So Frustrated .father Is Trying To Run My Life

I feel so frustrated with life, what can i do?

how dare you complain you feel so frustrated with life how can u even say that?
Life isnt fair, but at least this is something YOU can change over time

but me? No, will i ever be able to bring back my dead mother who died in a car accident, or my father who killed him self over her loss, my 22 yr old brother who is locked up in prison.
only me and my 25 yr old sister remain, what the hell do we do huh?
we keep pushing the hell on, you arent grateful for what u have, because u dont understand what u have, or what others have lost.

you spend your nights crying by your self? over what??
what the hell could i have done to deserve this? your right it isnt fair, but you will never understand the pain and the loss i have experienced.
think you have no personality? can u imagine ur self after my tragedy? mine is gone, i feel completely empty inside. i dont think i can even cry anymore, after so much crying, every day for about a year, the ability has
just left me. so much hate and rage drives me
the only reason why i havent went ahead and killed my self, get rid of this pain and this hurt, is because my sister is still here, im all she has and me the same to her. and not to follow in my fathers footsteps
idk how my sister and i are going to pay for college, thats just another dent that will become a problem in my life.

im 18, its been a couple years since all the hell life has put me thru
i would love to trade places with you
if you think you have it bad, remember someone else always has it worse

Help :( My boyfriend's dad is so frustrating and crazy! What should I do?

What a thoughtful girlfriend you are .. and yes how helpless these situations can have us feeling but it sounds to me you are doing all you can to give him support etc.. sometimes it is up to the one who is getting the support though to find his or her own way regardless of how we feel about them or the situation , it's also called respect ..

His dad going from the picture you have painted more than likely has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder unless he is an Alcoholic or suffers from Post Traumatic Stress all of which cause anger outbursts which is not normal or healthy for anyone. It is abusive full stop and yes it does and can cause long term emotional problems for the ones on the receiving end and why should you respect his dad when his dad has no respect for himself let alone his son ?

It is a situation that your boyfriend so needs to get away from for his own safety and well being and when he is ready he will.He must not blame himself or think less of himself because of his fathers actions and he needs to remind himself of that daily..

Can he not get help through the school counselor ? or his employer ? Does he have other relatives he could go and stay with ? but like I mentioned earlier it is really up to him to seek the help he needs and wants.

In the meantime take care of you and pray however you know how and everyday picture him living somewhere safe and happy as that will help also ..

Best wishes and I pray he finds his way and that he doesn't lose you as a friend along the way ..

Why Do I Hate My Father?

Before judging me, please read my entire question.

I am in my late 20s and have been forced to move back home because I lost my job. I am looking for work and have been in my own bedroom for the past 6 months now. It's all fine, I do my part to help out around the house and volunteer to do things to make it easier for everyone, but I do have one complaint: My Dad is the most annoying man on earth. I will bullet point:

1) My Dad is in his mid 60s, and retired. Point being, he's ALWAYS home. He never leaves the house, except on occasion. My bedroom is one hallway from the kitchen, and guess who I always hear in there? HIM. If you want to talk about someone who is just plain loud, My Dad takes the cake. He's always fiddling with the microwave, slamming his coffee cup on the table, or nibbling on something. How he manages to stay thin I have no idea, because he's always eating and its ******* stupid.

2) My Dad Yawns so loud, that I will hear him from my room with the door closed! It's a loud, abrasive yawn where when the person does it, he has to let it linger so everyone can hear. Dude shut up and keep your yawn to yourself! He is always doing it. If you're so tired, go to sleep. Since you're retired, what else do you have to do?

3) My Dad is constantly clearing his throat. Another thing he likes to do with unnecessary volume. I myself am very quiet in my room and donnot make noise that's to the point of destruction. His little tasks apparently are loud enough to go all the way down the hall into my bedroom. Any landlord would tell him either shut up or get out.

4) When ever he has soup or cereal, he CLINKS his f*cking spoon on the bowl over and over. Dude you're 63 years old! Have some Goddamn manners. Why must you be so loud that I can hear you all the way here?

I could go on and on but you see my point. I may sound like a brat, but please see it from my perspective. I have never told him these irritating habits annoy me because I know he would tell me to be grateful I'm in his house. But I would like to know WHY HE BOTHERS ME to the point of wanting to scream my lungs out!

PS- I know this is the Religious section, but I was getting 0 answers everywhere else.

How can I convince my father...?

1.I feel he owes me a car! He's just starting to want to be a part of my life, he denied me when I was a baby after he re-married. My mom proved to him I was his; now that I get older, I notice he wants to take credit for raising me(1 ex: He tells his friends how he pays for my catholic tuition but I'm on a scholarship).
2. Doing chores does not prove squat!I do chores around the house and I dont expect my mom to give me anything. I dont live with him, like I said he lives in NY, I live in FL! (Did you people not read the whole thing?)
3. My mother cant afford a car for me right now, she works and goes to school.Thats not fair to her.My dad has been paying the same child support since I was 2. He thinks his little check can last forever. I know more than he thinks.He thinks I'm stupid by telling me that he pays my tuition. He has money set aside for college,but that wont even cover one semester,boarding or books
I just wanted to know what you would do.Im ready to give up on him.

Alcoholic Father, What do I do??

I am 12 years old, my father is an alcoholic. He's never hit me or anything, but he is very verbally abusive. He and my moms relationship is at the last string. But they're trying to work it out. Its so hard because none of my friends have the sliightest idea what I'm going through. They try to inderstand, but they really don't. Its so frustrating sometimes. I need advice from someone who also had/has an alcoholic father. I love him very much, but he comes home drunk way to often. And I want help, I haven't tried a counselor, should I? He's not the same when he's drunk. I cry myself to sleep sooften, and it distracts me from my schoolwork. Sometimes I feel like I'm walking alone in all of this, and no one else realizes how precious life is, and that I want to live it to the fullest. I feel like I have it so hard, and no one understands, I feel as if so many people in this world don't understand. Does anyone feel like me? I feel so alone.