So I Want To Get An Ultrasound But I Heard There Are Regulations For Certain States

The lady who does ultra sounds ?

We are called sonographers, ultrasonographers or ultrasound technologists (technician is considered demeaning). You don't have to attend a college to become a sonographer, but you do need to attend an educational program at a school with an accredited ultrasound program.

When thinking about entering an ultrasound program, you need not be concerned so much about certificate vs. degree. What is important is that you go to an ACCREDITED program, whether it is college or hospital based. An accredited program allows you to take your registry (licensing) exams upon graduation. Once you get licensed, you will never be asked about your schooling again. An employer does not care what route you take to get licensed, they just want you to have that license.

Don't waste your time or money on a NON-accredited program. Upon completion and graduation from a NON-accredited program, you must work in the field of sonography for a full year prior to taking your licensing examinations. But, you will have a hard time finding an employer to hire you, unless you are licensed.

I would suggest you observe an imaging department to get an idea of what ultrasonographers do daily. There is much more to it than scanning pregnant women. Most people have no idea how much is involved in this career!

You can find a list of accredited schools in your area, by searching "diagnostic medical sonography" and your state at the following site. There are links provided for each program, which will give you additional information (including course duration and prerequisite courses):

Many people, myself included, go to school to become a radiologic technologist, before continuing to ultrasound school. In fact, it can be difficult to get into u/s school without the RT license. There are many more choices for schools for x-ray in most states. You can find them here, by searching “radiography“ and your state:

The pay for ultrasound technologists will vary, depending on experience and geographical location. The American Society of Radiologic Technologists just did a large salary survey, in 2007. You can see how much a RT and/or ultrasound technologist averaged, per year, in your state here:

What do entry level Ultrasound Sonographer make?

Entry level sonographers make approximately $26.00 per hour (national average) to start , and that goes up with experience , and numbers of registry's held by the sonographer . Ultrasound is the highest paid speciality in medical imaging , and pay is equal to that of a Nuclear Med tech.

patient load depends on the numbers of beds per hospital , local demographics , and number of sonographers per department, however the average patient load is between 8 and 10 exams per 8 hour shift , though more experienced sonographers typically scan upwards of 15 patients per day. work shedules typically consist of 40 hours per week , with call rotation divided among departments members. this call rotation typically includes weekends throughout the month, and holidays to be divided between workers throughout the calender year.

If you are looking in getting into Ultrasound as a career be sure the program is recognized by the ARDMS (American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers). this is are regulatory board , and there are many many private schools out there with un-accredited programs . No accreditation = unable to take your registry exams upon graduation ...and hospitals are hesitant to hire non-registered candidates.

A full list , state by state, of accredited programs can be found at

as for the market being flooded , thats absolutely un-true ..ultrasound is actually in a SHORTAGE of QUALIFIED technologists . Yes..There are many graduates from UNACCREDITED programs out there that can't get jobs , but that's to be expected . The ultrasound shortage is growing in leaps and bounds , and is world wide...and approaching levels comparable to the nursing shortage.

I wish you luck:-)

Ultrasound tech or paralegal?

I'm going for my general u/s.

All I can say is if carpal tunnel scares you, then you might want to rethink being a paralegal too. I personally love the medical field and enjoy all aspects. You can become a traveling technician, which is soooo great! That's my goal. You can go anywhere.

It's whatever your goals are...I think carpal tunnel is a stupid reason for deciding between to completely different fields. paralegals spend lots of time typing too! See my source below.......

Can a parent legally force an underage child to get an abortion?

ya they can when your at certain age i have a friend that got pregnant when she was 14 and she was totally against abortion but since she was under the age of 15 her mother forced to get one.

What can I do as a regular person to help women access safe abortion?

