So Disillusioned. Just Help

Gay and Disillusioned?

Where are you finding these guys anyway? They sound horrid.

No, you are not going to change this (sorry, one man working alone can't change this). Yes, it is going to be a little difficult getting through your 20s without becoming bitter (and you seem to be well on your way.) No, you should not give up hope. Yes, the woman who wrote that she is a lesbian because men behave the way you described them is right on the mark (that is part of the problem). No, its not a just gay thing, its a man thing and the gay world tends to be full of men by definition.

Now, take a breath and re-center. I can't tell you if you will ever meet a normal guy (as you put it). I can tell you that becoming embittered at 95% of the gay community is no way to find that guy...once you find him, he will sense you are bitter, and that is going to be a turn off for the type of guy you are seeking. He'll be gone before you can learn if he has disgusting habits.

Take a break from trying to find that relationship for a bit. I don't know a single one of my friends who hasn't gone through the "I hate gay men" phase, myself included. We all managed to make it out of the tunnel and many of us have met that normal guy and have settled in. Even those of us who don't have six packs.

So disillusioned. Please just help?

I'm fifteen and the fact that I'm growing up depresses me. It sort of depresses me asking this question because I don't know how to word it. It depresses me that there is so much people in the world and there's no escape. Society is conformative. I find myself jealous of men who have beautiful women. I don't know, I'm sort of starting to go crazy, I'm beginning to do unusal things, for example I took a cold shower in the dark for 50 minutes yesterday listening to Hallelujah over and over and i loved it. I was damn near bawling. And I'm falling in love with a woman..she's so pretty. All I do is think of her and I'm sp disillusioned and something is missing.. I'm so unhappy.. I fee trapped and alone in crowds.. I did this thing yesterday, where I just fell.. onto the floor.. and I loved it. and I went to the Olympics last year and I remember the noise and all the life and I was just in the hotel room alone looking down. I felt so upset that I didn't know them. I didn't want them to see me.. and at night I looked out the window across to see a women admiring her naked self and a man dressing up in women's clothes and the laughing and it felt so lonely and depressing. And all these women and girls who are so gorgeous but you cant have them. That's the depressing thing. I have friends, I do well in school but I'm constantly trying to escape life. For example, a few days ago I wrote a letter to a person named Janine. She's not real. I addressed it and all, gave it into the post office and she's not even real. Is told her about me being in the army and all and how I was probably gnna die soon. And I always make up crazy things like that and I don't know why..looking for answers makes me more confused and I find myself now more alone and withdrawing.. I want to live alone with her, and rub my hands down her back and tell her she's wonderful, beautiful even. I want sex and to stare into her crystal green eyes while orgasming and I want the world to be passionate..please.....

I am so disillusioned with my country?

I'm from south america, a country that does not allow you to grow as a person, you could get some education, however, very basic. When people learn that you have money, they break into your house and rob you and unless you are lucky that day, you get shot. My dream is to live in a developed country, even if I am seen as timeless Alien. why do I feel like this? is it normal feeling for latinos who are still living in their own country?

I am disillusioned with life. How do I deal with it?

Your life is more important than anybody else's wishes and whims. Its a lesson you learnt the hard way.Its more important than even YOUR wishes and whims. Thats the lesson you need to learn urgently. You are studying to be a Doctor so you know you are a highly evolved, amazingly complex and  brilliantly capable organism with cognitive abilities unmatched in millions of years of evolution. You know you are a bloody MIRACLE right??So please stop those " I just wanna live out my days" thoughts..(Although "Simply living out your days" wouldn't sound so bad once you listen to John Denver sing "Poems, Prayers and Promises"..:)John Denver Poems Prayers and Promises You made an influenced decision which did not go according to plans. We have all done it at some moment  in our lives. The memory of that decision and its repercussions are going to gnaw at your mind everytime you think about it. The more you think of it, the worse they seem. So the first step you should take is to think it over once and for all and finish with it. Write it all in a Journal.....And then Burn those pages/ Wash them with tears/ Put them in a shredder or do whatever you want to do with them. The idea is to get that past out of your system.Its not an easy thing to do. Getting over the past that is. You need friends, you need hobbies, you need time and effort. But there are enough people who love you and care for you to take you through just need to look at the right places.Now judging from the experience of my own friend who have been studying to become Doctors, I understand its a hard thing to do. But once you have been through the grind its a highly respectable and noble profession.You are the ones who relieve pain and suffering for so many of your fellow humans. Its the next best thing to being like those fairies that make afflictions go away...Hope you can tell yourself to be proud of that..Well take care and hope you find your peace soon enough. Its not a destination though..The peace is to be found in the journey..Good Luck..

What to do when disillusioned by the world and society?

Good question. I'd like to know that myself. I mean how do you hold onto your own values when you are forced to throw them in the wind or turn the other cheek in order to function in society? I just don't have an answer for you. Sorry. It seems the majority think a padded room and druggage is the answer. You can only tell yourself that people are ignorant and make foolish mistakes for so long, because eventually reality will be forced upon you at the most unexpected of moments, and that reality is that what people do is not based upon ignorance or mistakes, or trial and error as Berrie suggested, it is completely intentional and done out of total selfishness, callousness and cruelty. I'm 100% convinced of it, and the higher in the food chain you go, the more appalling the actions of others are. I have seen and experienced to much, I know better. ;-)

Is it normal that I am so disillusioned with the human race?

