So If Republicans Just Love Corporations Why Did Obama Bail Out Gm

Why do Republicans love corporations above all else?

Walmart will have sex with me when nobody else will.

Are Republicans anti-union? And if so, why?

It seems like a labor union is a part of free market capitalism, the workers banning together to level the playing field without government intervention. I'd think Republicans/Conservatives would love this idea. But they seem to be generally opposed to them. Am I wrong about that?

I understand why Republicans wouldn't want the government involved or a legal mandate. That seems to be in line with the "limited-government" Republican goal.

But why would you care if unions get so powerful they become detrimental to the company or its own employees? You can't say that the gov should step in because an entity is too large and you don't like what they're doing with that power. That seems anti-capitalism/anti-convervatism to me.

Does that make sense?

Why do Conservatives like the proposed Republican tax plan?

I haven’t gone through the laundry list of proposals, as the final product, which has a non-zero likelihood of not even passing, isn’t decided as far as I know. However I do ‘like’ two of the proposals I have heard discussed.-Ending the tax write-off for state and local income taxes. if a state/locality chooses to tax the income of its residents, why should the federal government subsidize that? It shouldn’t. Other deductions were created by the government to encourage certain behaviors, like the deduction for mortgages to encourage people buying a home. The federal government has zero business encouraging states to raise their state income taxes, which is essentially what the current system does.-Lowering corporate tax rates. This goes without saying considering how our rate compares to other countries. The US has the highest amongst OECG countries, and is second highest (only behind New Zealand) when you try and take into account the various deductions. If corporations have moved their activities overseas in part due to higher tax rates, it makes sense to lower them.*** EDIT***I love reading the answers from non-conservatives dripping with absolute disdain towards anyone who holds a different opinion than they on taxes. I hope they keep it up!

Liberals can you rebut my reasons that I'm against Obama's stimulus plan?

with any intellect.....(and please refrain from using well Bush messed it soo bad that we needed to go in more debt. That gets kind of old)

1) you don't get out of debt by going into more debt

2) you don't create a healthy stock market by increasing taxes on the rich which includes corporations

3) you create jobs through the private sector not through government spending...

4) this economy will be stagnant....for at least another year and half....cause this appropriated money will not get used expeditiously...cause of length of government bidding and the planning and development phase takes a long time.

5) meanwhile, Democratic politicians will find other ways to spend the money.

6) The Democrat Party has the most corrupt people who protect each other: Schumer, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Rangel, Barney Frank, Tim Giethner etc

7) Obama will propose another $400 Billion for his Budget....

8) Healthcare cost will actually go up or quality go down...cause Government will either contract with an expensive bidder for quality and be charged more (Cause companies know they can rip off the Government with higher priced contracts). Hence the more tax dollars needed to pay for this (They tried this in Hawaii with Children and didn't last for 7 Months)..... Or The Quality goes down cause government will take the lowest bidder who doesnt offer much in order to save money.

7) Fuel prices will go up....cause there is no push for Domestic Drilling (which would create more jobs btw through the private sector)

8) FDR and Japan tried Government spending to get out of recession/ only prolonged it.

Why do the republicans want to put thousands of people out of work by shutting down the USPS?

Maybe they think that Private industry is better so using Fedex at $17 a pop is better than paying the postal service 44 cents.

Republicans and handouts?

It's so funny how republicans view any kind of handouts for the poor to be unacceptable. But when it comes to handouts for the rich republicans support it 100%. Oil companies receiving 3 billion in tax cuts every year? The same oil companies that posted 80 billion in profits in 2011 alone. So they get tax cuts and the middle-poor class have to make up the difference? It that considered to be a giant handout? Yes it is!....7.8 billion in tax cuts for giant corporations for creating jobs...the only problem with this is that we have LOST 11 million jobs in the past 7 in reality it's tax cuts for losing jobs, sending work over seas and crippling the countries that a giant handout? Yes it is! Bank bailouts worth 700 billion tax dollars? Is that a giant handout too? Yes it is! It was not their money, it was mine and other tax payers money...but if us taxpayers started a business and failed what are our chances of getting bailed out? ZERO chance of that I guess it is only the super rich who are allowed to collect handouts on the baks of the working, middle, and poor class in this country in the minds of republicans...and why is this? Go to and look up the list of richest us politicians....7 of the top 9 are republicans...the other two are independents...that's why republicans support handouts for the rich...because they are the rich!

Why do people love President Obama?

From an outsider's (I like in the UK) point of view there are a few reasons why people love him:Firstly, is that he is a phenomenal orator. His speaking really does inspire and encourage, in the UK especially this is an important thing because compared to everyone in mainstream politics Obama just blows them out of the water. Even though it been a long time since his original presidential campaign and the initial glow has worn off, its still impressive to hear him speak.Secondly, compared to the Republicans he seems to be far more level headed and 'correct' on most matters. A combination of the bad, unintelligent view of Bush jr and the Tea Party crazies, the Obama administration seems like a far better option. In the UK, however, it has to be noted that the left wing party is called Labour and the right wing party is called the Conservatives, yet the Democratic party is far more naturally aligned to the Conservatives than Labour. The Republicans are much further right wing than anything that we're used to in the UK.And thirdly, he just seems like a completely awesome guy. You just want to hang out with him, I mean he has Jay-Z's phone number! His social media campaign has worked very well for him; whether it being the former most re-tweeted picture in the world, hanging out with celebrities or fist-bumping a White House cleaner.Having saying all this, being a UK citizen his policies and the subsequent consequences don't really affect me, so I'm less likely to view him negatively because of his actual performance.