So We Moved And My Cat Just Tried To Jump Out Of The Window

Do dogs jump out of car windows while you're driving?

If the window was open and my Dobermann b*tch caught sight of a fox, rabbit, cat or other prey animal she would be out the window like a shot and chasing the animal without a thought to her safety or that of other road users - driven by a strong natural instinct which is intensely satisfying, she would be gone.

For reasons of safety because my dogs cannot be relied on 100% to control their impulse/instinct, they are restrained with canine seat belts.

Is my cat throwing a tantrum?

She has been pooping in my kitchen sink! Yuck! She always is wanting outside because she wants to hunt mice, grasshoppers, cockroaches, beetles, birds, anything that moves! She brings these creatures alive into my house slightly maimed, but moving well, and it freaks me out! I hear mice squeaking sometimes at night, when she shows up to be let in a 3 am in the morning, and Im too groggy to notice shes got something in her mouth! Shes had grasshoppers flipping and jumping around the whole house! She doesn't eat any of these creatures, she just plays will them, tortures me with them, then kills them for me to clean up the gooey mess! Last time I let her out, she was gone 5 days! My son cried, because we thought she was dead! I haven't been letting her out, so he won't get upset again. Is she pooping in the sink because shes mad? By the way, she pooped in the sink months before, but then we had thought it was our male cat. Now we know it wasn't. Thanks. Please help us.

How to jump out a 2nd story window?

i dont need any stupid answers but im just cureious on how acters and stunt men do it. id honestly love to try jumping out my bedroom window it looks fun. i just dont feel like breaking a heel or ankle or speaingin my foot or breaking my leg.just tell mi how i can do it instead of all them stupid answers for a stupid ?.

Will kitty jump out the window?

Let me say, first off, my kitty is VERY territorial and violent. He hates other cats, and if he wasn't an indoor cat there would be plenty of dead cats in our neighborhood. We can't open our windows downstairs because if a stray cat walked past them he'd jump right out the window and clobber them.

My room is upstairs (first from the ground) so I'm sure no cat would be able to jump THAT high. But sometimes I can hear stray cats howling from my room. Do you think, if there was a howling cat outside and my windows were open, my cat would jump out the window? My dad says he wouldn't, that the window screen would be too much of a challenge, but I'm being paranoid.

Sorry if this is a stupid question, really have to know my cat...


How Can I keep a cat off a window sill??

To all of you people who want to judge rather than be helpful, we have just moved from a new country and are settling on the purchase of a new home...we took a temporary rental to avoid the cats having to be boarded for 2 months. I suppose you people would do the cruel thing and board them each their own, but I love them and didn't want them to suffer like that.

Why don't dogs jump out of moving vehicles?

Some do. I've seen several dogs jump from the beds of pickup trucks while they were moving. Fortunately, the trucks weren't going that fast.  Most dogs, however, can't stand up well in moving vehicles and are probably fearful to attempt to jump while moving.

How do dogs riding in trucks and cars know not to jump out, or do they know?

They DO NOT KNOW, just like they DON'T KNOW ABOUT CARS!! Any vet you ask will tell you to NEVER let your dog ride in the back of a pickup truck or with windows completely down, hanging out. They may ride like that for a long time and nothing happens, but one day they may see another dog, or something in the road, and jump. Also, if you take a sharp turn, have to stop suddenly or get in an accident, they will fly out and be killed. What's to stop that? They aren't confined. Another thing is, if you let your animal hang it's head out of a window while your driving, they have the REAL chance of having something get in their eyes. They can have their eye put out, or go blind. SO MANY PEOPLE DON'T KNOW ABOUT THIS, AND THINK AN ANIMAL KNOWS ALL ABOUT LIFE, BUT WHERE DID THEY LEARN IT FROM, THEIR MOTHERS!!!!!! That's why you see so many dead or injured animals hit by cars, or worse.

My advise, a seat belt in the back seat, or passenger side of your car or truck. They make them for pets, and it's alot better than a HUGE VET BILL if you stop suddenly and they go flying. They are like children, with no protection, they will fly and hit something if not fitted securely with an animal seat belt. Find them at any pet store, they're not that expensive.

And NEVER tether your dog in the back of a pickup with a rope or leash. They can fall out and hang themselves.

Cat acting weird after moving to a new house. Will he be ok?

My cat Edwin is my best friend and I am a little concerned. I just moved back in with my parents today, and he hasnt gone to explore the house at all. He was exploring around my room for maybe an hour or so, and he would walk around, and then he tried to jump up on the window, but fell because he didnt realize that my parents windows dont have a place for him to perch. Then he had a run in with my stepdads cat and he was very agitated and hisses and growls whenever she is near, and she tried to fight him. I have kept them apart since then, and he has a separate litter box and food in my room. What I am concerned about is he is acting strange. Not like himself. he isnt eating anything, unless I give it to him once piece at a time, and when I put him next to his litterbox to remind him that he can use it, he hisses (and he NEVER hisses at me)

he is just laying on my bed next to me sleeping, he lets me pet him and all that, but he just isnt moving around, eating, using his box, which is unlike him because he doesnt lounge around much.

My mom thinks that he is scared of the new place he is in, and only feels safe on the bed.

Anything I should do to make him feel better? or just give him time? I am also worried because he has had accidents (pee on bed, poo on carpet) before, im a little worried he will forget to use his box.