So I Have Been Having This Sharp Burning Pain When I Use The Bathroom And Today When I Wiped Myself

Needing to pee a lot more and noticing blood after I wipe myself...?

I've been noticing that over the past week that I've been peeing a lot more than usual, and that after I've wiped myself that there is blood on the toilet paper. It doesn't hurt/sting but I do get a weird feeling while I pee... My pee isn't cloudy and it doesn't have a foul smell, so I have no clue. Is this a urine/kidney infection or something different? I really don't know.

I shaved an now my vagina burns when i pee whats going on?

did you cut over that bump? its probably when you go to the bathroom your urine gets on that bump and thats why you are feeling the burning sensation. It is most likely an in grown hair.
i dont shave every day. probably once every 2 weeks to let the hair grow out enough to where it doesn't hurt when shaving..or else i get very sensitive and i'm just shaving the skin...try not to shave as often or use a lot of shaving cream or wax it.

Pain while wiping after going to the bathroom?

I know this sounds weird, but after I pee, it hurts to wipe. Like, it stings really bad. It's never happened before. I'm currently on my period, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. What could cause this?

After getting fingered it hurts when I pee. Could this be serious?

Every time I get fingered, for like a day after, it kind of hurts when I pee. It goes away after like a day, and the pain isn't totally unbareable. It's just there. What I think happens is that it kind of gets streached out (sorry for gross details!) and tears a little bit. I could be wrong. Is it totally serious or can I just wait it off?

Also, I am still a virgin, there's no blood. As for a UTI, the only symptom of it that I have is the pain when I pee. Other than that, I don't have any symptoms.

Why does the tip of my penis burn after urinating?

MY BURNING SENSATION GOT HEALED IN NO-TIME (PERSONAL EXPERIENCE)I had this problem for almost all my teen life. I am sure you might not be feeling this burning sensation each time you masturbate. Without wasting much of the viewers time i would like to give help you through my personal experience, i know you might not have this problem due to the reason which i had but still i think most probably it would help you out to get rid of this damn problem as this problem is having the same effect but the causes might differ in person to person cases. This problem is caused to due to improper handling of your penis while masturbating. In my case I used to masturbate and applied too much pressure on the penis cap without realising that this is the most sensitive part of penis and requires as much less pressure of your hand as I can avoid. what actually happening is the cap being the most sensitive part it is much sensitive from the inside and hence gets easily damaged from the inside if you don’t care about the pressure. And when it gets damaged and at the same time you urinate, or there’s even a bit of urine is left in your penis before or after masturbation that’s where the damn devil is hurting your penis, and the devil is the acidic nature of urine which when contacted with the hurt part starts giving you intense burning sensation. That’s why you feel this burning sensation sometimes often, sometimes not at all, the urine contacts your hurt region sometimes if its there and that’s when you feel burning.What you can do?its simple and obvious. :) Use the remaining part of your penis other than the cap while masturbating to apply pressure with your hand and its solved. Trust me this problem vanishes really quickly, like after one week you will feel like you never had this problem. After one week you will feel no burning sensation at all due to the strength gained by the hurt region and now even if you sometimes masturbate carelessly it wont give you the burning sensation.Hope it helps.Thank you.P.S. Dont forget to UPVOTE, SHARE, COMMENT as there are several people suffering this problem which could be cured with such an effective and small solution.

How can I properly clean my butt after pooping without showering?

There are a couple of options there, but first, with anything, we need to analyze the situation to determine a root cause and subsequently choose a proper course of action.Let’s define the problem.The current assumption is that cleaning your anus with toilet paper only proceeds to offer unsatisfactory results, plainly meaning you have poop residue all over that region regardless of how much you wipe and it seems like there’s still some in the pipe.Now, we need to preface this a bit with some history such as the fact that when we were children our digestive tracts are in short order, short. We eat, we poop, and everything is a well oiled machine. Also, as rather hairless beings at a younger age, when the anus is wiped, nothing is left behind.As we hit puberty, get older, our bodies begin to grow hair in many places seen as well as those that are generally unseen, namely as concentric circles, or rings, around your anus.The problem with hair is that it’s really great at trapping things in, oils, earwax dandruff, flies, random crap that falls into it, and the crap we excrete. Also as we age, the plumbing becomes looser and less smooth due to our diets changing drastically. Consuming less healthy ingredients in day to day diets, holding in flatulence, holding in bowel movements, staying less hydrated, all contribute to partial bowel movements.So we’ve now identified two strong causes for poor cleaning of the anal area.Hair growthLoose rectumIf you’re trying to combat hair growth, that’s simple, just clean the area by stripping it of excess hair, the next wipe will be like when you were a child with two sets of square pairs. However, due to poor diet and Loose rectum, you may still have some left in the pipe.This is where a bidet comes in handy since you can use manual stimulation to clean the area of residual residue.Voila, with less rings around your anus and a bidet, you’ll be completely clean.

Weird pain when peeing??

Sweety, it sounds to me like you may have a Urinary Tract Infection. Here, I am attaching some information that describes the symptoms you feel. Try drinking cranberry juice, and increase your water intake. Go so a doctor as well, because this can be serious.
INFO: For Symptoms
Not everyone with a UTI has symptoms, but most people get at least some symptoms. These may include a frequent urge to urinate and a painful, burning feeling in the area of the bladder or urethra during urination. It is not unusual to feel bad all over—tired, shaky, washed out—and to feel pain even when not urinating. Often women feel an uncomfortable pressure above the pubic bone, and some men experience a fullness in the rectum. It is common for a person with a urinary infection to complain that, despite the urge to urinate, only a small amount of urine is passed. The urine itself may look milky or cloudy, even reddish if blood is present. Normally, a UTI does not cause fever if it is in the bladder or urethra. A fever may mean that the infection has reached the kidneys. Other symptoms of a kidney infection include pain in the back or side below the ribs, nausea, or vomiting.

In children, symptoms of a urinary infection may be overlooked or attributed to another disorder. A UTI should be considered when a child or infant seems irritable, is not eating normally, has an unexplained fever that does not go away, has incontinence or loose bowels, or is not thriving. Unlike adults, children are more likely to have fever and no other symptoms. This can happen to both boys and girls. The child should be seen by a doctor if there are any questions about these symptoms, especially a change in the child's urinary pattern.

What causes bright red blood in stool and lower back pain?

It could be ulcerative colitis (chronic inflammatory bowel disease). Before i was diagnosed with this condition i was having abdomen cramps and frequently had to go to the toilet. I was shitting bloody stool and suffered back pain at that time.So when i asked my doctor about the back pain, he said it was the cause of the inflammation in my intestine which spreads to my lower spinal area. But please do not think that you have ulcerative colitis because doctors have to perform a colonoscopy on you before they can find out what causes these symtoms that you are having.Please see a doctor first ok. I really hope you do not have this thing because having ulcerative colitis is very very frustrating. It really affects your social life.

Why does my anus burn and hurt so bad?

Ok its about 5:00am on saturday and since friday ive been pooping and i thought i had diareah (which i think is fron drinking white grape juice) anyway from about 12pm friday till now ive been pooping and not solid poop. When i go to lay down inbetween each use my butthole burns! So i stand up and it goes away but then i will need to go again ive gone avout 5 times now between 12pm-5am and like about the 4th time was when my butt starting burning when i would poop. What can i do!!??