openly be extra loving to make her happy. She will begin to wonder why & pursue your attention. Do not make it so easy & keep it interesting. Many women get bored & will lose that spark when you begin to seem needy. This is very common among younger guys or guys with little experience. So many women say they want all of a mans attention, affection, they want the man to need them, they want him always there... then when it happens.... they get bored and see you as needy. Of course every woman is different but Im pretty damn positive this is the case here so good luck.

Why do i lose interest in guys so fast?

Because you have met men with fickle pickles. Can I tickle you with my oversized pickle?

Why do I lose interest so fast?

So I'm in a pretty decent online relationship. She's like an amazing girl who only lives a couple states away. At first I loved her a lot but not until this week I started to not care as much. I had a lot of interest when we were flirting, but I noticed I really started having second thoughts as I met up with a girl I once tried for and is available again, which she's actually showing interest this time. Do I just crave physical stuff, because the only thing that keeps me interested online is sexual stuff. I'm not sure if I'm afraid of commitment or what. Please help, I wanna stay but I also want to go, i won't even be able to see her until like 6-7 months from now

Did he lose interest in me?

I've been texting this guy frequently for almost two months. He seemed into me and texted me first pretty much every time we talked. He used to text me goodnight and suggested we get together sometime the first day we started talking (although he never brought it up again). We usually never went more than 3 days without texting each other. I was pretty confident that he liked me and was going to bring up hanging out again soon. But then we went on winter break and he texted me once on the second day of break. Then he went a whole week without texting me so I texted him. He was still nice and texted me back and we had a normal conversation. But it's been six days since then and he hasn't texted me once. I know he's been busy with guy friends and Christmas but I still think he could've taken a minute to text me.

Am I overreacting or is he over me? I don't want to text him first again because I don't want to come off as clingy. We started school today and I still haven't heard from him. But we go to different schools so we don't see each other.

We're both 17 by the way.

Did she lose interest ? Have I missed my chance ?

Well, a few months ago, this girl started looking at me in class. I thought nothing of it, till she caught my attention. She did it often, and she acted shy around me. I was shy as well, so I couldnt even look at her. We had different arranged seats, so she is farther from me now.

After that, she stopped looking at me, and acted uninterested. This has gone for like a month. So I thought she lost interest, which made me a bit sad. I was able to talk to her the one day, but it was small talk. She seemed happy but confused at the same time. Ive spoken to her a few more times after that, but she doesnt seem interested anymore...she doesnt even look at me anymore.

He was so into me, but suddenly he lose interest. How can I get it back?

So clearly you have given lots of details to work with.I will to answer the question based on what I understand.He was into you and then lost interest.There can be multiple reasons for this question.1st reason: It was just an infatuation. It faded away with time.2nd reason: He was into you. He tried really hard to get the same in return. But he failed. So he gave up.3rd reason: He is waiting for you to feel the same. So that you realise his importance. (Clearly you have realised)4th reason: He was just trying to get lucky. It didn’t work out so he stopped making you feel special.So based on your situation you can work up the reasons.Now, how can you get it back?It’s simple.Just tell him what you feel. What you are going through. Don’t wait.Life’s too short to wait.Make him feel loved. Make him feel its real. Make him feel special.Most importantly love unconditionally.Be there for him.Wait for his response.You will surely get your man.Goodluck.

How come that girls lose interest in me so quickly?

It's not what you are doing wrong, it is what you are not doing.Let's assume you are correct and they like your first impression. That impression was based on your presence.This is not communicable through text. What might possibly be attractive in text is entirely different. Because you don't know how to engage with text -- and most people don't -- you lose them.If you want to move beyond this, you could study to become a poet, skilled at inspiring with text.Or you could do what might be even more fun: actually meet these girls. Don't waste time "texting for a while" with chit-chat, though certainly being polite and returning conversation is appropriate. Text is best used to set up meetings, it works great for that. So do it. Actually meet them, face-to-face.Yes, you will be taking a risk. What if they refuse? Won't you die?No. You will not die.Really, if women aren't saying No to you, at least occasionally, you aren't trying hard enough. Get out there, get active and you can create the life you want.And be funny, with the text.  Be light, have a sense of humor, be generous, be kind, and let go of any idea that anything bad is happening just because she doesn't text you!

Why do girls lose interest so fast?

for me its always been because i had to wait too long. with one guy i waited three months for him and when we finally kissed i had already gotten over him and there was no chemistry. i think if you make a girl, who you know likes you, wait that long then she will just give up and stop liking you. she cant stay interested forever.

its not immature. maybe you two didnt click.