So Ur Saying Ill Fail For One Hydrocodone In Three Days Over 72 Hours I Weigh 140 Vary Little Body

How long can alcohol be detected by any type of drug/alcohol screening test?

That depends on what you mean by “detected.”Alcohol can be detected in urine for 3-5 days via Ethyl Gluconoride (EGT) metabolite or 10-12 hours via traditional methods.If you drink heavily, there's a good chance you'll still stink of alcohol the following day, even if you've showered and brushed your teeth. In my own experience, alcohol secretes through your skin as it metabolites (mostly hard liquors such as rum or vodka) and you often smell drunk the following day even if you aren't. Alcoholics and heavy drinkers unaffectionately refer to this phenomenon as “booze sweats.” At least in my experience.If you're more concerned about physically/visually appearing drunk, it depends greatly on your body weight, the amount of alcohol you've consumed and your metabolism.I've done my fair share of drinking so my advice to you is - considering you are concerned about alcohol being detected in your system - to use judgement when consuming alcohol. Don't ever drive after drinking and be wary of the amount of alcohol you drink. Drinking excessive alcohol can and will lead to blackouts - they're not made up - which are blocks of time where you won't remember what you did, said or where you went. It can put you at serious risk for hurting yourself, someone else or being taken advantage of. It can also cause you to say or do things that are inappropriate, out of character, dangerous or illegal.There's nothing necessary wrong with having a few drinks if you're of legal age and are able to be responsible. If you aren't capable of managing your drinking or if drinking alcohol could jeopardize your life in some way, I can promise you from personally experience that a few hours of drunken stupidity is 110% not worth the hangover tomorrow and potentially ruining your life.