Abortion is a very controversial topic! But at the end of the day it all depends on what both parents wants. Creating a safe abortion environment is about educating women on all the available choices that they have in case they are or will ever have to consider carrying out an abortion as a last resort.First conducting small seminars where you educate women on their constitutional rights about abortion will go along way in helping women to feel free about going to hospitals or safe places to discuss their abortion options at a very early stages.Second creating and putting brochures, posters or phamplets of all the available clinics including their contact info will make it easier for women to make appointments or call those places without fear of being judged for the choice they are about to make.

Ultrasound machines for purchase and use at home?

Ultrasonic imaging is the safest form of medical imaging, it is generally accepted there are no risks. That being said, however, there are 2 possible theoretical risks associated with ultrasound imaging.Heat generated by the device, same as any electronic device in contact with your body. i.e. cell phones, computers, etc...Potential cavitation, which would be the generation of bubble of gas within tissues. I couldn't find any evidence of this "adverse effect" occurring through normal imaging use. It has been explored as a therapeutic treatment using a much higher intensity of ultrasonic emission. Addressing the purchase for home use: As far as home use, consumer grade machines; They do not exist. One reason is the FDA regulations for medical use, although technically they wouldn't apply to non-medical use so this isn't an issue for the non-medical professional. They are expensive to manufacture, which I suspect has to do with the FDA regulations and an assumed lack of non-medical consumer interest.Actually, anyone can buy and use professional ultrasound machines, but they are expensive. I suspect home use without explicitly stating that you intend to use the machine for "medical" reasons does not violate any FDA rules, but I'm not an expert on this and could be wrong so do your research!

What are some gender issues in Western countries? Are there cases of oppression upon women despite mass feminist moves?

The one that pops into my mind is the situation in the United States in which women have been suffering from a prolonged and vicious battle for their own reproductive rights. Abortion is technically legal throughout the country, but various lawmakers have spent an inordinate amount of time coming up with rules and regulations that abortion clinics have no way of being able to adhere to, forcing them to close. In some states, clinics number in the single digits for the whole state. Just a handful of clinics for a landmass that, in many cases, is larger than my entire country.Then there are things like ultrasound laws, forcing pregnant people to look at ultrasounds of the foetus before confirming their decision to abort as well as forcing them into invasive and unnecessary vaginal ultrasounds.There's also the fact that many abortion clinics are forced to close after death threats and bomb scares; the right wing in America is violently and dangerously anti-abortion, to the point that they are willing to kill people that they believe are killing "babies". Abortion providers like Dr Warren Hern are risking their lives every day just for turning up to work. Dr George Tiller was murdered for providing late term abortions to people who needed them.The West has made a lot of advances in women's rights over the last century, but we can't pretend that things are perfect.

Why haven't the Republicans submitted any legislation making abortion illegal?

I believe that the Republican party understands that their real platform is not attractive to enough Americans to stay in power. Therefore they have chosen a few issues that people are passionate about and pay lip service to it. Specifically, I am talking about abortion and the 2nd amendment.The Republicans claim to be "pro-life" yet they don't actually do anything about it. For the last year they have been in complete control of the federal government. They own the Presidency, both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court. They can pass ANY legislation they want. They just forced through a "tax reform" bill that every economist says is grossly weighted towards the already wealthy and which every poll says is very unpopular. They also tried to repeal the ACA/Obamacare which would have cost millions of lower income Americans their healthcare while also reducing taxes on the wealthiest.They have not mentioned abortion even once. Their is no hint of legislation from anyone. It is barely even mentioned on their website. How can this be? They campaigned as being "pro-life"!! The reason is, they want your votes and because they want your votes, they will NEVER make abortion illegal because massive numbers of people will stop voting for their real platform.Ask yourself if taking away poor peoples healthcare, stopping meals on wheels, reducing funding for SSI, Medicare and Medicaide, refusing refugees, etc.. is really "pro-life". Is refusal to even consider banning assault rifles "pro-life"?These are tough words to say an hear. If you suspect there might be some truth to it, please give it some thought and discuss it with your friends.Let's elect some politicians who are really "pro-life" and want to help those in need, including helping young women in trouble make better choices.