Often when people feel that they do not fit in with their environment, they tend to have over-developed "fantasy lives." It sounds like you have a difficult time relating to others, as you feel that your values and expectations differ, so this is completely normal, and I would not worry. It is also normal to feel an attachment to people with whom relationships are unattainable, such as famous musicians, as it is a form of transitioning into developing the close relationships you crave to have with your peers.

It is fantastic that you have a supportive boyfriend, and you should try to make more friends who share your interests. It sounds like you have a wonderful personality, and if you have a positive attitude toward others, they will be more likely to return that kindness. Don't criticize yourself or write yourself off as "disillusioned." What you are experiencing is a perfectly healthy step in cognitive and emotional growth.

If this is causing you emotional distress, talk with your boyfriend - vent it all out. You could even consider talking with a counselor if you feel the need. You will be fine. Just love who you are and you will see that others will too!

Best of luck to you :)

How can one overcome feeling disillusioned?

By getting base in reality. Most of use are raised with the obsolete notion of superstition. Many parent are still teaching their children to extend the magical thinking of four year olds into adulthood. 'There is a reason why things happen' NO, there isn't. Life isn't 'fair' and if you expect it to be, in what ever way, you always approach things with the wrong angle and will be disillusioned each time. Humanity is coming of age and so should we all become as individuals. We can see the universe around us with our outer and inner eyes. We don't have to be afraid for the winter anymore, because we have houses, we have central heating. We have medicine (for as long as those will still protect us to the ever evolving world around us) and can extend our life and ease in it. These are the real marvels. They are things we should consider, as much as we should enjoy them. Look up to the stars, they won't go away. They were there before any eye was capable of seeing. They will be there long after our human species has evolved into something else. In this you can't be disillusioned. It is simply true, even for a child to understand (not to learn to believe, but really to understand). When we want to tell people fairytales, because we don't know an honest answer, we create emotional illusions. These are the worst. There never has been a bigger percentage of suicides in human history, because what parents tell their children about imaginary friends (gods and other fictious characters) causes them to question themselves, because they get taught NEVER to question what their parents tell them. But isn't that what coming of age should be? Question everything? Especially your parents? I have one 'son' in adulthood, who has thankfully learned to question me, my wife and anything he had been taught before we took him in. He is now a grown man, with ability to distinguish right from wrong, and feeling certain of himself, yet still being critical of himself. To overcome the feeling of being disillusioned, you need to evaluate what you value more: Being illusioned, or reality, with its honesty and reason?

I am so completely disillusioned by relationships?

i don't think ever want one again. i don't have the skills for either managing relationships or choosing right men. i think i'm going to give up and resigning myself to spinsterhood. i am separated from a man who was a porn addict, narcissist and pathological liar, and joined at the hip with his parents. i really couldn't see this before i got married. he told me whatever i wanted to hear, not the actual truth about either events or his feelings.

i cannot make character judgements or see through to people's real selves. in that case i think i have no business having a relationship since in life you have to depend a lot on your intuition and i seem to have none.

the only thing is i am 30 and i want kids. i wish i were an amoeba and could reproduce by binary fission. that would do away with the need for men.

anyone else felt this way? are there some people for whom life is a series of painful, unsuccessful relationships?

Why are so many Indians disillusioned with India being a Golden Sparrow before the Mughal invasion, despite only an extremely small minority being rich at that time?

I guess, you want to make a point that there are poor people along with a bunch of rich kings. There is always that kind of disparity and I don’t see any change after Mughal rule too. Is it buddy?First of all, remove the ‘Disillusioned ’ from the Question. Respect people and their ideas. You have a reason to be angry. Point it out. Let them know and share your knowledge, but it is not the right way to ask a question, particularly on a stage that is meant to share knowledge.Is it ok for you if I ask, ‘Why does some Disillusioned people ask “Why are so many Indians disillusioned with India being a Golden Sparrow before the Mughal invasion, despite only an extremely small minority being rich at that time?” ’. It sounds bad, doesn’t it?Giving Respect to others and their ideologies is where the richness of India and Indians lies in.Leaving it away, I want you to know about the Mauryan and Gupta Empires. ‘The Golden Age of India’. The amount of trade that took place during Gupta era.You may think that they are small kingdoms, given your Question. There is a map of the extent of those kingdoms in Wikipedia. It might not be a reliable source. I’ll add one that has to do with documentation if possible.Gupta Empire - WikipediaFYI read this to know the extent of trading that has been done before the Muslim rulers have layed their eyes upon India. Middle kingdoms of India - WikipediaLearn about Kushan Dynasty and it’s trading contacts with China.I couldn’t add more genuine sources as documentation of History is unreliable.It is even said that there are larger and rich kingdoms where people lived in prosperity and peace, but either the civilisation is destroyed or there may not be a reliable documentation available. That’s all.I may have gone overboard. Excuse me there. But I’ve lost my cool at the word ‘Disillusioned’ yaar.And how are you supporting the very statement that you’ve made. Is there anything that supports your question?