So It Says The Volume Of A Right Come Is 180 Pi Cm^3. Find The Radius Of The Cone.

Find the volume of a sphere with a radius of 3. 12π units3 36π units3?

somewhere over nine thousand

A cylinder and a cone have the same height and radius. The volume of the cylinder is 24 cubic cm. What will the volume of the cone be?

The volume of a right circular cone is [math]\frac{\pi r^2 h}{3}[/math] — one-third the volume of the cylinder with the same radius and height. There are very good explanations by, among others, Gary Aragon, Charles Rippert, and Peter Webb as to why this is so. Now you have everything you need to do your own homework but, as you could have looked this up in ten seconds, you apparently have no interest in doing that when the Magic Quora Homework Machine™ can just give you answers.There’s a price for doing this. Not today, not tomorrow; but it’s a lead-pipe certainty that cheating instead of learning will cost you eventually.

If the height of a cone is 18 cm and the volume is 924 cubic cm, can you find the radius of the base?

Volume of cone = 924 ccHeight of cone = 18 cmRadius of base of the cone = [3*924*7/(18*22)]^0.5 = 7 cm.Check: Volume of cone = (1/3)*(22/7)*18*7^2 = 924 cc. CorrectRadius of base of the cone = 7 cm.

If you find the volume of a cone, what does 1/3 of base times height mean?

1/3 x area of the base x vertical height.It refers to a right circular cone ( one with its apex directly above and perpendicular to the base).The formula is developed from calculus.V= pi x Integral of r squared within the limits 0 to h.the resulting formula turns out to be V=1/3 x Pi x r squared x h.Sorry for not being able to use the proper math symbols

The radius of a right circular cone is increasing at a rate of 1.5 in/s while its height is decreasing at a ra?

The radius of a right circular cone is increasing at a rate of 1.5 in/s while its height is decreasing at a rate of 2.8 in/s. At what rate is the volume of the cone changing when the radius is 105 in. and the height is 168 in.?

The radius of a right circular cone is increasing at a rate of 1.8 in/s while its height is decreasing at a ..

V = (pi/3) * r^2 * h

dV/dt = (pi/3) * [r^2 * (dh/dt) + 2rh * (dr/dt)]

dr/dt = 1.8 in/s

dh/dt = -2.5 in/s

If r = 129 in. and h = 143 in., then.....

dV/dt = (pi/3) * [(129^2)(-2.5) + 2(129)(143)(1.8)]

= (pi/3) * (-41602.5 + 66409.2)

= (pi/3) * (24806.7)

= 8268.9*pi in^3/s

What is the volume of a cone if the curved surface area of a right circular of a cone is 198 cm and radius of the base is 7?

Let h be the vertical height ,l be the slant height and r be theradius of base of a right circular cone, Its curved surface area=pi.r.l sq.unìt and volume =(1/3).pi.r^ = 198 cm^2. and r = 7 cm.(22/7).7.l = 198.l =198/22 =9 cm. , but h ^2 = l ^2 - r^2.h^2 = 9^2- 7^2=32 .h=4.(2)^1/2 cm.Volume of cone = (1/3).pi. r^2.h.= (1/3).(22/7).7.7.4.(2)^1/2=616/3.(2)^1/2 cm^3.=290.34 cm^3. , Answer.

The height of a cone is twice the diameter of the base. If the volume of the cone is 130 cubic cm, what should be the measurement of its height?

Volume of a cone = (1/3)(pi)hr^2.Here h = 4r, so(1/3)(22/7)4r^3 = 130 cc, orr^3 = (130*3*7)/88 = 31.02272727, orr = 31.02272727^(1/3) = 3.142148153 cm and the height of the cone = 12.56859261cm.Check: V = (1/3)*22/7)4*3.142148153^3 = 130, correct.The height of the cone = 12.56859261cm.

How do you calculate the height and radius of a cylinder if their ratio and the volume are known?

r = cuberoot[V/(pi)(a)]h = cuberoot[(V)(a^2)/(pi)]V= (pi)(r^2)(h)let a the ratio of the height to the radius, so a = h/r so h =ar and r = h/asubstitute (ar) for (h),V=(pi)(r^3)(a) solve for (r) divide both sides by (pi)(a)V/(pi)(a) = r^3 take the cube root of both sides r = cuberoot[V/(pi)(a)]Substitute (h/a) for (r)V=(pi)(h^2/a^2)(h) => V = (pi)(h^3)/(a^2) multiply both sides by (a^2),(V)(a^2) =(pi)(h^3) divide by (pi) => (V)(a^2)/(pi) = (h^3) take cube rooth = cuberoot[(V)(a^2)/(pi)]